Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1968 The void is vast! (3 updates)

"Void Sword Body!"

"Hunyuan Lock, open!"

About a quarter of an hour later, as if they had made an agreement, the two of them each displayed their trump cards, and their momentum increased a lot.

At this moment, the huge arena completely turned into a world for two people.

The two figures moved quickly and kept drawing swords. People could hardly see the two figures anymore. They could only judge the relationship between the two from the sound of the sword blades clashing and the traces of explosions on the ground. The confrontation between them was so thrilling.

"Their void rules have reached level four or above. Not only are they fighting in the ring, they are even fighting while traveling through the void!"

On the high platform, Xuanyuan Longteng said something. He originally thought that after Xuanyuan Yu exposed his void sword body, he would be able to crush Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan. Who knew that he would be defeated by Chu Chaonan, but now he even Ling Feng can also challenge Xuanyuan Yu's void sword head-on.

This guy's use of the rules of the void is actually as good as Xuanyuan Yu's.

Xuanyuan Longteng even doubted whether Ling Feng also possessed a void sword body, otherwise how could he be so defiant.

In fact, Ling Feng's body of chaos is all-encompassing, and the power of the void is also one of the forms of chaos. Therefore, it is not a bad idea to think that Ling Feng possesses a void sword body.

Bang bang bang!

In constant confrontation, the two figures disappeared and appeared in the void again and again, and collided again and again, regardless of top or bottom!

"Could Xuanyuan Yu and Ling Feng be tied? And the strongest person is Chu Chaonan?"

Some people began to speculate on the final ranking. After all, on the surface, Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Yu were indistinguishable, and Chu Chaonan defeated Xuanyuan Yu in an almost crushing manner.

As everyone knows, Ling Feng also has his own plans.

Xuanyuan Yu was born with the Void Sword Body, and he was uniquely able to control the rules of the void. The reason why Ling Feng kept hiding his strength was to steal from Xuanyuan Yu!

And the effect is indeed very good.

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of swords clashing could be heard endlessly, and the arena beneath their feet was already riddled with holes.

Can't fight for a long time.

Xuanyuan Yu finally felt a little impatient.

He slashed out with his sword in an extremely domineering manner, while he quickly retreated.

This was the first time Xuanyuan Yu retreated.

He needed a short time, even just a short breath, to adjust.

"It seems that I can only defeat you by using the Void Ten Thousand Rings. Be careful!"

Xuanyuan Yu loudly reminded him that in his opinion, Ling Feng was already an excellent opponent, enough to win his respect, so he was not willing to severely injure Ling Feng unless it was absolutely necessary.

It's just that the power of Void Ten Thousand Ren is too powerful, and even he himself may not be able to control it well.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time."

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Feng's lips, "The Xuanyuan family's vast void, come on, let me experience it for myself!"

"as you wish!"

Xuanyuan Yu's expression condensed, and his aura suddenly surged.

The Void Sword Body, combined with the Void Ten Thousand Rings, is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two. Its power has even increased exponentially.

"Finally showed up again!"

Chu Chaonan had a solemn look on his face. Although he defeated Xuanyuan Yu, it did not mean that Xuanyuan Yu was weak.

In fact, if it weren't for the change in the blissful boy's appearance, he would not be sure of defeating Xuanyuan Yu.

And even if he displayed the form of a blissful boy and turned himself into the aura of heaven and earth, when he was penetrated by those void sword energies, Chu Chaonan still had the illusion that he was about to be crushed to pieces.

"Brother Ling, I want to see how you deal with it?"

The corner of Chu Chaonan's mouth curled up. The move Ling Feng used to deal with Zhu Changyue was powerful enough, but unfortunately, the speed was too slow.

When the Void Ten Thousand Rings erupts, it only takes a moment. By the time Ling Feng condenses the Hundred-Zhang Heavenly Sword, his entire body will probably be shot into a sieve.

On the stage.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the sky, shaking violently. Transparent void sword blades slowly condensed and formed from those ripples, and were scattered around Chu Chaonan's body.

These void sword energies not only have powerful penetrating and destructive power, but the power of annihilation contained in them is the most terrifying power.

Not only that, when they shoot out again, they don't shoot out in a straight line, but can penetrate the void at will, and then suddenly shoot out of the void at an uncertain position, making it difficult for people to guard against.

And when Void Ten Thousand Ren has reached great heights in cultivation, he can shoot ten thousand Void Blades in an instant.

This is the secret of Void Ten Thousand Rings. Once locked by Void Ten Thousand Rings, there is only one way to perish.

Unless he has the ability like Chu Chaonan's "Blissful Boy Appearance".

With Xuanyuan Yu's cultivation level, although he is not yet at the level of controlling Wanren, he is still enough to control five hundred Void Blades.

For a moment, Ling Feng felt that his energy was completely locked. Xuanyuan Yu's thoughts moved, and one hundred void blades were shot out.

Those blades of the void constantly appeared alternately in the void, crashing down in a mighty and mighty manner, like raging waves, turbulent waves, and raging waves.

"Just in time! Transform into a thousand layers, explode!"

Ling Feng looked up to the sky and roared, the yin-yang fish in his left eye floated, and in an instant, his body turned into countless rays of golden light, shooting out in all directions.

Those tens of thousands of golden lights were so dazzling that Xuanyuan Yu's sky was so bright that he immediately lost his target.

"Sure enough, I still have a trump card!"

Xuanyuan Yu's expression changed, and with a thought, the five hundred void blades around him, like dragons, circled crazily above the entire arena, covering the entire arena within the attack range.

There is a defensive barrier on the edge of the arena. Ling Feng cannot exceed the range of this barrier, otherwise he will be deemed to have left the arena and will automatically be disqualified from the competition.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Ling Feng's figure appeared under the pressure of countless void blades.

Only this time, there seemed to be a blockage of void power all over his body, blocking all the void blades ten feet away from his body.

"I have already seen your vast emptiness, so let you take a look at my vast emptiness!"

A special light suddenly bloomed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the next moment, the void around him trembled violently.

If the void around Xuanyuan Yu is like a calm lake with ripples rippling, the void around Ling Feng is like a raging ocean with undulating waves.


The void trembled violently, and then, a handful of void blades condensed around Ling Feng and slowly formed in the void. Compared with Xuanyuan Yu's void blades, they were larger and more terrifying in number.

A thousand handfuls!

Two thousand!

Three thousand!

In the end, Ling Feng actually condensed three thousand void blades directly, floating around them. As long as Ling Feng's thoughts moved, the three thousand void blades would be shot out instantly.

(PS: Regarding the explosive update, I will explain it one last time. I suspect that some people’s understanding ability is really problematic. As I said clearly before, it is the explosive update in May, not the May 1st explosive update. And the 515 Fan Festival event , the event is not over yet, just making noises? Although I rarely post updates, but when did I say I did so and didn’t?

If I don't want to break the news, why should I say it? Looking for trouble? I'm not a great person, so there's no need to cheat for a few monthly tickets. There's no ranking anyway, and it won't be my turn to get any ranking rewards in the end. I just want to participate. To be honest, that event was only supported by everyone in the first few days and it was on the list, but then it basically disappeared.

I am also very grateful to everyone for supporting me, so I said that no matter whether there is a ranking in the end, there will definitely be more updates. May is not over yet, it is initially scheduled to be at the end of the month, before the end of May! )

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