Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1995 Eastern Alliance! (3 updates)


Linghu Ying pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, "Young Master Ling, don't you even ask me what my name is?"


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Is there anything you can ask? I don't want to get to know you."

"Uh..." Linghu Ying was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she laughed sweetly: "Young Master Ling, you are so funny! My name is Linghu Ying, and this is my cousin, named Linghuyu."

"Yu'er has met Ling Shaoxia." Linghu Yu also bowed to Ling Feng, her figure graceful and feminine, showing off her feminine grace.

"Oh, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Ling Feng's face was expressionless, but in Ling Feng's eyes, the pretentious gestures of the two sisters only made him feel disgusted.

"Young Shaoxia Ling, our sisters came here specially to see you, how come there is nothing wrong?"

Linghuying bit her red lips, walked closer to Ling Feng, and breathed out like a blue, "Young Master Ling, our sisters would like to invite you to Wangjian Tower for a talk. I wonder if it would be convenient for you, Young Master."

"No time!"

Seeing Linghu Ying falling towards him like she was boneless, Ling Feng quickly turned aside to avoid her.

This woman is not bad looking either. Her breasts are... well, very exaggerated!

If this is posted again, something will happen.


Perhaps because the chest was too exaggerated, Linghuying didn't expect Ling Feng to suddenly avoid it, lose her balance and fall directly to the ground.

"Sister Ying!"

Linghuyu quickly stepped forward to help Linghuying up and glared at Ling Feng with a frown, "Young Master Ling, why are you..."

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first!"

Ling Feng's face was expressionless, and he walked away in a flash, leaving the two women behind, messy in the wind.

"Damn you brat!"

Linghu Ying didn't expect that Ling Feng was completely unmoved by her, with a trace of anger flashing in his eyes.

After all, I am also a direct descendant of the Linghu family. I have lowered my status to come to you. It's a good thing that you don't even look away from me!

"Sister Ying, what should I do? That boy..."

Linghuyu helped Linghuying up, but she was completely helpless anyway.

"That kid is just an idiot, a piece of wood! He is still a man!" Linghu Ying was filled with hatred. She had never seen a man like Ling Feng before.

Even Xuanyuan Yu was polite and gentle when he rejected her, unlike this Ling Feng who didn't even look at him seriously from beginning to end!

Damn, it's simply too hateful!

"Hahaha, that's why ugly people do more mischief!"

Zhuge Wan'er, who was standing by, saw this and felt happy in her heart. In comparison, although Ling Feng also ignored her, at least he didn't look at her with a straight face.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Wan'er felt a little proud.

"Zhuge Wan'er! I will fight with you!"

Linghu Ying became angry from embarrassment and immediately rushed towards Zhuge Wan'er like crazy.

"Just fight, no matter who you are afraid of!"

The two girls immediately got into a fight. Linghu Yu tried to persuade them to stop the fight, but started to fight. Soon, the three girls started fighting fiercely at the door of the exchange hall.

Soon, there were more and more onlookers, and some students who saw the scene of Ling Feng leaving even spread a very outrageous version.

The twin sisters of the Linghu family and Zhuge Wan'er got jealous because of Ling Feng and started fighting!

Once the news spread, it soon caused a sensation in Yueling City again.

As for the person involved, Ling Feng had no idea at this moment that the two women from the Linghu family were actually fighting with Zhuge Wan'er.

Inexplicably, it turned into jealousy.

At this time, Ling Feng was heading directly to the Tongtian Sword Tower.

After a month of hard work, I was almost able to hold on to the eighth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower for about half an hour.

He has gradually begun to get used to the powerful pressure of the sword domain, and has gained some experience in dealing with it. It is only a matter of time before he breaks through the eighth level!

As soon as Ling Feng entered the area of ​​Tongtian Sword Tower, he saw several people blocking his usual path.

Several warriors with swords on their backs stood upright behind a man in gold robes.

I saw the man in gold robe, the old god, sitting on a chair. When he saw Ling Feng arriving, he stood up and walked towards Ling Feng.

"Are you Ling Feng? My name is Guan Shanyue."

The man in gold robe said slowly with a hint of pride on his face.

"Do I know you?" Ling Feng was a little confused as to what day it was and why he met so many random people.

"You'll get to know me soon enough."

The other party was startled, obviously not expecting Ling Feng to say that, and immediately reacted with a cold and stern expression, a little arrogant: "You are very lucky. Perhaps, you will be able to become a member of our camp soon."

"I don't know what you're talking about. If there's nothing else, please stay out of the way."

Ling Feng was confused, but the other party's attitude and tone made him very unhappy!

"Let me tell you this, I am a follower of Senior Brother Dongfang Chun, and I am also one of the top ten, ranked seventh!"

Naguan Shanyue said slowly: "You have also ranked among the top ten. Brother Dongfang thinks you have great potential, so he specially allows you to join our Eastern Alliance! This is your greatest honor, but you also Don’t be too happy. If you want to join the Eastern Alliance, you still need to pass a series of assessments before you are eligible to officially become one of us.”

Seeing Na Guan Shanyue's proud expression, Ling Feng really wanted to slap him on the face.

Where do you get your confidence from?

Don't be too happy too early?

There are really so many people in this world who don’t know what they are called.

"Did you fart?"

Ling Feng curled his lips, turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation, and said with an indifferent expression: "If it's okay, can you get out of the way?"


Guan Shanyue frowned, a flash of anger flashed across his cold and stern face, his voice was like thunder, and he stared at Ling Feng with eyes full of anger, as if he wanted to burn Ling Feng to ashes.

The terrifying aura was extremely sharp, undulating around Guan Shanyue, like a surging tide, ebbing and flowing.

This Guan Shanyue is worthy of being the seventh among the top ten. His strength is far superior to that of Wei Xuantong.

"Senior Brother Dongfang gives you this opportunity to become his subordinate. This is your supreme honor!" Guan Shanyue said sharply: "You don't want it, you don't know how to praise me!"

"I don't care about your Eastern and Western alliances. You can do whatever you want, but don't mess with me! Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!"

A simple sentence clearly demonstrated Ling Feng's pride and confidence.

"Hmph, Ling Feng, do you think you can walk away in the Single Moon Palace just because you defeated a little Wei Xuantong?"

Na Guan Shanyue continued to sneer, "Boy, you are too naive. The water in the One Moon Palace is very deep. Do you think you, a lonely person, can achieve anything by yourself? Brother Dongfang, you cherish talents, that's why you let me recruit you! You know , Senior Brother Dongfang is the number one among the ten strongest swordsmen. The Eastern Alliance he formed is also one of the best student alliances in the Duyue Tiangong. Many tasks issued by the senior elders of the Tiangong are only members of the senior student alliance. Only then are you eligible to receive it! If you can join the Eastern Alliance, the road ahead will be smooth!"

"And if you don't know how to praise, huh!" Guan Shanyue sneered, "You will definitely have a hard time in the One Moon Palace! I think if you are a smart person, you should know how to choose!"

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