Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2025 The posture of overlord! (2 updates)

On the other side, Xuanjian Villa.

"Brother Ling! Brother Ling!..."

There was a knock on the door of Ling Feng's bedroom, short and urgent, obviously something urgent.

Ling Feng was meditating when he heard a knock on the door. He opened his eyes slightly and with a thought, the door opened automatically.

The next moment, Xiao Juanyun was seen rushing in from outside the door. He was a little out of breath and said: "Dong...Dongfang Chun is out of seclusion!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he said calmly: "Have you finally come out? Is there any movement?"

"He...he..." Xiao Juanyun gasped: "He went to Tongtian Sword Tower, and now he is breaking into the tower!"

"Well, let's go and have a look!"

Ling Feng stood up and flew out of the room in a flash.

He wanted to see what kind of medicine Dongfang Chun was selling in the gourd?

When Ling Feng and Xiao Juanyun arrived at the Tongtian Sword Tower area, the place was already overcrowded and blocked, making it almost difficult to squeeze in.

Fortunately, when people saw Ling Feng appearing, they actually moved out of the way.

Everyone knows that today, there will be a fight between Ling Feng and Dongfang Chun!

At this time, the six hall masters of the Eastern Alliance stood like six stone pillars under the sword tower, with their heads raised high and their eyes full of awe.

Ling Feng looked up and saw that the crystal on the eighth floor of the Tongtian Sword Tower had lit up, indicating that Dongfang Chun had reached the eighth level of the Tongtian Sword Tower.

"Oh? In such a short time, did you break into the Thirty-Six Tiangang Sword Formation?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. It seemed that Dongfang Chun was not unworthy of his fame.

"Ling Feng!"

Naguan Shanyue suddenly noticed Ling Feng's appearance, and immediately glared at him fiercely, gritting his teeth and said: "Hey, boy, your good days are over! Today, Senior Brother Dongfang will completely remove all the halo from you. Crush!"

Jiang Guangyi, Gongshu Liang and others also stared at Ling Feng with unkind expressions.

Ling Feng smiled coldly, glanced at these people, and said with a faint smile: "Why, have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by me so quickly?"

Jiang Guangyi and others all shrank their necks involuntarily.

Recalling the scene of being brutally tortured by Ling Feng that day, several people couldn't help but tremble.

This guy is simply a devil!

Seeing these people, Ling Feng immediately gave in. Ling Feng smiled disdainfully. Now that the boss like Dongfang Chun has come out, Ling Feng naturally doesn't bother to cause trouble for these little minions.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Six Hall Masters or the top ten.

In Ling Feng's eyes, they are just minions.

At this moment, a burst of exclamations broke out from the crowd.

"It's the ninth floor!"

"Oh my god, we're on the ninth floor so soon!"

"It seems to be faster than Ling Feng and Xiao Hen!"

"That's not the case! After all, he is the leader of the top ten, the legendary figure of the One Moon Heavenly Palace, and a sub-sage-level existence!"

"The last time Dongfang Chun broke into the Tongtian Sword Tower was five or six years ago. Perhaps he already had the strength to break through the Sword Tower, but it was just that he never broke through the tower that gave Ling Feng a head start."

Everyone is either amazed or in awe at your words or my words...

The name Dongfang Chun had already been a prominent figure in Yueling City decades ago.

In fact, if he hadn't been reluctant to break through, he would have already become a saint-level powerhouse.

In the distance, several figures landed silently on a high tower.

If it were discovered by all the students, they would definitely be horrified beyond measure.

These people are all high-ranking elders of the nine major families, and the leader is Xuanyuan Longteng, the head of the Xuanyuan family.

In addition to Xuanyuan Longteng, there are also Zhuge Qingtian, Tie Kunlun, etc., who are all elders who have appeared on the rookie swordsman list.

"Dongfang Chun is finally out of seclusion!"

Xuanyuan Longteng stared at the Tongtian Sword Tower with a smile, and said with a faint smile: "This kid really has a personality. He broke into the tower as soon as he came out. Obviously he wants to give Ling Feng a disgrace!"

Although Dongfang Chun is over a hundred years old, he is still a "boy" in the eyes of Xuanyuan Longteng and other powerful men of the older generation.

"The stronger you are in the Tongtian Sword Tower, the faster you can get through it." Zhuge Qingtian shook his head and smiled.

