Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2032 The Three Rules of Blood Road! (1 update)

"Brother, I wonder who the Holy Spirit is, Mr. Hai?"

After all, Ebi, whom he had never met before, could be regarded as stepping forward to save him. Ling Feng originally wanted to meet this hermit master, but even if he fully spread his spiritual sense, he could no longer detect Ebi's aura. .

In desperation, Ling Feng could only ask the warriors inside the Blood Road Station about this mysterious sea elder.

"Ebi Lao is the owner of this Blood Road Station!"

The warrior Ling Feng asked did not hide anything. In fact, the warriors who were involved in the bloody ancient road basically knew that there were three major rules on this bloody ancient road.

First: No trouble is allowed within the Blood Road Inn.

Second: Don’t take the initiative to provoke the Five Blood Wolfs.

Third: After nightfall, try not to stay deep in the bloody ancient road.

Only by adhering to these three rules can one survive on this bloody ancient road.

"No one knows when Ebisu appeared on the Bloody Ancient Road, but ever since he appeared, this Bloody Road Station has become the only safe zone on the Bloody Ancient Road."

A warrior next to him couldn't help but interjected: "Hey, if it weren't for Ebi Lao, this Blood Road Station would not be as peaceful as it is now. Not to mention the five blood wolves, sometimes even the monsters from the blood clan would come to look for food. Woolen cloth!"

"With Hai Lao guarding here, no one will dare to cause trouble here!"

"Originally, the Five Blood Wolfs had six brothers, but one of them was killed by Hai Lao, and they became completely honest."

Everyone was talking to each other, and Ling Feng gradually understood that this Elder Ebi was a kind of existence similar to the "guardian" of the Blood Road Station. He was powerful and respected by the warriors who lingered here.

However, this Ebi usually lives in seclusion, rarely appearing in public, and rarely meeting outsiders.

Although Ling Feng wanted to thank this person in person, since the hermit master did not want to be disturbed, he had to give up.

Soon, Ling Feng learned about the situation of the Five Blood Wolfs.

The Five Blood Wolfs are a local snake-like force in this bloody ancient road. In fact, they were originally just a group of rogue bandits, but later they got together and formed a force.

Not only did they hunt down the vampires on the bloody ancient road, but they also attacked some weak human warriors, killing people and seizing treasures. It can be said that they were a cancer on the bloody ancient road.

However, these people have their own rules. As long as they pay enough "protection fees", they will not take action again.

"Since the Five Blood Wolves are so rampant, why don't everyone organize themselves and take down this force in one fell swoop?"

Yu Junyao on the side was filled with righteous indignation when she heard that the five blood wolves were doing evil.

"One pot?"

A warrior shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. How can the five bloody wolves be so easy to deal with? The fat wolf who just showed up is only the fifth oldest, and his strength is already at the semi-saint level. As far as I know You know, the one-eyed wolf, the boss of the Five Blood Wolfs, and the forest wolf, the second eldest, are both saint-level powerhouses!"

"You're a saint, you actually come here to do this kind of thing?" Chu Chaonan showed a disdainful expression.

"Since they stay here, it will be profitable."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and thought to himself: Just for the blood of the vampire clan, can a saint-level powerhouse be allowed to stay here? And that Ebi, a strong man of that level, really just wants to live in seclusion on this bloody road?

Since you want to live in seclusion, why not find a pure place, but choose this bloody ancient road full of killing and fighting?

I'm afraid there are other secrets in this.

It seems that there are other secrets hidden in this bloody ancient road.

Ling Feng paid more attention and continued to ask: "By the way, the third rule of the Bloody Ancient Road you just mentioned, why don't you stay in the depths of the Bloody Ancient Road at night?"

"This is related to the characteristics of the vampires. In fact, the vampires are nocturnal. During the day, most of them are sleeping. Even if they are awake, their strength is greatly reduced. But at night, the vampires' strength will skyrocket. Fortunately, if you go deep into the ancient road, there will be high-level vampires there. If you encounter high-level vampires at night, it will probably be a disaster. "

"I see."

Ling Feng nodded, took out a few yuan crystals, handed them to the warrior who patiently answered his questions, and said lightly: "Thank you, brother!"

"Haha, you're welcome, you're too polite!"

When the warrior saw the Yuan Jing handed over by Ling Feng, his eyes glowed green. Good guy, these are top-quality Yuan Jing. They just answered a few questions and they were so generous. What are the backgrounds of these young men? I'm afraid it's not too small.

At the same time, outside the Blood Road Inn, on a hill about a few hundred feet away, the fat wolf was angrily blasting at a stone bucket.

Bang bang bang!

Under his violent power, the stone was blown into pieces. The fat wolf was still angry. Ling Feng's cold and arrogant face appeared in his mind, and he was trembling with anger.

"You little bastard, if you dare, hide in the inn for the rest of your life and never come out. Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret your life in this world!"

The local fat wolf was full of evil spirits, and the surrounding subordinates also kept a distance from him. They didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear of offending this evil god and causing misfortune.

"Five...five masters!"

At this time, an informant from the Blood Road Five Wolf ran over from a distance from the direction of the Blood Road Inn. When he ran in front of the fat wolf, he loudly said: "Fifth Leader, that kid is generous, he is a fat sheep! "

As the saying goes, wealth should not be revealed. Ling Feng just asked a few questions and then directly took out several top-grade Yuan Jing. It can be said that it is an act that is close to showing off wealth.

"Hmph, money and women are all mine!"

The local fat wolf sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes, thought for a while, and said coldly: "Go, call the fourth master, and tell him that I have a big deal with him!"

When he was at the Blood Road Inn, he also realized that Ling Feng was not an ordinary person, he was just one person, and with these subordinates, he might not be able to take down that kid.

If he calls another accomplice, he will be sure of success.


The little guy nodded and immediately left to find the fourth master of the Five Bloody Wolves.

After taking a short rest, Ling Feng and the others left the Blood Road Station and truly entered the realm of the Blood Ancient Road.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the Blood Road Inn, there was immediately an informant hiding in the dark, reporting the news to the fat wolf.

"Hmph, are you finally out?"

The fat wolf grinned and showed a cruel smile, "This kid is really not afraid of death. He actually came out on the first day. Hum, he really doesn't take me seriously!"

"Fifth leader, what should we do now? Should we go out directly, or should we wait until the fourth leader comes?"

"Hmph, follow these boys first. When we get deeper into the Bloody Ancient Road, even if these boys want to escape back to the Bloody Road Station, it will be too late!"

The fat wolf sneered, his eyes flashing with vicious eyes.

"The fifth leader is wise!"

"The wisdom of the Five Masters is unparalleled in the world!"

"The fifth master is worthy of being the jade-faced little white dragon on the bloody ancient road. He is handsome and smart. He is like a girl with thousands of wind and demons!"

The few minions who followed the fat wolf immediately flattered the fat wolf. They boasted about his wisdom, prowess, and extraordinary height, which made him confused for a while, and he almost forgot his own name.

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