Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2033 The murderer, Ling Feng! (2 updates)

Half an hour later.

"What did you say? Say it again?"

On a small hill, the country fat wolf was shaking with anger, staring angrily at a subordinate in front of him.

"Lost... lost track of me."

The subordinate was trembling all over and said in a trembling voice: "Fifth Master, those boys are too insidious. They... they seemed to know that someone was following them, and then they suddenly split up. We had no choice but to follow them separately. I personally I went to follow the leading boy, but as I followed, the boy suddenly disappeared. I...I..."

"What the hell!" The fat wolf raised his hand and slapped the subordinate to the ground, furious.

"Trash, they are all a bunch of losers, trash!"

Anger surged in the eyes of the fat wolf, and he finally set his sights on a fat sheep, among which there was also a plump beauty. As a result, the fat that reached his mouth just flew away!

"Are you looking for me?"

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly appeared, sending chills down the spine.

The wolf's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly looked back, only to be shocked to find that one of his subordinates who was standing there had his body cut into two halves with a "sneak", and the blood mist sprayed out. A Shura-like figure appeared!

This figure is clearly Ling Feng!




For a moment, the swords were at war, and Tu Fei Lang's subordinates all drew out their swords and stared at Ling Feng coldly.

Weird, Ling Feng’s appearance is really too weird!

"Boy, how dare you come to my door!"

The fat wolf also held a black heavy sword behind him in his hand, staring at Ling Feng with a slightly wary gaze.

I thought the duck that reached its beak flew away, but unexpectedly, the prey actually arrived at my door.

"I'm just idle. I just want to play with you."

Ling Feng lightly swung the sword in all directions, shook off the blood on the blade, and said with a cold smile: "I, Ling Feng, have always been a person who doesn't offend anyone unless they offend me. It's a pity that since you want to kill me, then I'm sorry. , I have no choice but to strike first!”

"Boy, open your eyes and take a good look! I have more than a dozen people here, and you are just working alone. Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

The fat wolf laughed wildly. In his opinion, although Ling Feng was a bit special, after all, he was only at the beginning of the Destiny Realm.

Just to be on the safe side, he sent someone to call the fourth wolf. But now, Ling Feng's two companions were not around, and he was alone. How could he still want to overturn the situation?

"It's difficult to kill people. But it's much easier to kill pigs."

Ling Feng glanced at the fat wolf coldly and said calmly: "Just in time, I have a pig-killing sword technique, do you want to try it?"


The fat wolf couldn't hear Ling Feng's sarcastic tone, and was so angry that he was shaking all over. The fat on his face trembled wildly, and his eyes showed a fierce light, and he said viciously: "Boy, you are looking for death! Everyone, get up here." , chop him into pieces!”

In an instant, more than a dozen figures flew out. The subordinates of the Soil Fat Wolf were all ferocious men who killed without batting an eyelid. Their attacks were vicious and vicious, and they all aimed at Ling Feng's vitals.

However, Ling Feng walked towards the country fat wolf step by step as if he was leisurely strolling in the courtyard, surrounded by more than a dozen people.

Every step you take will inevitably lead to a loss of life.




A cloud of blood mist exploded, leaving only dead bodies on the path Ling Feng walked.

Just do it neatly!

Every time Ling Feng drew his sword, there was no unnecessary movement. He killed with one sword, and even the expression on his face did not change at all.

These people were all scum who deserved their death, so Ling Feng would not feel any guilt.

"you you……"

In the blink of an eye, all of Tu Fei Lang's subordinates were dead.

A look of fear finally appeared on the face of the earth-fat wolf.

Even he would never be able to get rid of so many people so cleanly!

"Who the hell are you!"

The fat wolf was completely panicked. He wanted to retreat in his heart, and his body retreated step by step uncontrollably.

Ling Feng didn't pay attention to him, he just raised his right hand high and slashed down on the head of the fat wolf.

The fat wolf quickly drew out his sword to fight back. When he blocked with his sword, a huge force surged in, and the long sword in his hand was shaken and flew out.


The fat wolf was hit hard and flew away. He spat out a mouthful of blood. He stared at Ling Feng in fear and gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, don't push me too hard! If you dare to kill me, the eldest brother and the second brother will definitely kill you." They are all broken into pieces! They are all saint-level powerhouses. You must think carefully and don’t make mistakes!”

"Don't worry, I will send them down to reunite with you!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly. If they insisted on causing trouble for him, he wouldn't mind sending a few more people down to bury him with him.

Even though they are saint-level, they are just a group of casual cultivators. There is naturally a big gap in strength compared to the saint-level elders of the One Moon Palace.

With all the trump cards out there, he may not have the capital to fight against a saint-level powerhouse.

Even if you can't win the battle, it's enough to protect yourself.

"you you!"

Seeing that Ling Feng was not at all intimidated by the name of a saint-level powerhouse, the fat wolf immediately gave in, knelt down with a plop, kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy: "This little hero, I am blind, your lord has a lot of , just treat me like a fart!"

"Take it as my shit?"


The sound of the sword surged, and Ling Feng held the long sword in his hand without mercy. He raised the sword and lowered it, and a fat human head rose directly into the sky.

"You are not worthy!"


The head fell to the ground, and the body of the earth-fat wolf also fell heavily, and he could no longer die.

After getting rid of this fat wolf, Ling Feng did not forget to take off his Naling Ring. What these guys did on this bloody ancient road were killing people and seizing treasures. After so many years, they have naturally accumulated a lot. of wealth.

In addition to Yuan Jing and some cultivation techniques, Ling Feng also found something like a blood-colored gem. It was the size of a pebble and exuded an extremely pure power of blood. There was also a pure Incomparable soul fluctuations.

"It seems that this is the exquisite blood that Xiao Juanyun said. It is indeed a good thing!"

Putting away the exquisite blood, Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and waited on the spot.

Not long after, Yu Junyao and Chu Chaonan arrived belatedly. The two of them also killed the warriors who were following them, and then returned to join Ling Feng.

"Brother Ling, are you moving too fast? Are you going to get rid of that fat pig now?"

When Chu Chaonan saw the corpses there, he couldn't help but shake his head. Provoking an "evil star" like Ling Feng was really the biggest mistake in his robbery career.

"A casual cultivator is a casual cultivator after all. This is a fat wolf. He is much worse than the top ten experts in the One Moon Palace. Naturally, it is not difficult."

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "Let's go and move on."

Chu Chaonan looked at the corpse on the ground and said calmly: "Aren't you going to deal with it? Aren't there others among the Five Blood Wolfs?"

"I was afraid they wouldn't find me."

Ling Feng thought for a while, and actually used "Destruction of All Directions" stained with blood, leaving a line of bright red characters on the ground: The murderer, Ling Feng!

"Holy shit, you're so arrogant!"

Chu Chaonan couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Ling Feng, "You are really afraid that those five bloody wolves won't fight with you!"

"Crisis can only give you motivation. If you don't push yourself, how can you reach your greatest potential?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and then left the place with Chu Chaonan and the others.

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