Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2012 Sorry, I’m late! (2 updates)

"Humph, that's all!"

Bu Jinglei sneered, swung his long sword in his hand, and lost interest in continuing the fight with Chu Chaonan.

"Defeat me!!"

As Bu Jinglei let out a low roar, the entire sword domain was filled with a terrifying crushing power. A sword burst out, and the sword light wrapped with the power of thunder spurted out. With this sword, Chu Facing south is no longer avoidable.


Just when everyone thought that Chu Chaonan was going to vomit blood and fly backwards under this sword, a figure stopped between Chu Chaonan and Bu Jinglei without any warning.

That figure is not very tall or majestic, but at this moment it is like a mountain, standing tall and unyielding.


Bu Jinglei's sword light slashed hard at the figure, but he and his sword were forcefully knocked back.

"Sorry, I ran into a little trouble and I'm late!"

A calm and gentle voice sounded, and Xiao Juanyun suddenly looked ecstatic.

One after another, all eyes looked towards that figure.

It's Ling Feng!

Ling Feng finally showed up!

"Alliance leader!"

Xiao Juanyun jumped down from the high platform excitedly and walked quickly to Ling Feng, almost bursting into tears with excitement.

Ling Feng is finally here!

Chu Chaonan also heaved a sigh of relief, sheathed his sword, and glanced at Ling Feng with a smile, "You guy, if you don't come back, I will really have to answer for you!"

Ling Feng raised his hand and patted Chu Chaonan's shoulder, and said with a faint smile: "Brother Chu, you did a good job, leave the next step to me!"

"It's Ling Feng who's here..."

"Ling Feng showed up, there's a good show to watch."

The surrounding warriors, including members of the Lingyun Alliance, were shocked by the explanation.

No matter what, Ling Feng showed up before the Lingyun Alliance was disgraced!

"Finally here!"

The children of the nine major families, such as the Tie family brothers, who were watching from a distance, showed a hint of smile.

Although they had been defeated miserably at the hands of Ling Feng, they did not bear any grudge against Ling Feng. This Tie family brother was considered to be open-minded.

"There's something exciting to watch now!"

A hearty laughter sounded in their ears, and the Tie family brothers turned around and saw that it was Zhu Changyue from the Zhu family.

In addition, Sun Zhengmou, Dongfang Hao, Feng Yun'er and other geniuses from the nine major families who were among the top ten on the rookie swordsman list that day were also there.

"You guys are all here!"

Tie Yan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"We are all swordsmen on the rookie swordsman list, but our limelight this year has been taken away by that guy!"

Zhu Changyue shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Ling Feng was a rookie in the same class as them, but they were still rookies, while Ling Feng was already creating his own alliance.

"Although I have long known that this guy is unusual, to have reached this point in just one month is really unbelievable!"

Feng Yun'er couldn't help but sigh secretly. She was considered a proud woman in Yueling City. She rarely admired other people. Ling Feng was one of them.


Zhuge Wan'er, on the other hand, gritted her teeth and said nothing. After all, this woman couldn't help but praise Ling Feng, but everyone could see that she was just convinced but not convinced.

"If he can defeat Bu Jinglei, I will give him another chance!"

On the other side, the twin sisters of the Linghu family, Linghu Ying and Linghu Yu, are also secretly paying attention to the alliance ceremony.

Linghuying bit her red lips and said, "After all, such a genius is worthy of my pursuit!"

"But that guy doesn't seem to like us at all!" Linghuyu said weakly.

"What do you know! A man chases a woman, separated by mountains; a woman chases a man, separated by a layer of yarn!"

Linghuying gently held up Linghuyu's cheeks, "It's not easy for such stunning beauties as our sisters to win a Lingfeng!"

Linghuyu said "Oh", but secretly said in her heart: When you went to tease Xuanyuan Yu, you said the same thing...

"Are you Ling Feng?"

There was a hint of surprise in Bu Jinglei's eyes. Although the sword strike just now was somewhat unexpected, the brute strength displayed by Ling Feng was truly astonishing!

"Damn it!"

Bu Jinglei cursed secretly in his heart. It turned out that the reason why they were able to come out to provoke when Ling Feng was not around was actually because they had colluded with the people of the Eastern Alliance.

The people from the Eastern League kept saying that they could stop Ling Feng and prevent him from being present, while the people from the Thunder League came forward to suppress the Lingyun League.

As a result, Lingyun Alliance will naturally be difficult to achieve.

But who would have thought that Ling Feng would actually arrive!

And, unscathed!


Bu Jinglei snorted coldly, and the next moment, he calmed down again.

So what if it comes?

It's hard to beat me with thunder, or am I afraid of him?

After all, he is ranked second among the top ten!

"Finally, someone with weight is here, right? Ling Feng!"

Bu Jinglei sneered, turned around, patted the big bronze bell he had brought, and said with a grin: "Today your Lingyun Alliance is established. Leader Ling, you have accepted this great gift from me!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "Send a bell? Next time your dad celebrates his birthday, it's never too late to give it to him!"

"Hmph, sharp teeth and sharp mouth!"

A hint of evil flashed in Bu Jinglei's eyes, and the sword in his hand buzzed and trembled, "It seems that I need to teach you a lesson today about what it means to respect senior brother!"

"With the false reputation of being second among the top ten, do you really think you are a big shot?"

Ling Feng smiled and said, "Today, I will make you sober!"

He even dared to directly challenge Dongfang Chun, the top ten strongman, Bu Jinglei?

Sorry, he didn't take it seriously at all.

"Very good, arrogant enough! But also very ignorant!"

Bu Jinglei laughed loudly, but did not feel angry because of Ling Feng's words.

In his opinion, Ling Feng is just an ignorant junior, and he will use his strength to let him know how ridiculous his ideas are.

"Come on, let me see what the capabilities of the person who has been in the limelight recently are."

Bu Jinglei's eyes were fixed on Ling Feng coldly. The invisible sword domain spread out around him, and a terrifying sword pressure seemed to have substance, as if it had turned into several ancient sacred mountains and was suppressing Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged and he looked at Bu Jinglei with a calm expression.

"With this little trick, do you dare to show your embarrassment?"

Bu Jinglei's face suddenly became very ugly.

"Arrogant! Take the move!"

Bu Jinglei said angrily, and touched his waist with his right hand. In an instant, a dazzling sword light swept across in the shape of an electric arc.

This Bu Jinglei was able to maintain the second place among the top ten, and he indeed had extraordinary strength. Not only did he integrate the power of the Thunder Rules with his hand, he was also able to integrate the paralysis attribute of the Thunder within the sword domain.

When Chu Chaonan fought with him before, it was because of the power of thunder that once he was released from the form of a blissful boy, he would receive an electric shock from the power of thunder. His whole body would be paralyzed, and his movements would naturally become slower and slower.

This person is indeed troublesome!

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