Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2021 Xiao Hen comes to visit! (8 more)


The head of the Xiao family nodded. In his heart, the people who can inherit the Xiao family are Xiao Yi and Xiao Juanyun.

Of the two, Xiao Yi is more talented, but it's a pity that he is too harsh and will be punished. Xiao Juanyun is slightly less talented, but he is better at forbearing and more courageous.

Take the establishment of the Lingyun Alliance as an example. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ling Feng is just a leader in name, but it is Xiao Juanyun who is actually in charge of the Lingyun Alliance.

This son is indeed extraordinary.

"In addition, that boy Dongfang Chun seems to be unable to hold himself back. He will be released soon. I wonder who will be better in a battle between him and Ling Feng."

Xuanyuan Longteng smiled faintly. To him, it didn't matter who won or lost. Anyway, neither of them were from the Xuanyuan family. Secondly, they were both disciples of the One Moon Palace.

Relatively speaking, Xuanyuan Longteng was more on Ling Feng's side.

“The juniors in this class are really full of talents!”

Zhuge Qingtian also stroked his long beard. In their generation, there was only one strong man like Dongfang Chun, and he swept a large area. But this time, Ling Feng, Xiao Hen and Dongfang Chun actually emerged at the same time. , this is a symbol of the advent of the great world!

"Xiao Hen!"

When the news reached Ling Feng's ears, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Since the last time he came out of the Tongtian Sword Tower, Ling Feng has been staying at home, firstly to recharge his energy, and secondly, to understand the way of the sword domain.

Ling Feng gradually mastered many of the many changes and uses of the sword domain.

After all, Ling Feng still has a hundred kendos in his hands. These kendos are like lighthouses, pointing out the way forward for Ling Feng.

After learning that Xiao Hen had actually cleared the Tongtian Sword Tower, and that it seemed to take less time than himself, Ling Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

"Is this Xiao Hen inviting me to challenge?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose and murmured in a low voice.

"Don't guess what Fourth Brother is thinking."

Xiao Juanyun shook his head and smiled: "But I'm also curious. That guy obviously doesn't like to deal with outsiders, but he seems to be very special to you!"

"Is there any?"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and thought about it carefully. It seemed that every time he met Xiao Hen, he would always say something that made him somewhat baffled.

Moreover, he also showed his interest in himself and his willingness to fight.

Perhaps it was because he was very surprised to find a warrior with a silver fighting spirit among his peers.

"Of course!"

Xiao Juanyun's eyes suddenly became a little silvery, "Brother Ling, your charm is not so great that it can attract even men, right? Hehe..."


Chu Chaonan also received a look of disdain, and the expression on his face was extremely exaggerated.

"How disgusting, you stinky men!"

Yu Junyao also came here with Xiao Juanyun today. This woman was bored and joined the Lingyun League. She also took the position of an elder and occasionally went to Lingyun Village to give some advice to ordinary members.

Speaking of which, there are quite a few female members who have joined the Lingyun League. Linghu Ying, Linghu Yu from the Linghu family, and Zhuge Waner, the "little pepper", all came to sign up.

When Xiao Juanyun saw these names, his eyes almost fell out.

However, no matter whether these women spoke softly or forced each other violently, they all successfully joined the Lingyun Alliance.

However, Ling Feng was practicing basically every day, and they had not had much chance to meet Ling Feng face to face.


Ling Feng kicked Xiao Juanyun. This guy seemed serious when he was in the Lingyun Alliance, but in private, his wretched nature was exposed.

"Hehe, I have to keep my distance from you in the future, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be turned aside."

Xiao Juanyun grinned, and when he saw Ling Feng's face getting darker and darker, he changed the subject and said, "One more thing, that Dongfang Chun is going to be released from seclusion tomorrow!"

"Are you finally coming out of seclusion?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, "Everyone praises Dongfang Chun so much, I just hope he won't be too weak, otherwise, I'm afraid it will turn people off."

"Dongfang Chun is not weak!"

At this moment, a slightly cold voice came from the distance, and then, an astonishing chill hit.

Ling Feng was fine, but Xiao Juanyun and Chu Chaonan beside him both shuddered.

Ling Feng was very familiar with this chill that almost froze his soul.

Xiao Hen!

I was still talking about him just now, but this guy arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Xiao came to the door in person, there are only a few visitors!"

Ling Feng looked at Xiao Hen. His complexion became paler again, and the coldness on his body became more intense.

"Fourth brother."

Xiao Juanyun bowed his hand to him. Although they were all members of the same family, Xiao Juanyun didn't have much other feelings for his brother except awe.


Xiao Hen nodded slightly towards Xiao Juanyun, and his eyes immediately fell on Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, if you underestimate Dongfang Chun too much, I'm afraid you will suffer a loss."

Xiao Hen smiled faintly, and the coldness around his body dissipated a little.

Apparently, he didn't have any hostility.

"Brother Xiao, could it be that he had fought against Dongfang Chun before?"

Ling Feng looked at Xiao Hen. This person would actually come here to remind him?

"We fought in secret once, and that time, I lost."

Xiao Hen spoke very easily, as if he was describing something that had nothing to do with him.

Even Xiao Juanyun was a little surprised. He didn't know when Xiao Hen had challenged Dongfang Chun.

"Sit down and talk!"

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to signal Xiao Hen to sit down, while Xiao Juanyun and Chu Chaonan found an excuse to leave directly.

Even though they had restrained themselves, the terrible chill that Xiao Hen brought to them was still a bit unbearable.

Only Yu Junyao, as a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, has Jiuli Divine Fire to protect her body. Any cold air cannot get close to her, so it has no effect.

However, she was also forcefully pulled away by Xiao Juanyun, but these people did not really leave, they just hid in the distance and peeked in the dark.

What kind of people Ling Feng and Xiao Hen are, they naturally discovered this, but they didn't tell them.

Just let them watch.

"Brother Xiao is here just to remind me to be careful about Dongfang Chun?"

Ling Feng picked up the teapot and slightly activated the swallowing flames in his body, causing a surge of heat. In the teapot, the tea that had long been frozen by the cold air emanating from Xiao Hen's body began to boil slightly, and a scent of tea suddenly dissipated.

With the sound of tea being slowly poured out, Xiao Hen just smiled and said: "I just want to come and discuss with you."


Ling Feng was a little confused as to why Xiao Hen suddenly came to discuss matters at this juncture.

"Of course, our competition is a little different. We are both Soul Dao monks. How about we compete with each other using spiritual thoughts? What do you think?"

Xiao Hen smiled faintly, "If you can't even pass my level, you will definitely lose in a battle with Dongfang Chun!"

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