Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1989 Becoming famous! (3 updates)

Finally, the tower breaker who was in front of Ling Feng was teleported out. Ling Feng's eyes flashed, he looked up at the towering tower, and thought to himself: It's finally my turn!

"Brother Ling, let's see how you behave!"

Xiao Juanyun grinned. He had a hunch that Ling Feng's performance today would probably shock a group of people again.

The moment Ling Feng entered the Tongtian Sword Tower, a figure teleported out from the Tongtian Sword Tower on the right at the same time.

This person is none other than Xuanyuan Yu.

After all, he still failed to break through the sixth level. Compared with the top ten experts like Wei Xuantong, he had not condensed his own sword domain. Being able to break into the sixth level was already the limit. It would be difficult to break through the sixth level. !

Although his results are considered good, he is obviously not very satisfied.

At this moment, he suddenly spotted a familiar figure walking into the Tongtian Sword Tower.

"That is... Ling Feng?"

Xuanyuan Yu's pupils shrank, and he was originally ready to leave directly, but when he saw Ling Feng entering the Tongtian Sword Tower, he gave up the idea.

"I want to see how big the gap between you and me is!"

As Ling Feng entered the Tongtian Sword Tower, many students around him shook their heads and laughed.

"You're just in the early stages of the Destiny Realm, but you dare to break into the tower?"

"Another master who thinks he contributes too many points. I think he can only get to the second level at most. Even if he earns back 1,100 points, he still has a net loss of 1,900 points!"

Although Ling Feng's name is quite loud in Du Yue Tian Palace, most of the students have never seen Ling Feng. Therefore, seeing that Ling Feng is only at the early stage of Tianming Realm, he dares to break into the Tongtian Sword Tower. It is simply unbelievable. Do your best.

Three thousand contribution points is not a small number for most students of One Moon Palace.

Although gritting one's teeth may not be enough, I'm afraid other resources will be lost.

If one is poor in literature and rich in martial arts, practicing martial arts is a waste of money.

"A bunch of blind guys."

Xiao Juanyun couldn't help but snicker secretly, but looking at Ling Feng's cultivation level, it was indeed pitifully low, but this guy was not a normal person at all.

He is a monster!

As soon as Ling Feng entered the first level of the Tongtian Sword Tower, he immediately felt that he was locked by two strong and sharp auras. Then, the sword puppets on the left and right moved. The long sword was unsheathed, stabbing and slashing from two directions. Attack Lingfeng.

The first floor of Tongtian Sword Tower: Yin-Yang Puppet Sword Formation.

Up and down, left and right, front and back, forward and backward, as soon as the two sword puppets drew their swords, they immediately fully exerted the power of the sword array.

However, Ling Feng only spent less than ten breaths of time to get through the first level!


The eyes of the students who were watching suddenly lit up, and their hearts beat wildly twice unconsciously.

" this too fast?"

A warrior who had just laughed at Ling Feng for thinking that he had contributed too much was almost tongue-tied.

The slap in the face came too quickly.

However, what shocked them even more was that when they were surprised, the second level of the Liangyi Sword Formation was also passed easily.

Immediately afterwards, the third level, the Four Elephant Sword Formation.

The so-called four images: green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and Xuanwu.

Green dragon belongs to wind, white tiger belongs to water, Suzaku belongs to fire, and Xuanwu belongs to earth.

The power of the Four Symbols uses four different rules to cooperate with each other, making it a very difficult sword formation.

For many people, this level makes them struggle, but it obviously does not slow him down.

Outside the Tongtian Sword Tower, more and more people gathered around the Tongtian Sword Tower where Ling Feng broke in, because he broke into the tower too fast.

"I wiped it, and the third level passed again, it was too fast!"

"What a fierce guy! I wonder which level he will be able to reach in the end!"

In the eyes of a pair of stunned eyes, the crystal on the fifth floor lit up again, showing that Ling Feng had passed through the fourth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower, the Five Elements Sword Formation.

"Oh my god, who is that guy? He doesn't seem to be one of the top ten, and he doesn't seem to be famous before!"

"I really want to make an impression!"

A warrior standing behind the crowd suddenly exclaimed: "The guy who destroyed Wei Xuantong a few days ago seems to be him, right?"

"Ling Feng? Is that Ling Feng who is number one on the rookie swordsman list?"

"What the hell?"

"It's probably him, and only that guy has this kind of strength!"

"I really don't know how this kid can practice, but he is so strong at such a young age!"

After the warrior called out Ling Feng's identity, there was a frenzy of discussion. After all, ever since Ling Feng entered the sight of the disciples of the One Moon Palace, every step he took was undoubtedly shocking. She is so talented that you can't help but admire her.

At this time, Ling Feng did not know that he had caused an uproar outside. His attention was always focused on the several sword puppets in front of him.

On the fifth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower, the number of sword puppets has increased to seven. This floor is called the Seven Star Sword Formation.

The seven sword puppets, all without exception, have mastered the prototype of the sword domain!

No wonder, most of the people who entered the tower failed when they reached the fifth floor. Faced with seven puppets who had mastered the prototype of the Sword Domain, if there was no Sword Domain, it would basically be a dead end.

Only swordsmen at the level of the top ten, with the domain of swords, have the capital to compete with these sword puppets.

The trouble with these sword puppets is not just the prototype of the sword domain. They are all made of copper skin and iron bones. They have no so-called soul mark, and soul attacks have no effect on them.

Even the dragon-elephant divine power that Ling Feng relies on will return about 50% of its strength when it hits them.


Quite tricky!

At this time, don't be anxious, stick to your heart, be patient, expel all distracting thoughts, highly coordinate your energy and spirit, merge into one, release your spiritual thoughts with all your strength, and outline the simulated image of the Seven Star Sword Array in Ling Feng's spiritual world.

Every movement and drawing of the seven sword puppets is reflected in Ling Feng's spiritual world, allowing Ling Feng to perceive it more clearly.

The mystery of the Seven-Star Sword Formation appeared in Ling Feng's mind little by little. With familiarity and understanding, the flaws of the Seven-Star Sword Formation were also exposed in front of Ling Feng little by little.

The unnaturalness of the Emperor's Eye is once again clearly revealed.

"it's here……"

With a thought, Ling Feng was the first to react. Sure enough, the swords of the seven sword puppets passed by at the angle Ling Feng imagined.

The time has come to fight back!


After spending some effort, I finally passed the fifth level.

Outside the Tongtian Sword Tower.

"Passed... passed again. That Ling Feng passed the Seven Star Sword Formation..."

"Awesome, really awesome."

As the crystal on the sixth floor lit up, the onlookers became excited.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he broke through five floors one after another. This achievement is incredible.

Among the crowd, Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

I struggled hard in the Seven Star Sword Formation for more than half an hour before I finally found a flaw and entered the sixth level with great difficulty and reluctance.

After reaching the sixth floor, we were basically completely suppressed and beaten.

As for Ling Feng, it seemed that he had only stayed on the fifth floor for less than half a quarter of an hour.

This gap is too big!

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath and murmured to himself: "There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world! It seems that it is time for me to leave Yueling City and see the outside world!"

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Yu turned around and left without stopping.

He really didn't have the courage to stay and watch anymore.

He was afraid that if he continued to watch, his martial arts heart would be completely shattered.

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