Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2034 Vampire! (3 updates)

About an hour later.

The fourth of the five bloody wolves, Skinny Wolf, finally arrived.

However, when he arrived at the ready-made place, he only saw corpses scattered on the ground.

In fact, some wild beasts have been provoked and are eating the corpses on the ground.

"Lao Wu!"

The skinny wolf saw a fat corpse and recognized it at a glance. It was a fat wolf.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The skinny wolf was so angry that he trembled all over and roared, "Who is it? Who is it? I will definitely cut you into pieces!"

At this time, a subordinate suddenly discovered some clues and exclaimed loudly: "Fourth Leader, there is a line here. The murderer, Ling Feng!"

"Kill Lao Wu and still leave this line of provocation!"

Anger surged in the skinny wolf's eyes, "Okay, great! I, the Five Blood Wolfs, will fight you till death!"

On the other side, Ling Feng and his party continued to go deep into the bloody ancient road.

"It seems that the deeper you go, the stronger the smell of blood will be. Not only that, the later it gets, the more terrifying you can feel it, as if it is waking up."

Ling Feng reminded Chu Chaonan in a low voice.

"Hey, what's so scary about a perverted guy like you?" Although Chu Chaonan said it casually, in fact, his spirit began to become tense.

"You brat, it's almost night, do you still want to move on?"

Yu Junyao leaned towards Ling Feng nervously. Although this woman looked fearless, in fact, she did this several times while crossing the long Tagore Desert. Encountering danger in such an environment, I almost lost my life.

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

She didn't want to experience the feeling of being swallowed by a monster again.

"What, are you scared?" Ling Feng turned his head and glanced at Yu Junyao, with a hint of teasing on his lips.

"Humph, I'm not afraid!"

Yu Junyao puffed up her chest and said, "When have I ever been afraid!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After spending time with Yu Junyao, Ling Feng had long known that she had a tough-tongued personality.

Too lazy to argue with Yu Junyao, Ling Feng said calmly: "It's not late at night yet, and there isn't a very strong aura around. You can consider meeting the vampires today. I want to see what these vampires have. How much strength.”

Chu Chaonan nodded in agreement.

If you want to find Xue Linglong, you will naturally have to deal with the blood clan. Wealth and honor are found in danger. If you don't take some risks, how can you get a big harvest?

Dusk is getting darker.

"We'll spend the night here tonight. Brother Chu and I will take turns keeping watch, so you can have a good rest."

Although there are some hilly landforms on this bloody ancient road, it is basically an endless wilderness, so it is unrealistic to find a cave to rest.

After lighting a bonfire, Ling Feng and his party began to rest on the spot.

In Ling Feng's induction, he has noticed that there are several quite powerful auras nearby, and they are getting stronger and more concentrated.

It was obviously a sleeping vampire who was gradually waking up.

"Have a rest!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, "You think I'm stupid, I can sense the breath of those vampires! Who can sleep!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and did not answer. The three of them just sat there quietly, waiting quietly for the vampires to wake up.

When other people hunted vampires, they mostly took advantage of the vampires' weakness to sneak attacks, but the three of them were lucky enough to actually use themselves as bait to attract those powerful vampires.

It really fits the saying: A person with great skills is bold!

The night is getting darker, and the night on the bloody ancient road gives people a very cold and biting feeling. From time to time, a cold wind blows, mixed with a strong smell of blood.

Finally, midnight has arrived, the most active time for those vampires!

"It's dinner time!"

In the distance, more than ten figures appeared. Their appearance was not much different from that of humans, except that their skin was fairer than ordinary people, even a sickly pale color.

Whoosh whoosh!

Following the leader's order, a pair of huge wings unfolded directly from behind the vampire monsters. Under the cover of the night, these vampires seemed to be integrated with the night, and they moved completely silently.

A strange smell was floating in the air. Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao were not aware of it yet. Ling Feng frowned slightly and winked at Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao.


Chu Chaonan saw Ling Feng's expression was different and quickly looked around, but found nothing.

"Get ready for battle! There are about twelve vampires approaching here."

Ling Feng whispered, although those vampires have special ways of hiding their bodies and auras, it is a pity that under the infinite vision, they still have nothing to hide.

However, for ordinary warriors, even a genius like Chu Chaonan, it would be difficult to detect such a crisis once night falls.

No wonder, warriors who have been on the Bloody Ancient Road all year round know that once night falls, they must not stay deep in the Bloody Ancient Road.

Perhaps it's not because they are not strong enough, but because those vampires often appear suddenly when you are unprepared, catching you off guard.

"Why don't I feel anything?"

Chu Chaonan's eyelids twitched wildly, and his whole body tensed up suddenly, and then relaxed again, but Ling Feng could see that Chu Chaonan's body was restrained and very active at this time. It seemed that he had no defense, but in fact, in a moment of power It will burst out and deliver a fatal blow.

The strange aura in the air gradually became thicker. Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao did not have the unparalleled ability of infinite vision, so they could only cautiously guard their surroundings, but Ling Feng had complete control over the movements of those vampires.

But on the surface, Ling Feng seemed to be unsuspecting and was even carelessly adding fuel to the bonfire.

"Jie, Jie, Jie, these humans really don't have any defenses, kids, it's time to eat!"

Whoosh whoosh!

All the vampires, under the cover of the night, were like clouds of black mist, quickly approaching those humans.

Their sharp claws are comparable to indestructible divine weapons. With just one stroke, these ignorant humans will become their dead souls under their claws!

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