Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2011 A dog fights with human power! (1 update)


Although Chu Chaonan couldn't swallow this breath, he also understood that he was probably no match for that thunderous step.

His defeat was not only related to himself, but also to the face of the entire Lingyun Alliance.

Therefore, never act rashly!

"Why, is there no one left in your Lingyun Alliance?"

A loser next to Bu Jinglei saw that no one from the Lingyun League was participating in the battle, and immediately shouted, "Hahaha, what nonsense, the Lingyun League is a bunch of cowards!"

"A bunch of rookies, imitating others to create a tongli association? It's ridiculous!"

"Trash deserves to be beaten. Why are we united so that no one can step on us? Damn, I'm going to step on you now. What kind of bullshit is the Lingyun Alliance, a bunch of rubbish, a bunch of ants, hahaha!"

Those scoundrels, who were always more rude than the others, almost turned the scene of the alliance ceremony into a vegetable market where shrews scolded the streets.

The members of the Lingyun Alliance were all trembling with anger, but even Xiao Juanyun, the leader of the hall, had not expressed his stance yet, so they were not allowed to overstep their bounds.

The warriors who were watching around became more and more chilled as they watched. They shook their heads and felt a trace of resistance towards Lingyun Alliance.

If you join such an alliance, you will have nothing to do with in the future. You will not be bullied by others.


At this moment, the square-faced man next to Bu Jinglei said with a smile: "Leader, you are so powerful that you probably frightened these rookies out of their wits. Forget it, let me do it for you." alright."

"With your strength, these rabble are not qualified to fight with you. Your subordinates will let them know how stupid and ridiculous they are!"

The square-faced man said with a sneer, looking back at Bu Jinglei for instructions.

Bu Jinglei nodded slightly, "Then it's up to you to play with them. After all, this is their alliance-building ceremony. Please be a little more compassionate when you take action, so as not to cause trouble."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The square-faced man laughed ferociously, "Don't worry, leader, I, Hou San, am always the most measured in my actions!"

After saying that, Hou San turned around and looked at the members of the Lingyun Alliance, shouting: "Trash, come on, give you a chance, whoever can make me move a step, I will admit that you are not trash!"

His words were unconcealed, and even Xiao Juanyun, who had a calm mind, was on the verge of rage. If he hadn't taken the overall situation into consideration, he might have drawn his sword in anger.

"I want to see what you are capable of, how dare you speak so wildly."

A member of the first batch of deacons who was quite strong and was promoted to the first batch of deacons could no longer hold back. He swung his sword in his hand and jumped out from the high platform.

He couldn't bear this tone no matter what.

Just Bu Jinglei, he is still the second among the top ten. How dare you be so arrogant, you are such a loser.

It's a pity that the deacon failed and couldn't even get Na Hou San to move.

Then, two more deacons took action, but the result remained the same.

The follower named Hou San was very powerful, even stronger than Wei Xuantong.

How can these deacons, or to put it bluntly, outer sect students, compare to such warriors who are comparable to the top ten warriors.

"Those who rely on human power! I'll do it!"

Chu Chaonan finally came to an end.

Although Xiao Juanyun tried his best to stop him, Chu Chaonan still ended up.

He can't swallow this breath of birdiness!

As the direct disciple of Lord Mu Shen, from childhood to adulthood, besides Lord Mu Shen, who else could make him feel angry?

"Get out of here!"

Chu Chaonan was Chu Chaonan after all. Ling Feng was not the only one who had greatly improved his strength during this period of time.

After entering the Huanxin Sword Washing Pond twice in a row, Chu Chaonan's strength also increased.


The six phases of destiny are displayed, and the phase of solemnity is combined with the unexpected move of the Wanxiang Zhenru Sword. Chu Chaonan's sword is somewhat deliberately imitating Ling Feng.

However, the effect is quite good.

The warrior named Hou San trembled all over and was actually forced back by Chu Chaonan's sword.

Chu Chaonan gained the upper hand and was not willing to spare anyone. When he had no time to strike, the second sword had already been struck.

Nahou San's eyelids twitched wildly, he rolled around like a lazy donkey, and hurriedly avoided Chu Chaonan's sword, but Chu Chaonan's sword was already coming.

Hou San lost the opportunity and was completely beaten by Chu Chaonan. He didn't even have a chance to get up. He was like a lazy snake and could only roll around on the ground.

"Huh? Apart from Ling Feng, there is such a master in Lingyun League?"

Bu Jinglei's expression changed. He was well aware of Hou San's strength. Unexpectedly, there was someone in the Lingyun League who could defeat Hou San.


The next moment, Bu Jinglei's figure shot out like a bolt of thunder, with a "clang" sound, the arc exploded, and Bu Jinglei blocked Chu Chaonan's sword edge with one sword.

Chu Chaonan felt a huge force coming from him, and he stepped back more than ten steps before he stabilized his body.

"So strong!"

Chu Chaonan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Bu Jinglei with a solemn expression. With his own strength, he would definitely not be able to defeat this man.

"I didn't expect that there are some somewhat capable warriors in the Lingyun Alliance."

A flash of admiration flashed in Bu Jinglei's eyes, and he said lightly: "The swordsmanship you just performed is quite interesting. The Lingyun Alliance is not good enough. As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost. I can give you a chance to join me." Thunder Alliance!"

"Add your mother!"

Chu Chaonan let out a low roar, and the six phases of destiny began to move again, and the nine phases of nine abyss and nine trials appeared, and his body was like a floating cloud, flying towards Bu Jinglei.

Although he thought he was no match for Bu Jing Lei, but with the appearance of a blissful boy, he could at least protect himself from being too badly defeated by Bu Jing Lei.

"I don't know how to praise!"

Bu Jinglei snorted, the sword domain expanded, and Chu Chaonan's speed slowed down instantly.

As both masters of swordsmanship, the difference between those with sword domain and those without sword domain was immediately apparent.

Chu Chaonan was indeed extremely talented, but unfortunately, he was about a hundred years younger than his opponent.

If they were of the same age, Chu Chaonan would naturally kill the opponent instantly. Unfortunately, there is no absolute equality in this world.


Xiao Juanyun clenched his fists tightly. How could he not see that Chu Chaonan's defeat was only a matter of time.

I just hope that Ling Feng can arrive as soon as possible.

Otherwise, today's Lingyun Alliance's alliance founding ceremony will really turn into a complete joke.

The members of the Lingyun Alliance were all pale-faced and very ugly, while some of the warriors onlookers shared the same hatred, while others flashed gloating from time to time.

"Nothing to sing!"

"Ling Yun Alliance, haha, it's just a joke!"

Chu Chaonan struggled to hold on. Under the powerful offensive of the thunderous step, he could only continue to operate the blissful boy phase and be immune to damage. However, even so, his movements were inevitably blocked in the thunderous sword field.

Even if the six aspects of destiny are unpredictable, I am afraid that I will be defeated in just ten moves.

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