Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2024 Dongfang Chun comes out of seclusion! (1 update)

At this time, Xiao Juanyun and Chu Chaonan also came over. Chu Chaonan couldn't help but muttered: "Brother Ling, you agreed too simply. I think that kid looks gloomy." He doesn’t look like a good person! Aren’t you afraid that he might be plotting to harm you?”

"Brother Chu, watch your words!"

Xiao Juanyun on the side immediately said angrily: "After all, he is also my fourth brother! Moreover, although the fourth brother's temperament has changed a lot, he will never disdain any conspiracy! Let alone be detrimental to the alliance leader!"

"Yes, Xiao Hen's eyes are clean and clear, and it doesn't look like he has any conspiracy."

Ling Feng patted Chu Chaonan on the shoulder and said calmly: "I believe in my ability to see people!"

"Haha, that's my villain's heart."

Chu Chaonan shrugged, "Anyway, I always feel that something is wrong. The gloomy aura about him makes people uncomfortable anyway."

"To be honest, I also feel that there is something wrong with the aura on his body!" Yu Junyao also frowned and said.

“Don’t make friends with people you suspect, but don’t make friends with people you suspect.”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Okay, Xiao Hen will also be a member of our Ling Yun Alliance from now on. As time goes by, people's hearts are known. Maybe after getting along with him for a long time, you will know what kind of person he is."

After saying that, Ling Feng said no more, took the experience note given by Xiao Hen, and went back to his room to study it.

Time passed by, and at this time, outside the valley where Jiuyang Cave Sky was located, the six masters of the Eastern Alliance all knelt down respectfully on the ground, looking towards the depths of the valley, where the golden light was at the end.

Because today is the day when the leader of the Eastern Alliance, Dongfang Chun, comes out of seclusion!

Finally, along with a golden light, it soared into the sky. Finally, a figure loomed in the golden light, and then slowly walked out of the cave!

"Congratulations to the alliance leader for coming out of seclusion!"

The six hall masters were almost crawling on the ground. Under Dongfang Chun's domineering and stern aura, they could hardly even dare to take a breath.

"Your Majesty's momentum has become stronger and more terrifying."

The first hall leader, Jiang Guangyi, trembled in his heart and did not dare to look directly at that figure.

As for the other hall leaders, none of them dared to take a breath. The pressure brought by Dongfang Chun on them was almost tangible.

Finally, Dongfang Chun's figure broke away from the golden light and revealed his true face.

He was a young man with a face as beautiful as a crown jewel, with a kind of handsomeness that was not in line with his status.

After a while, he calmed down his aura. In an instant, he was like a weak young man with no strength to restrain a chicken, his aura was restrained and natural.

This person, full of strength, can move and release freely, has reached the state of returning to nature!

"Meet the leader!"

The six hall masters shouted in unison again, their hearts filled with respect and awe.

"Everyone get up!"

Dongfang Chun raised his hand slightly, and the six hall masters slowly stood up, but still did not dare to look directly at Dongfang Chun. They could only hang their heads slightly and stand respectfully.

"Let's talk about it in detail. Regarding that Ling Feng, our alliance mainly knows everything!"

"Yes, Alliance Leader!"

Jiang Guangyi took a small step forward and reported to Dongfang Chun everything that happened when Ling Feng arrived at Yueling City in great detail.

"No wonder you are panicking, and you actually came to disturb our leader's retreat in advance!"

Dongfang Chun nodded imperceptibly, but his tone remained as indifferent as before: "This guy does have some abilities. However, threatening to challenge me is too confident."

"We all think so. Although this Ling Feng has good talent and his strength has improved rapidly, compared with you, the leader, he is still far behind."

Jiang Guangyi said: "Now that I see the alliance leader, my subordinates' hearts are completely swallowed back in their stomachs! That Ling Feng is no match for you at all!"

"Leader, you have made another big breakthrough in Jiuyang Cave!"

All the hall masters were intimidated by Dongfang Chun's momentum. Although Ling Feng was strong, there was obviously still a big gap compared with Dongfang Chun.


Jiang Guangyi thought for a while and then said: "Leader, there is one more thing. In addition to Ling Feng, Xiao Hen of the Xiao family also opened the Tongtian Sword Tower recently!"

"Xiao Hen?"

Dongfang Chun smiled coldly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, "It's just a defeated general, nothing to worry about! Now that I've come out, it's time to deal with some clowns!"

The six hall masters all had a look of joy on their faces.

Finally, someone was able to teach the arrogant Ling Feng a lesson.

That day, Ling Feng forced his way into the headquarters of the Eastern Alliance and brutally tortured the six leaders of their halls. This shame and humiliation would eventually be washed away with Ling Feng's blood.

"Let's go back to One Moon Heavenly Palace!"

Dongfang Chun said lightly, put his hands behind his back, strode out, and flew out in the direction of the One Moon Palace.

The six hall masters quickly followed behind them, and in the blink of an eye, the seven of them disappeared into the valley.

Dongfang Chun returned to the One Moon Heavenly Palace, and the news naturally spread throughout Yueling City immediately.

After all, the news that Ling Feng challenged Dongfang Chun had been released more than a month ago.

Dongfang Chun also responded three days ago.

Now that Dongfang Chun has finally come out of seclusion, the final battle between these two peerless warriors seems to be about to begin.

"Have you heard that Dongfang Chun is back!"

"Hell, where is he? Has he already started a fight with Ling Feng? Tell me quickly. This battle is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. Don't miss it!"

"It's just come out, but since Dongfang Chun has already said that he will accept Ling Feng's challenge, this battle will definitely shock the entire Yueling City!"

"Oh my god, just thinking about it makes my blood boil!"

The news spread quickly to Yueling City. However, what is strange is that after Dongfang Chun returned to Duyue Palace, he did not return to the headquarters of the Eastern Alliance first, but went directly to the direction of the Tongtian Sword Tower. .

Then, under the gaze of countless eyes, he directly entered the sword tower.

It seems that in this way, he wants to announce to everyone that he, Dongfang Chun, is the real overlord among the students of Duyue Tiangong!

The only one, the king!

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