Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2009 Alliance Founding Ceremony! (2 updates)

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. Apart from practicing every day, Ling Feng continued to break through the Heaven-Sword Tower as usual.

The Hundred Gods Bombing Immortal Formation on the tenth level was indeed extremely abnormal. Although Ling Feng kept trying, he was beaten to the point where he had no room to parry every time, and he could barely hold on for ten breaths.

However, because every time he breaks through the Sky Sword Tower, he has to climb up from the first level. The time Ling Feng spends on the first few levels has been continuously reduced, which also proves that his swordsmanship is still very high. It's progressing at an exaggerated speed.

Ling Feng was practicing leisurely every day, but Xiao Juanyun was really busy. Even Chu Chaonan, the "elder guest", was roped in by Xiao Juanyun to help.

As the leader of the alliance, Ling Feng, Xiao Juanyun did not dare to take up his time. All he had to do was to continue to become stronger and strong enough to defeat Dongfang Chun.

As long as he defeats Dongfang Chun head-on, it will be his greatest contribution to the Lingyun Alliance.

At this time, the villa at the Lingyun Alliance headquarters had also been renamed "Lingyun Villa".

Xiao Juanyun narrowed his eyes and looked at everything in front of him, feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

Lingyun Alliance will be officially established tomorrow!

The great ambition in your heart will also start from this step!

Maybe he is not the most talented child of the Xiao family, but he will build the Lingyun League into the strongest student alliance!

"Everything is ready!"

Xiao Juanyun took a deep breath, looking forward to tomorrow's alliance ceremony but also a little nervous.

"Yes, everything is ready!"

Chu Chaonan stretched himself. He had been busy these days.

"Two hall masters, thank you for your hard work!"

Ling Feng walked out of the villa with a smile. As the leader of Lingyun Alliance, Ling Feng naturally had his own courtyard in Lingyun Villa. After Ling Feng came back from Tongtian Sword Tower every day, he would come here to see Lingyun Alliance. the creation progress.

"Leader, tomorrow is a big day!"

Xiao Juanyun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "The other major alliances, especially the Eastern Alliance, are afraid that they will cause trouble at the alliance establishment ceremony. When the time comes, you, the leader of the Alliance, will take action to suppress the entire audience!"

"Hmph, whoever dares to cause trouble, I will let him come in vertically and go out horizontally!"

A fierce light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Originally, Ling Feng was only interested in founding the Lingyun Alliance, but seeing how serious Xiao Juanyun was, he was somewhat affected and started to become more serious.

Since I am the leader of the Lingyun Alliance, I should defend the dignity of the Lingyun Alliance.

Anyone who offends me, Ling Yun, will die!

"With the words of the leader, I feel relieved!"

Xiao Juanyun burst out laughing and secretly clenched his fists.

Come tomorrow, come quickly!

Noon the next day.

Outside Lingyun Villa, there were also countless enthusiastic students, who were surrounded by water.

As for the 500 people who were originally employed by Lingyun Alliance, they also divided their duties and became staff members recruiting members.

With the addition of these five hundred people, Xiao Juanyun was saved a lot of time.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Juanyun directly spread out his body skills, like a great roc flying through the sky, and landed on the main stage in front of the villa. He raised his hands and all kinds of discussions suddenly fell silent.

In addition to the members of the Lingyun Alliance, there are also many swordsmen gathered around, thousands of them. In addition to the warriors who are preparing to join the Lingyun Alliance, there are also many who come to watch.

For a new force like Lingyun Alliance, although the name of Ling Feng, the alliance leader, is loud enough, no one has forgotten it.

Ling Feng even made an appointment to fight Dongfang Chun!

Can the people of the Eastern Alliance watch the Lingyun Alliance grow?

This is obviously impossible.

If they join the Lingyun League now and are hostile to the people of the Eastern League, wouldn't their living space be even smaller?

Even vaguely, they all had a strange feeling that the Lingyun Alliance's alliance-building ceremony would not go so smoothly, and something would definitely happen in it.

"Today is the alliance establishment ceremony of our Lingyun Alliance. Xiao would like to thank all my friends for coming to participate!"

On the main stage, Xiao Juanyun saluted everyone with his fists in his hands.

As a direct descendant of the Xiao family, he was able to handle this kind of situation with ease: "First of all, thank you for your trust in our Lingyun Alliance, and also thank you for your support of our alliance leader, Senior Brother Ling Feng Ling! Everyone who joins our Lingyun Alliance All members of the alliance are brothers!”

Xiao Juanyun's few casual words were just right, and they immediately made many warriors' blood boil.

"The purpose of establishing our Lingyun Alliance is not to dominate the Duyue Palace, but to promote the exchange of martial arts and make every member become as powerful as possible!"

Xiao Juanyun raised his arms and shouted: "We do not bully anyone, but no one can step on our heads!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Before Xiao Juanyun finished speaking, the students from the outer courtyard were all extremely excited!

Those students who were often treated unfairly in daily life felt so hot in their hearts that their blood almost boiled.

By joining the Lingyun League, not only can you become stronger, but you can also have a solid backing!

Those students who were still undecided and wavered immediately shouted, "Support Senior Brother Ling, support Lingyun Alliance!"

"Long live Lingyun Alliance!"

The crowd was excited. It must be said that Xiao Juanyun's words were indeed very inflammatory. Not only the students from the outer courtyard, but also the students with quite good abilities had sparkling eyes and were quite moved.

Promote martial arts exchanges so that everyone can become stronger!

This is the true meaning of the Student Alliance.

In fact, most of the student alliances have become tools for those in power to dominate, and they are just sitting back and enjoying the success.

And the members below have all become pawns.

This kind of alliance has lost its value.

"Our Lingyun Alliance will work hard with everyone. As long as we work together and unite, we will eventually become the leading student alliance in the Duyue Palace!"

Xiao Juanyun's impassioned speech, countless warriors in the audience were inspired by his words, their enthusiasm was high, and they rushed to sign up one by one.

At this moment, an extremely discordant and abrupt sound exploded like thunder on the ground.

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