Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1958 Drinking under the moon! (2 updates)

The warriors in the audience were so dazzled by Xiao Yi's dazzling sword light that they dared not look directly at the ring. At this moment, when they heard the referee's voice, they put down their palms and took a closer look, only to see Ling Feng's sword touching Xiao Yi's chest. On his neck, Xiao Yi fell to the ground with an unwilling look on his face.

This plot development doesn’t seem right, does it?

"Am I dazzled?"

"Ling Feng actually won?"

"Did Xiao Yi lose after he used such a trick?"

On the high platform, the elders of the nine major families were somewhat horrified, especially the elder Xiao, who frowned and said: "Master Xuanyuan, why did the sword move that boy just used seem a bit like the Void Wanren of your Xuanyuan family? "


Xuanyuan Longteng smiled coquettishly, but little did he know that there was also a turmoil in his heart.

"This boy!"

A look of solemnity flashed in Xuanyuan Long Teng's eyes. He had only given Ling Feng the foundation of an introductory chapter. He never expected that Ling Feng could reach this level of understanding based on just this foundation.

This can no longer be described as a monster.

This is simply a freak!

On the stage.

"Strong people don't speak with their mouths!"

The edge of Ling Feng's sword was pressed against Xiao Yi's neck, and his tall and straight figure stood on the ring, like a sword from the sky, soaring into the sky.

Under Ling Feng's domineering and stern aura, Xiao Yi actually felt a trembling feeling.

Xiao Yi was sweating slightly on his head. His most proud sword was actually dodged by the opponent so lightly.

"Get out of here."

Ling Feng flew up and kicked Xiao Yi hard on the chest.

He controlled the strength very well and did not kill this guy. However, this kick was enough to keep him lying on the bed for half a month.

This kick was considered as a way to vent Xiao Juanyun's bad temper.

The referee was stunned for a moment. The result of the game had already been decided. It seemed a bit against the rules for Ling Feng to attack his opponent again. However, who made Xiao Yi so arrogant before? As a young man, it was understandable that he was a little angry.

Therefore, the referee finally chose to turn a blind eye and close one eye.

Ling Feng put away his sword and jumped off the ring. When he returned to his seat, he saw many eyes looking at him, some with friendly greetings and some with fighting spirit.

Chu Chaonan nodded to himself and smiled. In his opinion, such a result was natural.

As for Zhuge Wan'er, she glared at Ling Feng fiercely, but her mood seemed a bit complicated, as if she was relieved.

After all, on the one hand, she hopes that Ling Feng will lose quickly, but on the other hand, she is afraid that if Ling Feng loses to Xiao Yi, if he challenges her, then she will miss the top ten.

Therefore, this result seems to be a relatively good result.

The battle ended with Xiao Yi's failure in challenging Ling Feng, and the final list of the top ten players was finally determined.

Xuanyuan Longteng calmed down the shock in his heart a little, jumped down from the high platform, and loudly announced to the remaining ten talented warriors that the next competition between the top ten players would begin early tomorrow morning.

The rules of the top ten ranking battle are also very simple. Because it involves ranking issues, in order to avoid chance, each player will compete with each other once.

Finally, rankings are based on the number of games won.

"Damn, we have to wait until tomorrow! I can't wait!"

"That is to say, a showdown between truly strong men is more interesting!"


The audience in the audience complained for a while, but obviously their complaints could not change anything. At the end of the game, Xuanjian Villa was closed again, and the remaining top ten players also returned to their residences to rest and prepare for tomorrow's game.

In the top ten battle, everyone needs to deal with nine games, lasting three days, without rest in between.

There is no doubt that this will be a tough battle.

The night is getting darker.

Ling Feng sat cross-legged in his own room, concentrating on running the "Seizing Heaven Condensing Sword Technique" to condense his sword power.

In this villa, one is enveloped in the majestic knowledge of swordsmanship at all times. The improvement of swordsmanship is more than ten times more effective than in the outside world. Naturally, not a penny can be wasted.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Ling Feng frowned slightly and heard a voice, "Brother Ling, I am Chu Chaonan."

"Chu Chaonan?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, stood up, strode to the door, opened the door, glanced at Chu Chaonan, and couldn't help but be curious, "Brother Chu is here late at night, why are you doing this?"

"Hey, it's been a long night, and I suddenly feel like drinking. I wonder if Brother Ling would be interested in having a few drinks together?"

As he said that, Chu Chaonan took out two jars of wine from behind and said with a smile: "This is the aged wine I stole from the master. If he finds out, the old man will probably destroy half of it." Save your life!"

Ling Feng sniffed the wine in front of him, and a strong aroma hit his nostrils, which immediately aroused the wine bug in his stomach.

Ever since Ling Feng set foot in martial arts, he first followed Duanmu Qingshan, an old drunkard. Later, when he was at Tianwei Academy, Yan Cangtian was also a drunkard. Ling Feng was influenced to some extent by these two people, and he also had a strong interest in the contents of the cup. Things, quite like it.

"Haha, then I'd rather be respectful than obey."

Ling Feng glanced at Chu Chaonan. Although he didn't know him well, the sword's heart was like the heart of a man. If he could practice basic swordsmanship down to his level, his character would not be bad.

The two of them were in the pavilion outside the courtyard, one person at a time, drinking heavily.

"Wine, wine!"

Ling Feng only took a sip and felt a warm current surge in his Dantian. Immediately afterwards, the vitality in his limbs began to circulate automatically. The effect of this sip was comparable to the results of sitting cross-legged and meditating for several days. .

This kind of fine wine is probably of the highest quality. No wonder Chu Chaonan said that if his master discovered it, the end would be miserable.

"Brother Chu and I don't seem to have any deep friendship, right? You actually shared this fine wine with me?"

Ling Feng glanced at Chu Chaonan curiously. This stall of fine wine was definitely comparable to the Nine Apertures Concentration Pill that he helped refine at Pegasus Ranch. No matter how generous Chu Chaonan was, he wouldn't just give it away. Such a treasure.

"Hehe, of course I like you."

Chu Chaonan narrowed his eyes and smiled, and continued: "Of course, this is just one of the reasons. Secondly, none of us are from the nine major families. The old man asked me to defeat the younger generation of the nine major families. So naturally I can't go to them for a drink, so I have to go to you."

After hearing this, Ling Feng suddenly became a little curious about the old man Chu Chaonan was talking about, "Could it be that Brother Chu's master has a grudge against the nine major families?"

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