Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1994 Money is tight! (2 updates)

After entering the main hall, Ling Feng randomly found a window. Behind the window was a pretty and cute woman. When he saw Ling Feng, his pretty face turned red.

"Ling...Ling Feng!"

The girl only felt her heart pounding, and she never expected that she would actually see the "legendary" character.

"Do you know me too?" Ling Feng glanced at the girl and asked casually.

"There are not many people who don't know you in Du Yue Tiangong Li!" The girl's face showed an excited look, "I never thought that I could actually talk to the legendary Ling Feng!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. People are really afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong.

"This little senior sister, I'm here to exchange for training resources." Ling Feng took a deep breath and said as gently as possible.

"Oh oh oh!" The girl finally reacted, remembered her identity, and said quickly: "What level of materials do you want to redeem?"

"Aquamarine, do you have it in inventory?"

Ling Feng looked at the girl and asked slowly.

"Huaquan crystals?" The girl was obviously not very familiar with Huangquan crystals. Most of the students basically exchanged them for some pills to improve their swordsmanship, or for things related to Kung Fu martial arts.

For things like Huangquan crystals, relatively few people exchange them.

The girl took out a thick book and searched it using her own indexing method. Then she nodded and said: "Ling...Senior Brother Ling, you are quite lucky. There is still the last piece left in the inventory." "Huaquan crystal."

She looked at the price above again, obviously frightened by the price, and said in surprise: "Wow, this Huangquan crystal is so expensive, 100 million! It actually requires 100 million contribution points!"

"One hundred million?"

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. Although he had long been mentally prepared that Huangquan crystal would not be cheap, he did not expect it to be so ridiculously expensive.

Although he received a 100 million contribution point reward in the Tongtian Sword Tower, he soon chose to bet when he broke into the eighth floor.

Because it is still powerful enough to break through the eighth level, 50 million are still suppressed in the sword tower.

100 million contribution points, but I can’t come up with it yet.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Unexpectedly, he would also be short of money at times.

"Well, it's 100 million." The girl stuck out her tongue, obviously she didn't expect the Huangquan crystal to be so expensive.

In fact, things like Huangquan crystals are very useless. Because they contain special Huangquan spiritual power, the price cannot be lowered. However, for warriors in the Western Sword Region, they rarely need to use Huangquan crystals. So all this time, this crystal was just sitting in the inventory gathering dust.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It seems that I can't afford it yet, so I will have to come back next time."

Ling Feng secretly made up his mind that he must break through the eighth floor of Tongtian Sword Tower as soon as possible in order to trade this Huangquan crystal.

"Okay, Senior Brother Ling," the girl said with a smile.

"By the way, is there any reservation mechanism in the redemption hall? I hope that the Huangquan spar will not be redeemed by others when I come next time."

Ling Feng thought for a while and then spoke again.

"Theoretically, there is no such thing." The girl shook her head, and then smiled: "But I just checked, and there is no record of anyone redeeming Huangquan crystal in the past few decades, so Brother Ling, you can rest assured."

"That's good, thank you!"

Ling Feng nodded, then turned around and walked out of the hall.

The girl stared blankly at Ling Feng's back as he walked out of the hall, then suddenly came back to his senses, slapped her forehead and said: "Oh, I forgot to tell him my name. In this case, I don't count as..." What a mistake!”

"Hey, isn't this our peerless pride in Yueling City, Zhuge Wan'er's sister!"

Outside the exchange hall, Zhuge Wan'er was so angry at Ling Feng that she was about to leave, but she happened to bump into two gorgeously dressed women.

These two women, one named Linghu Ying and the other Linghu Yu, are both mainline descendants of the Linghu family.

In terms of talent and appearance, these two women are slightly inferior to Zhuge Wan'er, so they have always been quite jealous of Zhuge Wan'er.

Don't look at the affectionate shouts from sister Wan'er on her lips, but don't mention how vicious she is in her heart.

Upon seeing these two women, Zhuge Wan'er frowned, turned around and wanted to leave, not wanting to pay attention to them.

"Hey, sister Wan'er, don't leave in a hurry!"

Linghuying quickly stopped in front of Zhuge Wan'er and giggled: "The one who just walked into the hall is Mr. Ling Feng, right?"

"So what?" Zhuge Waner glared at Linghuying, "Get out of the way, don't block my way!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, sister Wan'er, who has always claimed to be aloof, could it be that she also has a crush on Ling Feng? Or, in order to win over that boy, your Zhuge family actually asked you..."

Linghu Ying deliberately said that half should be kept, but the meaning behind it was already self-evident.

"If a dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth, I can't be bothered to care about you!"

Zhuge Wan'er tried her best to suppress her anger and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Linghu Ying again.

"Sister Wan'er, you can't please a man like this." Linghu Ying said with a smile, "I just seemed to see that Mr. Ling doesn't seem to be interested in you at all!"

Zhuge Wan'er clenched her fists, "What does it have to do with you!"

"Of course it does matter!"

Linghuyu on the side snorted: "Ling Feng is the prey of our sisters, you'd better stay away from him!"


Zhuge Wan'er sneered: "Don't laugh to death, you two bitches, Xuanyuan Yu didn't look down on you at the beginning, but Ling Feng Feng looks down on you?"

"Smelly woman!"

Linghu Yu became angry from shame, and Linghu Ying's eyes flashed with murderous intent. The momentum of the three women exploded at the same time, and it seemed that a war was about to break out.

At this moment, Ling Feng walked out of the exchange hall and saw Zhuge Wan'er and two other women facing each other tit for tat.

This woman is really not popular!

Ling Feng curled his lips and looked away. He didn't want to get involved in Zhuge Wan'er's matter.

But at this time, the two girls from the Linghu family immediately lost their momentum, and the expressions on their faces seemed to change. One was pure and pleasant, and the other was Xiaojiabiyu, without the same tense look just now.

"Two bitches!"

Zhuge Wan'er gritted her teeth. In the eyes of outsiders, the two sisters of the Linghu family were both gentle and generous women, but in fact, they were just two bitches.

"Is this the famous Ling Feng Shaoxia Ling?"

Linghu Ying immediately walked quickly in the direction of Ling Feng. Ling Feng was about to leave, but was stopped by the woman. As soon as he turned around, a scent of fragrant wind hit his nostrils.

It was a very rich and pungent aroma, which made Ling Feng frown slightly.

"I am Ling Feng."

The so-called reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, Ling Huying was talking about the famous Ling Shaoxia, Ling Feng had no choice but to nod towards her and said lightly: "What's the matter?"

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