Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2026 Give you a defeat! (1 update)

At this time, Jiang Guangyi came close to Dongfang Chun, pointed at Ling Feng, and whispered a few words. The next moment, Dongfang Chun's eyes suddenly swept towards Ling Feng.

What kind of look is that?

For a moment, Ling Feng felt like he was in the vast void, imprisoned by eternal time and space.

This Dongfang Chun is very strong!

Ling Feng's face was slightly solemn. No wonder, even Xiao Hen was not like this. Dongfang Chun was indeed different from other people in the Eastern Alliance.

In fact, it was different from all the warriors from the Du Yue Tiangong that he had encountered before.

This is a truly powerful monster!

However, the more this happened, the fighting spirit in Ling Feng's eyes became more intense.


Feeling the fierce fighting spirit radiating from Ling Feng's body, the disdain in Dongfang Chun's eyes became even stronger.

"Are you that Ling Feng?"

Dongfang Chun obviously didn't expect that the guy who caused a storm and uproar in Yueling City would be such a young boy.

Moreover, it seems that his cultivation is only at the early stage of the Destiny Realm.

Such a boy could actually easily kill the six hall masters under his command?

Thinking of this, his eyes became a little more serious, and he said calmly: "I heard that you want to challenge me?"


Ling Feng walked out from the crowd, held his head high and his chest high, and his momentum soared into the sky, confronting Dongfang Chun in a tit-for-tat manner.

"Ling Feng, after seeing how this alliance leader can crush you and break through the Tongtian Sword Tower, do you still want to challenge me now?"

Dongfang Chun stood with his hands behind his back, like a superior king, and sneered: "Because you are young and ignorant, this alliance leader will give you a chance! Disband the Lingyun Alliance on the spot and join our alliance leader. From now on, you will be the number one Hall Master! Within the Eastern Alliance, you are inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!”

"Let's talk about it if you can defeat me!"

Ling Feng turned a deaf ear and stared at Dongfang Chun, saying in a cold voice: "You spent a lot of energy breaking through the tower. If necessary, I can wait for you for another three days! When you have rested enough, we will fight again!"


Before Dongfang Chun could speak, Guan Shanyue started to curse, "Ling Feng, don't be so shameless!"

"You boy who doesn't know how to praise, Senior Brother Dongfang cherishes talents and gives you opportunities again and again, but you don't know how to cherish them!"


The hall masters of the Eastern Alliance were cursing for a while. Dongfang Chun raised his hand slightly, and then all the hall masters became quiet.

"Okay, then I will give you a defeat as you wish!"

Dongfang Chun was like a lofty god, his cold eyes fixed on Ling Feng, his aura rising rapidly.

Although Dongfang Chun had not yet broken through to the Saint level, Ling Feng could vaguely feel a trace of the mighty power belonging to the Saint.

This is what is called, Yasheng!

Feeling the surge of invisible pressure, the Hunyuan Lock of Forging Qi in the body automatically opened involuntarily.

Sweeping under the terrifying pressure like a ten thousand-foot-high raging wave, Ling Feng felt like a small boat in the vast ocean, drifting with the current. Just one huge wave would destroy the boat and kill everyone.

However, Ling Feng stood up straight under such heavy pressure.

He stood there like a javelin. Even the might of the ten ancient ancestral dragons could not defeat Ling Feng, let alone Dongfang Chun!


The corner of Dongfang Chun's mouth curled up, as if he was a little surprised that a mere junior emperor in Lingfeng could resist the pressure of a saint-level powerhouse.

"It looks like you can make me a little more serious."

Dongfang Chun came out of Jiuyang Cave and greatly improved his strength. He originally thought that no one below the Saint level could make him serious.

However, Ling Feng's appearance really surprised him.

"Hey, is the fight finally about to begin?"

The countless students who were watching were all excited. They had been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

"Dongfang Chun is stronger than before. Can Ling Feng really compete with him?"

"I see, now I feel that although Dongfang Chun is not a saint, he is no longer weaker than an ordinary saint!"

"It's impossible for Ling Feng to beat him, right?"

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, but it was almost one-sided, no one was optimistic about Ling Feng.

Before Dongfang Chun came out of seclusion, people might still have the slightest illusion that Ling Feng could counterattack.

But now it seems that Dongfang Chun's time to break into the tower is more than half that of Ling Feng, and his momentum is almost crushing Ling Feng.

In this battle, there is a huge disparity in strength, and the outcome seems to be very clear.

On the other side, the elders of the nine major families were on the top of a high tower.

"That boy Dongfang Chun, you have gained a lot in Jiuyang Cave this time!"

Xuanyuan Longteng narrowed his eyes. Although he had long known how powerful Dongfang Chun was, this time, Dongfang Chun seemed to be much better than before.

"Master Xuanyuan, I'm afraid that Ling Feng, whom you have always been optimistic about, will fail miserably this time."

The elder of the Dongfang family had a smile on his face. In fact, when he saw the strength displayed by Dongfang Chun, he also took a reassurance.

Originally, Ling Feng's various brilliant achievements and various leapfrog instant kills were widely reported, and the city was filled with uproar.

Even he was a little worried in his heart, but he didn't expect that Dongfang Chun was back, and he was looking at his return with a dominant attitude.

There is no suspense in this battle!

With Ling Feng and Dongfang Chun as the centers, an invisible aura exploded.

The warriors who were watching around them pushed back a hundred feet away, leaving them enough fighting space.

At the same time, a senior elder of the Single Moon Heavenly Palace directly threw out a magic weapon that looked like a small bowl. The small bowl swelled up in the wind and turned into a huge transparent mask. It turned upside down and covered Ling Ling. Feng and Dongfang Chun were shrouded in a mask of light.

Once these two people fight, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

This is not a dedicated arena, so some protective measures must be taken.

Not only that, several elders who are good at inscription arrays also showed their magical powers to increase the defensive power of the transparent light mask to the extreme.

In this way, the fight between the two will not spread to others.

Of course, the main reason is to avoid affecting the surrounding buildings.

"The defensive barrier has been set up, Dongfang Chun, Ling Feng, you can just give it a go and fight!"

An elder let out a clear whistle, and the next moment, the two people within the light shield shot forward at the same time.


At the moment when the two figures violently collided, the void trembled.



There were two crisp sword sounds, two frost-like cold lights, and then, sparks flew, so fast that it was almost impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

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