Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2029 No clue! (1 update)

"Why! Third uncle, why did you stop me from having a life-and-death battle with that Ling Feng!"

In the main hall of the Dongfang family, a roaring sound was heard from a distance, and this sound was none other than Dongfang Chun's.

Originally, there was only one last move left to defeat Ling Feng, but at this critical moment, his clan elder actually stepped in to stop him!

"In terms of swordsmanship, that kid is far inferior to you, but if you risk your life, I'm afraid you will be the one who dies in the end!" Elder Dongfang said in a deep voice.

"There is no comparison, why would the elder say this!"

Dongfang Chun still refuses to accept it. A monster like Ling Feng must either take him under his command or suppress him severely.

Otherwise, one day, when he grows up, he will not have the status of the Eastern Alliance in the One Moon Heavenly Palace.

Elder Dongfang shook his head and sighed softly: "Dongfang Chun, do you think you are stronger or weaker than the elder of the Xuanyuan family?"


Dongfang Chun's face stiffened, and he clenched his fists and said: "The eldest elder of the Xuanyuan family, Gongshenbian, has long been a strong man above the third level of the Nine Transformations Realm. How can he be compared with me? There is no comparison at all! Could it be... …”

Dongfang Chun's eyelids twitched suddenly and he stared at Elder Dongfang, "Elder, what do you mean when you mention Elder Xuanyuan?"

"That Ling Feng not only possesses a powerful swordsmanship talent, he is also a hidden soul master! At a young age, he has already condensed a silver fighting spirit, and has also mastered an assassination-type soul skill. If he is desperate, If you use the silver soul skill, you will definitely die!"

"Silver soul skills, are they really so terrible?"

Dongfang Chun was still a little unwilling.

"Don't say it's you, even us old men don't dare to say that we escaped unscathed when he suddenly made a secret move!"

Elder Dongfang said with a solemn expression: "Soul skills are inherently mysterious and unpredictable methods that make people difficult to guard against! You should understand by now that the reason why I came forward is because I don't want to see you die in vain!"

Dongfang Chun clenched his fists tightly, "Soul skills!!! Damn it, damn it!"

"Okay, you don't have to be too afraid of Ling Feng's soul skills!"

Elder Dongfang said slowly: "The main purpose of his silver soul skill is to surprise him. If you are prepared in advance, the lethality will naturally be greatly reduced. Now that you know it, you will naturally be prepared."

After a pause, Elder Dongfang continued: "There is still one month left, you go to the library pavilion and find a secret method to condense the soul barrier. As long as you can resist Ling Feng's soul attack, whether it is a competition in the arena or Or in a life or death battle, you will be invincible."

"Thank you, elder, for reminding me!"

Dongfang Chun's brows relaxed slightly and he said slowly: "It just so happens that my Xingluo Sword Domain still has room for improvement! In a month, I will crush that Ling Feng to death like an ant! "

"This month, the Jiuyang Cave Heaven under the jurisdiction of our Dongfang Family will be handed over to you for seclusion and cultivation. This battle is related to the face of our Dongfang Family. We can only win, not lose!"

The head of the Dongfang family sat on the main seat and said with a serious face.

"Yes, father!"

Dongfang Chun's eyes flashed with brilliance. He had the support of the entire Dongfang family, as well as the secret books of martial arts and the Nine-Yang Cave.

After a month, his strength will only improve to the next level, and Ling Feng, what can he do to fight with him?

There is no suspense in this battle!

On the other side, after Ling Feng left Single Moon Palace, he returned to Xuanjian Villa.

This battle made him understand that there is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Dongfang Chun's swordsmanship was indeed far above his own. Whether it was his sword domain transformation or his special skills that could counterattack the opponent's power, Ling Feng found everything new and refreshing.

"One month, time is tight. Although I have striven for this month, I have no idea where to make a breakthrough."

Ling Feng shook his head. It was indeed a very difficult period to defeat Dongfang Chun in the way of swordsmanship.

However, the more challenging it is, the more motivated Ling Feng becomes.

Soon, Xiao Juanyun and Chu Chaonan also came back. As soon as he saw Ling Feng, Xiao Juanyun immediately said in a hurry: "Brother Ling, do you have any confidence in delaying this month?"

"Less than 30%."

Ling Feng shrugged, but didn't say anything big.

In his current situation, other than going to the Huanxin Sword Washing Pool and breaking into the Tongtian Sword Tower, there is no other way to quickly improve.

But whether it was the Sword Washing Pool or the Tongtian Sword Tower, their improvement to him was no longer obvious.

Even if you train against the clock every day, it will be difficult to defeat Dongfang Chun just like this!

"Then you still boast about Haikou!"

Xiao Juanyun couldn't help but patted his forehead and said with a wry smile: "You don't know, this time many people said that you can't afford to lose and deliberately delayed the time! There are many people who are just waiting to see you make a fool of yourself!"

"Whatever they say."

Ling Feng shrugged, never minding what others said.

"You don't know that guy Dongfang Chun just came out of Jiuyang Cave and entered the Jiuyang Cave of their Dongfang family." Xiao Juanyun sighed softly: "Jiuyang Cave is a true treasure land for cultivation. You He is practicing outside, but he is practicing in Jiuyang Cave Tianli. In a month, the gap will only widen! "

"I have long heard that Jiuyang Cave is a treasured place for cultivation within the Single Moon Palace." Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he asked, "So, if he can go in, can I also go in?"

"In principle, it's possible."

Xiao Juanyun said slowly: "It's just that you are not a direct descendant of the nine major families, so it is impossible for you to enter the Jiuyang Cave Heaven controlled by our nine families. As for the One Moon Palace, you can't even think about it. Before I come back I went to inquire about it, and everything has been arranged within the past six months, and you are completely out of luck. "

"Haha, it seems that being a direct descendant of the Nine Clans does have a lot of benefits."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Hehe." Xiao Juanyun grinned and said: "Brother Ling, if you want to open it, I will go back immediately and tell father that the door of my Xiao family will be open for you anytime and anywhere!"

"Forget it!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes. If he wanted to join the nine major families, he would never refuse Xuanyuan Longteng from the beginning.

"If you continue to stay in Yueling City and wait for a month, your improvement will probably be very limited."

After pondering for a moment, Ling Feng said slowly: "As the saying goes, knowledge and action unite, I have been meditating in Yueling City for a long time, and it's time to go out and walk around! Brother Xiao, is there any training place near Yueling City? "

Xiao Juanyun thought for a long time and then said: "Don't mention it yet, there really is one! Bloody Ancient Road!"

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