"But the person who rushes faster will definitely not be weak!"

The patriarch of the Dongfang family snorted. As a member of the Dongfang family, he naturally stood by Dongfang Chun.

"Haha, what both of you said makes sense!" Xuanyuan Longteng hurriedly reconciled with Xi Ni in the middle, and said with a smile: "Which one is stronger and which one is weaker, we will know soon!"

At this time, more and more warriors were surrounding the Tongtian Sword Tower.

The answer to this challenge, which has caused a stir in the city more than a month ago, will finally be revealed today.

Who would be willing to miss such an unprecedented battle?

About half an hour later, a golden light shot straight into the sky above the Tongtian Sword Tower!

This also means that Dongfang Chun has completely opened up the Tongtian Sword Tower!

And the time he spent was less than half of Ling Feng's!

No, much shorter than half of half!

For a time, exclamations and shouts came one after another and lasted for a long time.

"Let me just say that Dongfang Chun is the strongest. There is no comparison between Ling Feng and Xiao Hen."

"Dongfang Chun is indeed powerful. As soon as he came out of seclusion, he acted as a overlord and made an arrogant and ignorant boy like Ling Feng understand who is the real strong one!"

"As expected of Dongfang Chun, he is a powerful being below the Saint level that no one can shake."

In less than an hour, the Tongtian Sword Tower was completely opened. Such speed and such amazing results completely made the warriors in the audience excited.

"Hahaha! As expected of Senior Brother Dongfang!"

Jiang Guangyi waved his fist excitedly, and Guan Shanyue looked at Ling Feng provocatively and shouted: "Ling Feng, do you understand now? Senior Brother Dongfang, you are not comparable to an ignorant boy like you! You’re not even worthy of carrying Brother Dongfang’s shoes!”

Ling Feng smiled, this Dongfang Chun was indeed strong enough.

But, am I weak?

In fact, the last time he cleared the Tongtian Sword Tower, although it seemed to take much longer than Dongfang Chun, most of the time was spent breaking through the limits and condensing the sword domain.

The time to actually break into the tower is after the Sword Domain is formed.

If Ling Feng were allowed to break into the sword tower again, the time it would take would only be shorter than Dongfang Chun's.

However, it is enough for Ling Feng to know these things himself, so why bother to explain them to others?

The next moment, a figure teleported out from the Tongtian Sword Tower. Although he was slightly panting, he looked quite calm and calm.

Ling Feng stared at Dongfang Chun carefully.

This person seemed to have stepped down from the throne, as if he was born superior to others, which involuntarily made people feel a sense of gap, as if that person was someone they could not catch up with no matter how hard they tried.

"What a strong aura."

Ling Feng couldn't help but be secretly surprised, but he quickly calmed down.

In terms of status and dignity, Yu Junyao, as a direct descendant of the Jiuli Divine Clan, is not a hundred times more noble than Dongfang Chun.

He is a descendant of the Tiandao clan. If Dongfang Chun is superior to others, Ling Feng is at least one hundred, seventy or eighty levels superior.

For him, Ling Feng didn't have the slightest sense of unnecessary inferiority complex.

(PS: Let me tell you something, it is very important! Regarding the recent "harmonious" actions of online literature, perhaps many readers have heard about it. Some of the books you are looking at may suddenly be removed from the shelves. No more, no more. So, if one day, this "Chaos" suddenly disappears, don't be too surprised, even I, the author, have been mentally prepared.

In fact, everyone who has watched it all the way knows that I really don’t have any pornographic content. Ling Feng is a straight man and has no interest in women at all. The reason why I write this is because I am afraid of Harmony. However, even so, after all, a book with millions of words is still very dangerous. Some words may not be intentional by the author, but they may be ambiguous, so some of my previous chapters are also missing and need to be corrected.

This kind of thing has happened too much during this period. When I broke the update yesterday, I was panicking to death, for fear that something would go wrong. It's a very difficult time for many authors right now.

In order to keep this book alive, I also need to self-examine and revise it. As for updates, I will try my best to ensure three updates, but it may not be enough for three chapters, so I hope everyone will be merciful.

Sorry, there are only two updates today. I need to check the previous content, and I really don’t have any thoughts on coding. That's it, I hope I can survive this. )

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