Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2010 Bullying comes to your door! (3 updates)

"A waste alliance composed of a bunch of wastes, how dare they say such arrogant things?"

If someone speaks rudely, it is obvious that the person who comes here must be evil.


Xiao Juanyun frowned. He had expected that the alliance-building ceremony would not go so smoothly. What was supposed to happen came anyway.

"Hmph, you blind guy!"

Among the few warriors who came out halfway, one of the square-faced men sneered, his tone full of disdain, and said angrily: "My lord is the leader of Jing Lei Alliance, Bu Jing Lei!"

In the Single Moon Heavenly Palace, the existences at the level of the top ten, more or less, all have their own followers.

The top three of the top ten have all created their own student alliances.

Thunder Alliance is one of them.

"Bu Jing Lei!"

"Oh my god, second among the top ten!"

Everyone's hearts were shaken, and their faces changed drastically. Xiao Juanyun had a serious look on his face and a solemn look in his eyes.

The other party's tone showed that the person who came here was evil, and he was the second among the top ten. He was so powerful that Xiao Juanyun couldn't help but treat him with dignity.

I just didn't expect that before the Eastern League's troubles were resolved, the Thunder League would actually intervene.

"Why hasn't the leader come yet?"

Xiao Juanyun was secretly worried.

He naturally knows how much he weighs.

It can be said that the reason why the Lingyun Alliance was established was because of Ling Feng's name.

It was said well yesterday, but who would have thought that this guy Ling Feng would be late for such an important day as the alliance ceremony!

He, the chief hall master, is really worried!

"The alliance leader is not here, so we can only stabilize these people for the time being!"

Xiao Juanyun took a deep breath. With his little ability, Bu Jinglei could knock him down with just one slap. If in this situation, he, the first hall leader, was brutally tortured, I'm afraid the Lingyun Alliance would It was a complete disgrace.

But up to now, Ling Feng has not appeared. Xiao Juanyun knew that Ling Feng was not a renegade person. If he was late, he might have encountered some trouble and failed to arrive in time.


A smile appeared on Xiao Juanyun's face, he bowed his hands to Bu Jinglei and said: "Today is the alliance establishment ceremony of our Lingyun Alliance. It is really an honor for our Lingyun Alliance to have the leader of Bu Jinglei come here. Everyone in our Lingyun Village, Pengpi Brilliant!"

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Even if the person who made that thunderous step was ill-intentioned, it would be hard to just take action in full view of everyone.


Bu Jinglei smiled and said calmly: "Hall Master Xiao, although I have never been friends with you, Leader of the Lingfeng Alliance, I have sent you a big gift today for the establishment of the Lingyun Alliance!"

With that said, Bu Jinglei clapped his hands, and a subordinate behind him immediately took out a rather large gift from the Naling Ring.

This "congratulatory gift" was wrapped in red cloth, but it was hard to tell what it was.

The next moment, Nabu Jinglei raised his hand and directly lifted the red silk, revealing a large bronze bell!

This big bell is as tall as a person. The thunderous hand patted the big bronze bell twice and said with a smile: "How about this big bronze bell? Its texture is simple and simple, and its sound is clear and loud. It is definitely the best." good stuff!"

In an instant, Xiao Juanyun's expression darkened.

On such a grand day as the Alliance Founding Ceremony, what’s wrong with you? Why are you here to “send off”?

The provocative meaning in this is already very obvious.

"Hahaha, Hall Master Xiao, how are you? I'm quite satisfied with this gift!"

The corner of Bu Jinglei's mouth curled up, and the sarcasm and teasing expression on his face was undisguised.

Countless warriors who newly joined the Lingyun League were all aggrieved. However, the warriors who came to watch saw that Lingyun League was so humiliated and no one stood up. They couldn't help but wonder what confidence this Lingyun League had.

Just now, I kept saying that no one can step on my head, Lingyun League, but now, people are coming to my door, and no one from Lingyun League even farts?


The first one to lose his temper was Chu Chaonan.

Although Chu Chaonan was only a guest elder in name only, he could not tolerate anyone being arrogant over him.

"Hmph, why, are you not satisfied with this gift?"

Bu Jinglei sneered, took a step forward, and stood on the spot, "I'm right here. If you don't accept it, beat me! Whoever can defeat me, I will eat this big bell on the spot and establish the Lingyun Alliance. Give 100 million contribution points!”

After a pause, Bu Jinglei continued: "But, if no one can defeat me, it means that the bullshit Lingyun Alliance is nothing more than a bunch of trash, a bunch of rabble. How can you imitate other people's alliances? Don't laugh to death! "

Bu Jinglei was merciless, making the members of the Lingyun Alliance clenched their fists and their teeth itched with hatred.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this Bu Jinglei is so arrogant!"

"Of course you are arrogant if you have strength! But what about Ling Feng? Why hasn't that guy come out? Everyone is riding on him. As the leader of the alliance, why haven't he stepped forward to solve it?"

"Is it possible that Ling Feng doesn't care about the life and death of the Lingyun Alliance at all? He didn't show up when he recruited members last time, and it's the same now, but they keep saying that by joining the Lingyun Alliance, he can exchange martial arts with Ling Feng!"

"It's all bullshit, it's all nonsense!"

For a time, everyone saw that the Lingyun Alliance was so weak, and they all had some doubts about the Lingyun Alliance.

Even many members who had joined the Lingyun Alliance began to waver.

The so-called Lingyun Alliance is not just an empty shell, it is simply a scam.

In the distance, the Tie family brothers couldn't help but frowned when they saw this scene.

Tieshan Hao said in a deep voice: "What's going on? That guy Ling Feng hasn't come out yet? When he beat me up, he wasn't so slow!"

"Bu Jinglei, the person who came here is evil! If I guessed correctly, Ling Feng may be in trouble!"

Tie Yan on the side said calmly.

"Hmph, that kid deserves it!"

Zhuge Wan'er snorted lightly. Out of curiosity, she also came to visit the alliance establishment ceremony of the Lingyun Alliance. When she saw Bu Jinglei bullying him, Ling Feng hadn't appeared yet.

This is not Ling Feng's style.

However, although Zhuge Wan'er kept saying that Ling Feng deserved it, she couldn't help but feel worried in her heart. Could it be that something happened to Ling Feng?

The next moment, Zhuge Waner quickly shook her head, spat softly, and murmured in her heart: Bah, bah, bah, why am I worried about that boy? How boring!

In front of Lingyun Village.

That step Jing Lei's arrogant and domineering attitude immediately made Chu Chaonan furious. He snorted coldly and took a step forward.

In an instant, a fierce momentum burst out, glaring at Bu Jinglei, and about to take action.

"Brother Chu!"

Xiao Juanyun quickly pressed Chu Chaonan's shoulders and shook his head at him.

Chu Chaonan was very strong, but Bu Jinglei was the second among the top ten, and his level of sword domain was already extremely advanced.

The person who came with that thunderous step was evil, someone who deliberately provoked the Lingyun Alliance and wanted to trample them to the ground.

But at this time, Ling Feng was not there.

If Chu Chaonan really takes action and is severely defeated by that step of thunder, the face of the Lingyun Alliance will be completely wiped out.

For the current plan, we can only delay temporarily and wait for Ling Feng to arrive.

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