Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1957 A cold sword! (1 update)

"Boy, you have the guts!"

Xiao Yi's eyes turned cold, Ling Feng's disapproving attitude caused him great dissatisfaction.

"Since you are unwilling to take the initiative to admit defeat, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Xiao Yi has despised Xiao Juanyun's younger brother since he was a child, because although Xiao Juanyun can be regarded as a direct descendant, he is the descendant of the head of the Xiao family and an ordinary woman who is completely different from martial arts, while his mother is It comes from one of the nine major families.

Therefore, in Xiao Yi's opinion, he was inherently superior to Xiao Juanyun, so he naturally looked down on his younger brother.

And Ling Feng and Xiao Juanyun are mixed together. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and people who are with "trash" can naturally only be trash!

Immediately, the onlookers in the audience started talking, "It looks like that Ling Feng is probably coming to an end!"

"After all, Xiao Yi is a master on the last swordsman list. He is very powerful. Ling Feng may not be able to defeat him!"

"Speaking of which, Ling Feng is also unlucky. He is only one step away from being among the top ten."

"Hehe, it's bad luck for him to be targeted by Xiao Yi."

Before the battle started, the audience in the audience were talking a lot and had already made judgments on the outcome. They unanimously believed that Ling Feng was not Xiao Yi's opponent.

Of course, there are also discerning people who just shake their heads and smile, such as Xuanyuan Longteng, the head of the Xuanyuan family, and Zhuge Qingtian, the elder of the Zhuge family on the referee's bench.

In this battle, Xiao Yi might have picked the wrong person.

In the player box.

A hint of excitement flashed in Zhuge Wan'er's eyes. She almost lost the qualification to compete for the Sword Master List, but her strength was still there and she finally made it to the top ten.

But there was always a thorn in her heart.

This thorn is naturally Ling Feng.

On the stage.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Xiao Yi sneered, "Did you hear that? Everyone has already told you your final fate. Since you are unwilling to admit defeat, I will let you know where the seat for the weak is?"

"Are you going to defeat me with your mouth?"

Ling Feng's face was expressionless. He really didn't know where Xiao Yi came from and felt that he was superior to others.

In reality, he's just a clown.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, and without any nonsense, he stabbed Ling Feng fiercely with his sword.

Although he kept saying that he did not take Ling Feng seriously, Xiao Yi did not dare to be careless when he took action.

After all, Ling Feng is a strong man who has defeated Zhuge Wan'er and Tie Yan one after another. He cannot let Ling Feng have the opportunity to suppress him with brute force.

Xiao Yi's sword was like lightning, so fast that it made people's eyes jump. It looked like he was going to defeat Ling Feng with just one sword and was unable to stand up.

Ling Feng took a diagonal step forward, and Xiao Yi's sword missed. When he was surprised, Xiao Yi slashed horizontally with his sword, and chased after him without giving Ling Feng the slightest chance.

Ling Feng's steps were messy, moving forward and backward freely, while Xiao Yi's every sword failed, leaving the onlookers dumbfounded.

"how come?"

Xiao Yi's eyelids were twitching wildly. His sword speed was not only second to none among his peers, but he was also top-notch. But what happened to Ling Feng?

Can you dodge every move easily?

This was no longer a matter of movement. It was as if he had been stripped naked and placed in front of Ling Feng. There were no secrets. It seemed that all his sword moves had been seen through.


Xiao Yi's sword paused, and the moment people thought he was about to stop, he stabbed out with another sword. Under this sword, eighteen sword lights appeared at the same time. At the same moment, a domineering and sharp sword force swept across Opening up, the eighteen rays of sword light increased by more than 50% invisibly.

"Boy, you are already proud of yourself for being able to force me to use the power of the Golden Edge Sword!"

Xiao Yi's face became stern, and eighteen rays of sword light, like eighteen dragons, hovered over the ring. In the next moment, they turned into a rain of swords all over the sky, attacking Ling Feng one after another.

In the next breath, the sword light all over the sky suddenly gathered together and condensed into a long sword that seemed to have substance.

"Boy, this sword was originally used to deal with Xuanyuan Yu. Now that you have the honor to see it, you should feel honored!"

Xiao Yi laughed and watched Ling Feng being covered by the light of his sword. Under the perception of the sword's power, he had firmly locked onto Ling Feng's Qi, making it impossible for him to escape.

"I didn't expect that he actually trained your Xiao family's 'Yijian Guanghan' to the eighteenth level!"

On the high platform, Xuanyuan Longteng nodded slightly, and his sword Guanghan was one of the secret skills of the Xiao family. An ordinary swordsman who has practiced at the fifteenth level is considered a genius. Xiao Yi was able to reach the 18th level before the age of fifty, so he could be regarded as a monster genius that would not be born in a century.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I have just broken through not long ago, and I am still a little behind on how to use it. If I reach the 19th level and understand the secret of a sword that lights up nineteen continents, I might be able to compete with that boy from your Xuanyuan family."

The Xiao family elders shook their heads and smiled. Although they were modest, there was obviously a proud smile on their faces.

"Haha, the Xiao family's unique skills are naturally powerful." Xuanyuan Longteng laughed, and then said: "But Xiao Yi, the situation does not seem to be good."

Hearing this, the elders of the Xiao family took a closer look. The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, we failed!"

Sure enough, when Xiao Yi was complacent, thinking that Ling Feng would definitely lose, suddenly, it seemed that Ling Feng's aura disappeared in an instant?

Before he could react, his sword move failed. Immediately afterwards, he felt his chest being slashed. With the burst of power, his whole body retreated uncontrollably, feeling chest tightness and difficulty breathing.


With a scream, Xiao Yi fell heavily to the ground. Before he could get up, he immediately felt a cold and cold touch on his neck.

He knew very well that it was the touch of the sword.

As long as Ling Feng exerts a little force, his life may be sealed here.

"Ling Feng wins!"

The referee still announced the result of the game expressionlessly, but there was a hint of shock in his eyes.

He knew very well that the power of the Xiao family's secret skill "One Sword of Light" was not that Xiao Yi was too weak, but that Ling Feng was indeed too strong.

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