Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2020 Jiuyang Cave! (7 more)

Jiuyang Cave Heaven!

The so-called Jiuyang Cave is a very special holy land for cultivation in the Single Moon Palace.

Like other treasures, entering Jiuyang Cave also requires spending a huge amount of contribution points.

One billion times!

Within Jiuyang Cave, the intensity of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has reached an unimaginable level.

No, it should be said that this is no longer simply the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it can even be called fairy spiritual energy!

Take the Xianyao Pond of the Dongling Immortal Pond as an example. The Xianyao Pond is already a rare blessed place in the world, and has even given birth to a huge holy land like the Dongling Immortal Pond. However, the spiritual energy level of Jiuyang Cave Sky is still far above that of Xianyao Pond.

There are a total of ten Jiuyang Cave Heavens to which Single Moon Heavenly Palace belongs, nine of which are occupied by nine major families. Only one has the strongest aura and is nominally under the jurisdiction of the elders of Single Moon Heavenly Palace.

Regardless of the elder or head of the family, if you want to use this Nine Yang Cave, you must pay the corresponding contribution points.

Although it is expensive, there is actually a full schedule of warriors who need to use Jiuyang Cave Heaven to practice every month.

Moreover, they are basically elder-level beings, and no matter how bad they are, they are geniuses who are direct descendants of the nine major families.

As for ordinary students, they basically don’t have to think about it.

Not to mention the huge number of one billion, it is almost impossible for them to afford it, and then there is the time arrangement.

They are not qualified to use the Cave Heaven that belongs to the nine major families, and the Jiuyang Cave Heaven that is jointly managed by the nine major families, without a professional relationship to say hello, is almost impossible to schedule.

At this time, several figures flew from the sky and slowly landed in the canyon where Jiuyang Cave Sky was.

These people are naturally Jiang Guangyi, Guan Shanyue and other hall leaders of the Eastern Alliance.

After seeing Ling Feng actually break through the Hundred Gods Immortal Formation, these people could no longer calm down.

The sense of crisis brought by Ling Feng was so strong that even at the risk of being scolded by Dongfang Chun, they had to call Dongfang Chun out of seclusion in advance.

Finally, several people stopped in front of a cave shrouded in golden light.

"Senior Brother Dongfang, my subordinate Jiang Guangyi has something to ask for!"

Jiang Guangyi made a plop and knelt down directly outside the cave. The other hall masters were almost lying on the ground, their faces full of awe.

"Hall Master Jiang, didn't I say that no one is allowed to disturb me during the retreat?"

A calm voice came from inside the cave, and Jiang Guangyi and others breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Dongfang Chun was not angry.

"Senior Brother Dongfang, a very serious situation has arisen, so we have to disturb you!"

Jiang Guangyi said in a deep voice: "Senior Brother Dongfang, do you still remember that before you went into seclusion, you asked us to recruit Ling Feng?"

"Ling Feng?"

Dongfang Chun's voice came from the cave, "It seems that there is such a thing? Why, didn't he agree?"

"Not only did he not agree, he also uttered wild words, saying that he would challenge you within two months!"

Jiang Guangyi said bitterly.

"So ignorant of praise?" Dongfang Chun's voice was a bit colder, with a hint of disdain, and he said slowly: "Do you still need me to teach you how to deal with such arrogant boys? Hall Master Jiang, you are so lively. Yue is going back!”

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Jiang Guangyi's face, "Senior Brother Dongfang, if we could deal with that kid, why would we come here to trouble you?"

Then, Jiang Guangyi sighed and told Dongfang Chun all the "good things" Ling Feng had done in the past month.

Even when Ling Feng came and beat them all up, he didn't dare to hide this shame and humiliation.

"What? He actually defeated six of you in a row, and even created some sort of Lingyun Alliance?"

Dongfang Chun's voice was as cold as freezing point, which immediately gave Jiang Guangyi and others a shuddering feeling.

"Bu Jinglei was also defeated?"

Dongfang Chun continued to ask.

"Not only was he defeated, he was also beaten into a pig's head by Ling Feng like the six of us that day!" Guan Shanyue said with a mournful face.

"Also, today, he even broke through the Tongtian Sword Tower and even broke the Hundred Gods Immortal Bombing Formation!"

Jiang Guangyi continued to add.

"It seems that it's time for me to leave the quarantine early!"

Dongfang Chun's voice returned to its original calmness, "I haven't been out for more than a month. Unexpectedly, another interesting boy appeared. However, does he really think that the waves behind the river will push the waves ahead, and the waves in front will die on the beach? Want to step on me? Dongfang Chun is in charge, let him be more mature!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Dongfang, if you take action, you will be able to capture him easily."

The faces of all the hall masters showed hope. Finally, someone could rub that Ling Feng's spirit away.

"You spread the news for me. I will come out of seclusion in three days! And I, Dongfang Chun, accepted Ling Feng's challenge!"

Dongfang Chun's voice was plain, indifferent, and could not be criticized.

The six hall masters all faced the direction of the cave and bowed in unison, "I accept your orders!"

The next day, another extremely shocking news broke out in the Single Moon Palace.

After Ling Feng, another person successfully broke through the Hundred Gods Bombing Immortal Formation and opened the Tongtian Sword Tower.

This person is actually a student, Xiao Hen, who has disappeared from the Duyue Palace for many years.

This Xiao Hen was once the most outstanding genius of the Xiao family. Unfortunately, he gave up the way of swordsmanship and specialized in the way of soul.

Originally, Xiao Hen also had a considerable status in the Single Moon Palace, and there were also many warriors who admired Xiao Hen very much.

But since he specialized in Soul Dao, his whole temperament has changed drastically, and he almost doesn't appear in Duyue Celestial Palace anymore.

As time goes by, people even gradually forget that there was such a genius in the One Moon Palace.

He rises and shines like a comet, and then disappears.

Originally, everyone thought that Xiao Hen would never appear in public view again, but after Ling Feng broke through the Hundred Gods Immortal Immortal Formation, Xiao Hen actually appeared again.

Moreover, just like a provocation, he actually got through the Tongtian Sword Tower.

Then, Xiao Hen disappeared again.

It's like, just coming out to have fun.

At this time, in the meeting hall of the Single Moon Palace, the elders of the major families were completely upset.

"Let me tell you, Master Xiao, your Xiao family is hiding too deep. Is that kid Xiao Hen so powerful?"

Xuanyuan Longteng looked at the head of the Xiao family with a smile. After all, the junior who can break through the Tongtian Sword Tower can be said to be a peerless monster that is rare to see in a thousand years.

"Forget about that little beast!"

The head of the Xiao family shook his head and smiled bitterly, "He has long deviated from the path of a swordsman and abandoned my Xiao family's secret knowledge like a shoe. In recent years, his temper has become more and more gloomy. In a few years, I am afraid that even my biological father will No more."

"Master Xiao, you can't say that. All kinds of methods lead to the same goal. Although we in the West Sword Region only respect the sword, it does not mean that other paths are crooked."

Xuanyuan Longteng said calmly: "It's a pity that this kid's heart is not in the One Moon Heavenly Palace. He always goes his own way and is difficult to reuse."

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