Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2022 Spiritual Confrontation! (9 updates)

"Okay, then Brother Xiao, please enlighten me!"

Ling Feng cupped his fist and saluted Xiao Hen. The two looked at each other, then flew out from the pavilion and landed in an open space in the middle of the yard.

What Xiao Hen is good at is the soul path, so the battle between the two people naturally starts between the souls.

The next moment, both of them slowly closed their eyes. In an instant, two invisible auras exploded in the courtyard.


The void trembled, strong winds rolled around, dark clouds rolled in the sky, and there was faint thunder!

Neither of them moved an inch, but the exchange of Qi and Qi had already caused wind and clouds to swirl and the sky to change dramatically!

"What are these two guys doing?"

Xiao Juanyun and others hid behind a rockery and watched. When they saw the two standing motionless, they all frowned.

If you fight like this, who can figure out why?

What's more, few warriors in the Western Sword Region are good at the Soul Dao, and few understand the Soul Dao.

For ordinary warriors in the Western Sword Region, the sword in their hands is everything.

"Their spiritual thoughts are fighting in the spiritual space. Although they seem to be motionless, the intensity of the fight is probably even greater than that of a real sword fight!"

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, also had some understanding of the Soul Dao, and said slowly: "Wait a minute, whoever's energy and spirit slump first means who loses in this spiritual battle."

At this time, in the mental space of Ling Feng and Xiao Hen, the two of them had indeed fought to the point of darkness.

The spiritual incarnation of Xiao Hen was completely different from himself. He was almost a little giant over three meters tall. He was holding a huge sword, which was more than a foot long. Under his wanton swiping, an unparalleled terrifying force erupted. strength.

The incarnation of the spiritual world is closely related to one's own fighting spirit. The higher the level of the fighting spirit, the more powerful the spiritual incarnation will naturally be.

There is still a faint silvery white light on Xiao Hen's body, which also proves that his fighting spirit has reached the level of silver fighting spirit!

"Brother Xiao, you indeed have a silver fighting spirit!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. Xiao Hen was not too old, at most forty or fifty years old.

Ordinary Soul Dao monks, such as the Supreme Elder from Pegasus Ranch, who have been practicing for a lifetime, are just silver fighting souls.

"Brother Ling, your fighting spirit is even more astonishing. It's already reaching the threshold of a golden fighting spirit!"

Xiao Hen's face was expressionless, his eyes fixed on Ling Feng, and with a low roar, he swung his giant sword and attacked.

His spiritual incarnation is not as weak as the original one. As he swings the giant sword, the sword causes bursts of wind-breaking sounds, showing its terrifying destructive power.


"Brother Ling, last time I introduced Dongfang Chun into my spiritual arena without his knowledge, and used his spiritual incarnation to compete with him on swordsmanship! This man's swordsmanship has reached an incredible level. If you can't even defeat my spiritual incarnation, then you will be defeated completely in a battle with him!"

"I will not lose to you, let alone him!"

Ling Feng chuckled lightly, unfolded his Xiaoyao Sword Steps, and his body shape changed and became erratic!

In the Tongtian Sword Tower, Ling Feng's body skills were also tempered to the extreme. After all, in a terrifying sword formation like the Hundred Gods Immortal Formation, sometimes just one step slower would end up being riddled with holes.

Although Xiao Hen's sword was fast and strong, it could not seal him tightly like the hundred sword puppets of the Hundred Gods Immortal Formation.

The two of them used their spiritual consciousness to duel, and they exchanged no less than a hundred moves!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sword edges kept colliding, and both of them used their methods at the same time. For a moment, they were evenly matched.

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