Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1969 Stealing a master? (1 update)

" is it possible?"

Xuanyuan Yu was completely dumbfounded. If he was defeated in the battle with Chu Chaonan, the opponent's ability happened to restrain him to a certain extent. However, in front of Ling Feng, he felt a crushing feeling that was almost despairing. pressure.

Ling Feng can actually be in the void, and the void blade he has condensed is several times that of his own!

Three thousand versus five hundred!

How huge is this gap?

The most important thing is that the void is a secret that has not been passed down to the Xuanyuan family!

On the high platform, Xuanyuan Longteng was even more astonished, his eyelids twitching wildly, "The Ten Thousand Rifts of the Void, how can this kid perform the Ten Thousand Rifts of the Void? Moreover, his attainments are still above Yu'er's!"

He clearly only gave Ling Feng an introductory chapter. In the previous battles, Ling Feng's moves also revealed some shadows of Void Wanren.

However, that is still within the acceptable range.

But now, Ling Feng has actually fully displayed Ten Thousand Rins of the Void, which is tantamount to causing a storm in Xuanyuan Longteng's heart.

"This kid, just by reading an introductory chapter about Ten Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Rings of Space, this boy has comprehended the complete Void Thousand Rings?"

Xuanyuan Long's eyes were full of disbelief, "No, even so, it only takes a few days! In just a few days, you can go from the entry level to the point where you can condense three thousand void blades?"

You know, Xuanyuan Yu is said to be a genius that the Xuanyuan family master rarely sees in a thousand years. It took three years just to condense five hundred void blades!

Three full years!

Little did they know that the Golden Eye of the Emperor possessed by Ling Feng was several times more powerful than before.

Even if you want to copy your opponent's martial arts with just the eyes of an ordinary emperor, unless you have special bloodline-restricted abilities, you can easily succeed.

But now, after awakening the Golden Eye of the Emperor, this copying ability has reached a heaven-defying level.

Therefore, although his Void Ten Thousand Rings were derived from Xuanyuan Yu's moves, Xuanyuan Yu only had five hundred Void Blades, while he had three thousand Void Blades in an instant.

"With this mastery of the rules of the void, maybe..."

Zhuge Qingtian on the side said a conjecture with a solemn expression, "Perhaps he understood the mystery of Ten Thousand Rise in the Void just by observing Yu'er's sword moves."

"Is it just based on observation..."

Xuanyuan Longteng took a breath of cold air. Xuanyuan Yu had only used Void Ten Thousand Rings twice before and after when dealing with Chu Chaonan and Ling Feng.

Just watched it twice and learned the meaning of the void?

What a terrifying monster and monster this must be!

The elders of the other major families were either shocked or secretly gloating.

The most powerful secret of swordsmanship in the Xuanyuan family was actually learned by an unknown boy, and the most outstanding genius in the Xuanyuan family was actually defeated by his own unique skills!

interesting! This is really interesting!

Under the stage, every famous warrior stared at the figure on the stage in stunned silence.

Three thousand void blades were suspended beside the green-shirted young man, like a king in a sword.

As strong as Xuanyuan Yu, he can only be reduced to a foil.

"This guy……"

Chu Chaonan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, and then he seemed to be relieved, and murmured to himself: "Fortunately, it's just a void. If this is his last trump card, then I win! Hehe , I finally don’t have to worry about being crippled by the old man!”

Indeed, Chu Chaonan was able to completely immunize against Xuanyuan Yu's Void Ten Thousand Rings by virtue of his blissful boy appearance. Then, even though Ling Feng's Void Blades were more numerous than Xuanyuan Yu's, the result would naturally be the same.

"Brother Xuanyuan, how are you?"

Ling Feng controlled the three thousand Void Blades and kept them silent. He looked at Xuanyuan Yu and said lightly: "The result seems to be obvious."

Xuanyuan Yu clenched his fist tightly, and the edge of the void blade around him was revealed, as if he could sense the boundless murderous intent in his master's heart.

But soon, those void blades gradually disappeared, and Xuanyuan Yu slowly fell from the air. He shook his head and smiled as if he was mocking himself. Then he looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "I lost."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows. This Xuanyuan Yu could afford to take it up and put it down, unlike some people who couldn't afford to lose at all.

With his state of mind and his outstanding talent, it is not a problem to reach the saint level in the future.

Withdrawing the Void Blade, Ling Feng also fell back to the ring from the air, cupped his fists and saluted Xuanyuan Yu, "Brother Xuanyuan, I accept."

"Let you know it for yourself." Xuanyuan Yu shook his head, "I have used my full strength."

"Haha..." Ling Feng laughed dryly. He was just giving this guy a step down. He didn't expect this guy to be quite straightforward.

"I just want to know, how did you learn the Void Ten Thousand Rings?" Xuanyuan Yu stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Learning from a master is a taboo in martial arts!"

Only then did everyone realize that Ten Thousand Ren in the Void was a secret that was not passed down to the Xuanyuan family. Where did Ling Feng get it?

If Ling Feng is the Void Wanren who steals his knowledge, then, based on this alone, not to mention continuing to compete for the swordsman rankings, everyone present can join forces to attack.

It is a taboo in the entire martial arts world, not to mention that the One Moon Palace is undoubtedly a place that attaches great importance to Taoism.

"Stealing a master is naturally a big taboo." Ling Feng curled his lips and said calmly: "If the head of the Xuanyuan family personally passed it on to me, it shouldn't be considered stealing, right?"


Xuanyuan Yu raised his head and looked towards the high platform, and his eyes met Xuanyuan Long Teng.

Xuanyuan Longteng felt conflicted. He thought he had passed it on, but he had only passed it on as an introductory chapter.

But to say that I didn’t pass it on, I did give him an introductory chapter!

Who knows how this kid could understand the mystery of the void from the introductory chapter!

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said with a faint smile: "Master Xuanyuan, do you think this is considered stealing?"

Xuanyuan Longteng shook his head and sighed softly, "I did teach Ling Feng some of the contents of Void Ten Thousand Ren, so I don't count as stealing from him."

"Is that so?"

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep look at Ling Feng and said nothing more.

A defeat is a defeat. Since Ling Feng is not stealing from his master, he can only accept it with all his heart.

As Xuanyuan Yu walked off the ring, the referee finally announced loudly: "Ling Feng wins this battle!"

At this time, under the ring, there was a flurry of discussion. There were various speculations and opinions about Ling Feng's identity.

"What is the origin of that Ling Feng? The head of the Xuanyuan family actually said that he is a man of ten thousand feet in the void?"

"Aren't you an illegitimate child? No matter how confused the head of the Xuanyuan family is, he will not easily teach the secrets of Wanren Void to those who are not direct descendants of the Xuanyuan family. However, Ling Feng has obviously learned the full version of Wanren Void, even to the level of Three Thousand Blades. , this is definitely handed over by the head of the Xuanyuan family!"

"Fuck you, when you say that, I already thought that the way the head of the Xuanyuan family looks at that Ling Feng is a little too ambiguous. It turns out he is an illegitimate child!"

"Fuck, it must be an illegitimate child!"

As the saying goes, three people make a tiger. One person says it is not scary, but when more people say it, it seems to become true.

Even among the elders on the high platform, some people began to compare the looks of Ling Feng and Xuanyuan Longteng. Although they don't look much alike, if there is no blood relationship, the full version of Void Ten Thousand Ren can be heard. ?

Xuanyuan Longteng just wants to cry but has no tears. He should preside over a list of swordsmen. Why is there an illegitimate child?

This is trying to trick me to death!

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