Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2008 One call and hundreds of responses! (1 update)

"Haha, starting from today, our alliance will be called Lingyun Alliance!"

Xiao Juanyun looked at Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan with complacency. Ling Feng's strength went without saying, and Chu Chaonan, although not as good as Ling Feng, was also a fierce man who had defeated Xuanyuan Yu.

With two powerful men like these in the Lingyun League, and with Ling Feng's current momentum, there's no reason why the League can't grow stronger.

"Leave this matter to me on how to manage and strengthen the Lingyun Alliance!"

Xiao Juanyun patted his chest and assured: "Brother Ling, no, leader! All you need to do is to continue to maintain a high profile!"

As for Chu Chaonan, he is only a guest in name. For now, he only needs to deal with some second- and third-rate masters and come to provoke him.

Ling Feng nodded. Having Xiao Juanyun manage the Lingyun League for him saved him a lot of trouble.

Based on Xiao Juanyun's friendship with him, Ling Feng knew him well and could completely trust him.

"Then there is Hall Master Lao Xiao!"

Ling Feng nodded, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and the Ling Yun Alliance was officially established.

"Leader, I will send someone to release this news now. I believe someone will respond soon!"

Xiao Juanyun's face was full of excitement and he couldn't suppress it, "I still have a villa in the north of the city, which is tentatively designated as the headquarters of our Lingyun League. Although it is a bit small, there is no harm in continuing to expand it when the Lingyun League grows stronger in the future. "

"There are also some conditions for recruiting members. If Lingyun Alliance is in its early stages, the conditions can be relaxed a little!"

Xiao Juanyun was like a top, wishing he could spin. He completely ignored Ling Feng, the leader of the alliance, and started to get busy.

"This guy seems to really want to make the Lingyun Alliance stronger."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. Xiao Juanyun was busy with this matter anyway, so he didn't need to worry too much.

"This guy's ambitions are not small!" Chu Chaonan pursed his lips and said calmly: "You are not afraid that he will seize the power and make you, the leader of the alliance, empty."

"It doesn't make sense to worry about this kind of problem before the Lingyun Alliance has been established."

Ling Feng shrugged, "What's more, even if the Lingyun Alliance grows, most of it will still be Brother Xiao's hard work. What I need is a foundation, and what he needs is status. There is no conflict between the two."

"Haha, I just said it casually."

Chu Chaonan grinned, "Anyway, I don't dare to leave Yueling City in a short period of time, so I will go through the troubles with you. It sounds quite interesting!"

"Lingyun Alliance!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and said with a faint smile: "It should be very interesting!"

Three days later, Yueling City was once again abuzz with news.

Ling Feng, that super newcomer Wang Lingfeng, actually wanted to create his own student alliance, and named it Ling Yun Alliance!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Who is Ling Feng?

This young man who had just joined the One Moon Heavenly Palace for more than a month, first crushed Wei Xuantong, who was ninth among the top ten, and replaced him with lightning speed, becoming one of the top ten.

Immediately afterwards, he successively defeated the third and first leaders of the Eastern League, and his momentum reached an unparalleled height.

Not only that, this guy also broke through the eighth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower!

He is such a fierce man, he wants to create a student alliance!

"Fuck, I want to sign up!"

"Haha, Senior Brother Ling is very friendly to us students who are not from the nine major family factions. This is an opportunity for us! An opportunity to join the strong!"

"That's right, the alliance formed by the powerful men of the nine major families looked down upon us. Now it's better. Senior Brother Ling will definitely take us in!"

"Hmph, I just can't stand the arrogant and over-the-top attitude of those members of the nine major families. I won't go to their alliance! However, I will make a decision for this Lingyun Alliance!"

"Count me in!"

"I also need to go!"

As soon as the news of the establishment of the Lingyun Alliance spread, it immediately attracted countless students from other colleges and universities and flocked to it.

Of course, in addition to the students from the outer courtyard, many of the children of the nine major families are also very interested in Ling Feng's Lingyun Alliance.

Tie Yan, the genius of the Tie family who was defeated by Ling Feng in the Rookie Swordsman Ranking, looked at the mountain villa at the headquarters of the Lingyun League from a distance, surrounded by countless students, and couldn't help but murmur to himself: "This Ling Feng, It’s true that he does something shocking every day!”

Tieshan Hao, the big guy (the guy who was knocked away by Ling Feng's sword during the fight for the Sword House), said carelessly: "Third brother, why don't we go and take a look? That Ling Feng's body-refining attainments seem to be They are even more powerful than those from our Tie family. To be honest, if I can join the Lingyun Alliance and exchange experience with Ling Feng, I will go!"

"Well, there's no harm in going and taking a look!"

Tie Yan nodded, rolled his eyes, and suddenly saw that not far away, Zhuge Wan'er was also watching on a hill.

"Oh? Miss Wan'er is also interested in Lingyun Alliance?"

Tie Yan looked at Zhuge Wan'er curiously and couldn't help but ask strangely.

"I'm not interested!"

Zhuge Wan'er gritted her silver teeth and said, "I didn't expect that this brat created an alliance and so many people wanted to participate!"

In addition, among the nine major families, there are some direct descendants who came to watch, and they were somewhat surprised to see this lively scene.

Registration was in full swing. Although Xiao Juanyun had invited many servants of the Xiao family to help, it was still difficult to control the situation.

"Don't be anxious, everyone, come one by one!"

Xiao Juanyun shouted loudly: "Also, only 500 people will be admitted today. It doesn't matter if there are no admissions today. Our Lingyun Alliance will hold the alliance founding ceremony on a different date. By then, there will still be a chance!"

Xiao Juanyun already had a complete idea in his mind. With Ling Feng's reputation, striking while the iron was hot, the scale of the Ling Yun Alliance would naturally not be small.

The day of the alliance establishment ceremony officially means that the Lingyun Alliance has become one of the many student alliances in the Single Moon Palace. At that time, it will definitely be an extremely grand ceremony.

Those students who came to sign up were all excited. They couldn't see Ling Feng's style today. At the alliance establishment ceremony, they will definitely be able to see the legendary figure Ling Feng up close with their own eyes.

On the first day, all the 500 quotas were filled, which can be said to be full. Xiao Juanyun also selected some relatively strong people among these members to become the first batch of management of Lingyun League. These people, in You are eligible to officially live in this villa and have your own independent room.

Xiao Juanyun even formulated a series of strict reward and punishment measures. The entire Lingyun Alliance is gradually getting on the right track and becoming more and more like a real alliance.

As for Ling Feng, this guy was hiding quietly in the dark. Seeing that Xiao Juanyun had taken care of everything in order, he naturally felt more at ease.

It is enough for Xiao Juanyun to be busy with matters here.

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