Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2028 A life and death battle? (3 updates)

"Wait a moment!"

Ling Feng raised his hand slightly, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "This battle will be postponed for now. Give me a month. After one month, I will definitely challenge you again!"

"A month?"

Dongfang Chun sneered, "Ling Feng, what qualifications do you have to ask me to give you a month? With one more strike, you will definitely be defeated by me!"

"Huh, Senior Brother Dongfang, don't listen to him!"

Outside the battle circle, when Jiang Guangyi heard that Ling Feng actually wanted to delay the time, he immediately yelled, "Ling Feng, you are really funny. You wanted to challenge Brother Dongfang at the beginning. Now if you can't beat him, just delay it for a month. Month after month, wouldn’t it be endless?”

"That's right, Senior Brother Dongfang, take advantage of the victory and teach this boy a lesson!"

The leaders of the Eastern Alliance were all filled with righteous indignation. They couldn't wait to see Ling Feng being severely defeated.

Who can bear to stop at this time?

Even the many onlookers around him showed a hint of contempt.

"This Ling Feng really can't afford to lose. At this time, he actually said that he would fight again in a month. He is obviously afraid!"

"I think so. If he simply admits defeat, I will look down upon him!"

"Humph, if Dongfang Chun is willing to agree to him, he would be really a fool!"

There was a flurry of discussion among the crowd, and everyone could see that Dongfang Chun had already gained the upper hand, and Ling Feng's proposal to fight again in a month was obviously cowardice, and there was no other reason.

In the Lingyun Alliance camp, Xiao Juanyun also shook his head, "Is Brother Ling using a delaying tactic to save face?"

"Probably not." Chu Chaonan said lightly: "Based on my understanding of him, he doesn't seem like a person who cannot afford to lose."

Within the battle circle.

Dongfang Chun sneered, "Ling Feng, you heard it, now the game is postponed, even if I agree, others will not agree!"

"This is a fight between you and me. As long as you and I agree, what does it matter what other people think?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Dongfang Chun: "In terms of swordsmanship, I am indeed not as good as you, but if it comes to a fight of life and death, I will kill you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Ling Feng's remarks, Dongfang Chun burst out laughing, "You will kill me? Hahaha, did I hear that right? You actually said, you will kill me?"

Dongfang Chun laughed so hard that he almost couldn't straighten up as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

The surrounding people who were watching also burst out laughing.

"This Ling Feng really dares to say anything. He is already about to be defeated by Dongfang Chun, and is almost completely crushed. There is no room for change of hands. Yet he still dares to talk nonsense about the difference between life and death. If we fight, we will definitely kill Dongfang Chun?”

"He must be the most shameless person I have ever met!"

"I think he has lost his will!"

"Look, it's getting dark. It turns out someone is blowing on the ground, hahahaha!"

Everyone seemed to regard Ling Feng's words as bragging.

Especially the hall leaders of the Eastern Alliance started yelling at Ling Feng one by one.

"You're so shameless. You're just afraid of losing. You're still bragging here, and you're not afraid of blowing your cover!"

"You must order Bilian!"

Countless people ridiculed Ling Feng's words "I will kill you".

He was clearly at a disadvantage, yet he still dared to speak so wildly.

If nothing else, this man is shameless and truly invincible.

"What, you don't believe it?"

Ling Feng didn't care about other people's comments. He just looked at Dongfang Chun with a calm face and said word by word: "In that case, let's change it to a life and death battle! Life and death, everyone is determined by his destiny!"

"are you serious?"

Dongfang Chun stopped laughing and stared at Ling Feng for a long time, then slowly said: "Okay, it seems that you are not willing to join our Eastern Alliance no matter what, then..."

The next moment, Dongfang Chun took out a piece of white paper from the Naling Ring and said in a cold voice: "Then sign the life and death certificate! I want to see who will live and die in a life and death battle!"

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, a figure came flying from a distance.

Everyone looked intently and saw an old man with gray hair flying over.

"Third uncle?"

Dongfang Chun's eyelids twitched. This old man was actually the elder of the Dongfang family.

The elder Dongfang glared at Dongfang Chun, and then flicked his finger, a burst of energy burst out, and directly smashed the white paper in Dongfang Chun's hand into pieces.

"Nonsense! Just let's fight, what kind of life-and-death battle!"

The Dongfang elder snorted coldly and said loudly: "Okay, let's stop this battle. Just as Ling Feng said, we will fight another day in a month!"

"Third uncle!"

Dongfang Chun didn't understand at all why his elder suddenly came out to make such a decision.

Doesn't this fulfill Ling Feng's wish as a "clown"?


Elder Dongfang sighed in his heart, why would he want to run out and destroy his family? In fact, he did this entirely for Dongfang Chun's good.

On that day, when the elders of the nine major families jointly summoned Ling Feng (PS: Review of the previous situation: after the Rookie Swordsman Ranking, the elders of the nine major families summoned Ling Feng and asked Ling Feng to make any condition he wanted), he happened to be there too. .

At that time, Ling Feng exposed his silver soul skill, a very scary assassination technique.

Even the elder of Xuanyuan family said that if Ling Feng fought to the death, he could take away one of the many Saint-level masters.

The elder of Xuanyuan always said what he meant and never exaggerated. Even a serious old Saint-level master could be replaced by Ling Feng, let alone Dongfang Chun.

If the life and death agreement was really signed, then it would be Dongfang Chun who would die.

If Dongfang Chun died, the elders of Dongfang family would really have no tears to cry.

What's more, this life and death agreement was signed by Dongfang Chun, so they had no position to seek revenge on Ling Feng.

Therefore, in order to save Dongfang Chun's life, he was also well-intentioned and did not hesitate to lose face.

"Whatever I say, this battle is over, let's go!"

The elder of Dongfang snorted coldly, and Dongfang Chun clenched his fists tightly and had to give up.

"Boy, you've saved your life!"

Dongfang Chun glared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a cold voice: "After a month, I won't give you any chance to speak! Once we meet, I will make sure you can't get up again!"

Ling Feng shrugged and turned away.

Although this battle today was just a taste, he still found the gap between himself and Dongfang Chun in swordsmanship.

One month is not a lot of time, he must race against time.

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