Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1988 Tongtian Sword Tower! (2 updates)

"Oh? How do you say this?" Ling Feng blurted out and asked.

"Tongtian Sword Tower, each floor has a different number of puppets, forming different sword formations. If you defeat the puppets, you can enter the next floor. When you break the highest record for the first time, you will be rewarded with contribution points."

Xiao Juanyun paused and continued: "For example, if it is your first time to break into the nine-story Tongtian Sword Tower, even if you only break through to the first floor, you will be rewarded with one hundred contribution points."

"Only a hundred?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. He had more than 60 million contribution points in his pocket, so naturally he looked down upon the 100 contribution points.

"You think everyone is like you!"

Xiao Juanyun couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Moreover, although the first level is only a hundred, the second level is a thousand! By the third level, it is as high as ten thousand! Then comes the fourth level, the reward One hundred thousand contribution points!”

"This is doubled, which is a bit awesome!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up, "If we reach the ninth floor, wouldn't it be, tens of billions?"

"Thinking too much, the maximum reward for Tongtian Sword Tower is 100 million contribution points. From the seventh floor to the ninth floor, they are all 100 million. Moreover, you must first pay a deposit of 50 million. If you successfully break into the tower, then You can return 100 million. If you fail, these contribution points will be in the Tongtian Sword Tower, and you cannot get them out unless you successfully break through the tower."

"So, after reaching the seventh floor, you have to make a decision whether to press for these 50 million contribution points. If you don't press and successfully enter the tower, you will miss the opportunity to earn 100 million contribution points. , After all, there are rewards only for passing the first time, but not for the second time.”

Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "I didn't expect that Du Yue Tiangong, a family with such a big business, is quite stingy!"

"Uh..." Xiao Juanyun smiled bitterly, Ling Feng's observation angle was really tricky.

"Then what's the difficulty of this Heaven-Bearing Sword Tower?" Ling Feng continued to ask.

"The first few levels are okay, but my level can only reach the fourth level." Xiao Juanyun sighed softly and said slowly: "A top ten swordsman like Wei Xuantong has only reached the sixth level. Can he break through Those who reach the eighth level must be at the Saint level. Therefore, those who can basically reach the seventh level can still get 50 million contribution points. "

"Is he so perverted?"

Ling Feng was stunned. Although Wei Xuantong was defeated by him, he was still a strong man who had mastered the sword domain.

Strong men in the Sword Domain can only reach the sixth level, which shows that the Tongtian Sword Tower is quite difficult.

He was a little curious as to which level he could reach.

"Let's go, I'd like to see this Heaven-Bearing Sword Tower." Ling Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of anticipation.

"Well, in your case, the minimum guarantee must be the sixth floor."

Xiao Juanyun smiled, did not refuse, and took Ling Feng directly to the location of the Tongtian Sword Tower.

Babel Sword Tower area.

This is a forest of towers, with almost a hundred towers in total. This is the so-called Tongtian Sword Tower.

Under each high tower, a large number of disciples gathered around, watching under the Tongtian Sword Tower, pointing and making various comments.

Xiao Juanyun first took Ling Feng to the registration office. Every time he signed up to break through the Heavenly Sword Tower, he needed to pay three thousand contribution points. For ordinary students, this was not a small number.

Therefore, although there are many warriors watching, there are not many who are actually capable and willing to spend the money to sign up.

"Brother Ling, the first floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower is composed of two sword puppets, one yin and one yang, which is called the Yin-Yang Sword Formation."

"The second level is the Three Talents Sword Formation, and then the Four Elephant Sword Formation... With each level, the number of puppets will increase, and the complexity of the sword formation will increase, and the difficulty will also increase exponentially. But you can rest assured and let go Use your hands and feet to fight with all your strength. Even if you are killed by those sword array puppets in the Tongtian Sword Tower, you will only suffer some external injuries and be teleported out. "

Just as Xiao Juanyun was talking, a light flashed from the Tongtian Sword Tower in front of him, and a figure was thrown out heavily. It was obvious that this person had failed to break into the tower.

"The fourth level, haha, the results are about the same as mine."

Xiao Juanyun grinned.

Ling Feng squinted his eyes. Each floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower was inlaid with a crystal-like gem. Which floor the breaker broke into, the crystal on that floor would light up, showing the current status of the breaker. score.

At this moment, someone around a Heaven-Bearing Sword Tower on the right exclaimed, "Wow, the sixth floor! Someone actually broke into the sixth floor!"

"Kendo attainments comparable to those of the top ten!"

A top ten person like Wei Xuantong is only at the sixth level. This achievement is quite sensational.

Of course, breaking into the sixth floor does not mean that you have passed through the sixth floor. Only when the crystal on the seventh floor lights up does it prove that you have passed through the sixth floor.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, becoming more and more interested in the Tongtian Sword Tower.

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