Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2035 Instant strangulation! (1 update)

In an instant, under the leadership of the vampire leader, more than ten vampire monsters descended with extremely strong murderous intent. In an instant, the light of swords tore through the sky. Their sharpness was peerless, as if they were about to cut off the bodies of Ling Feng and the others.

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. Under the infinite vision, he could clearly see the appearance of these vampires.

These vampires all wear black robes and have pale skin. They are somewhat different from the natives of the West Sword Region. They all have blue eyes and high nose bridges. In comparison, they are closer to the ones Ling Feng had before at the Four Spirits God Monument. The demon queen Keveli encountered in the game.

Combined with the fact that the Bloody Ancient Road is an ancient battlefield, perhaps it is not impossible that these vampires are not simply demons, but have some demonic bloodlines.


The leader of the vampire laughed ferociously, flapped the huge wings behind his back, and suddenly turned into a black electric shock, and rushed towards Yu Junyao.

In the eyes of vampires, human blood is sweet, and women's blood is even more delicious.

As the leader, he naturally wanted to be the first to enjoy the blood of that human woman.

However, at this critical moment, Ling Feng suddenly stood up and happened to stand between Yu Junyao and the blood clan leader. He swung his long sword in his hand, like a steel whip, and struck hard at the leader. The vampire leader was slapped on the back.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, the figure of the vampire leader seemed to turn into a flat piece of white paper, folded at an extremely weird angle, and managed to avoid Ling Feng's blow.


There was a flash of blood, and the next moment, the vampire leader appeared a few feet away, staring at Ling Feng with a hint of surprise.

Obviously, he did not expect that these humans had discovered them.

Ling Feng was also slightly surprised. It seemed that the physiques of these vampires were different from humans. It was very possible that they had no bones at all!

Zheng! Zheng!

With two sword sounds, Yu Junyao and Chu Chaonan also drew out their swords and stood beside Ling Feng, one on the left and the other on the right, staring at the vampires with solemn expressions.

Although they are all very strong, they are still a little nervous when facing these alien races that they have never been in contact with before.

Especially, it is already late at night, which is when these vampires are most active and powerful.

"Hmph! It's good to be able to discover my whereabouts!"

The blood clan leader Jie Jie laughed strangely. The next moment, the leader's pupils suddenly shrank, and a circle of blood ripples spread from the inside of the pupils. The next moment, a bloody light shot out from the blood clan leader's eyes, Across the sky, through Ling Feng's eyes, he blasted into Ling Feng's spiritual world.

The incomparably powerful force was rushing through Ling Feng's spiritual world, seeming to penetrate Ling Feng's spiritual world.


The expression on Ling Feng's face showed no sign of pain at all. Instead, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Performing a mental attack in front of Ling Feng?

The next moment, a bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and an even more powerful mental wave burst out from Ling Feng's eyes.

Shocking calamity!


The leader of the vampire clan was secretly surprised when he saw that Ling Feng was motionless despite his mental attack. The next moment, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Because, in an instant, he actually sensed a spiritual thought that far surpassed his own, and had locked him firmly!

"not good!"

The vampire leader exclaimed, stretched out his hand, grabbed another vampire next to him, and blocked it in front of him.


The next moment, the head of the vampire whom he had used as a shield exploded, and blood mist sprayed out, splashing all over the vampire leader.


The vampire leader threw the corpses of his subordinates aside and stared at Ling Feng with a solemn expression, unable to understand how this human could have such powerful attainments in the Soul Dao!

"Kill me! Let's work together to get rid of the kid in the middle first!"

The blood clan leader roared and listed Ling Feng as the most dangerous target.

For a time, more than ten vampires locked their eyes on Ling Feng at the same time, and two vampires were separated, and they faced Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao respectively.

The mental attacks that the vampires are good at have a very strong restraint effect on Chu Chaonan to a certain extent. If he hadn't been determined, he would have fallen into mental confusion and been unable to stay awake.

At this time, his Six Elements of Destiny played a very crucial role, at least when faced with a fatal blow, he could skillfully resolve it.

On the other side, Yu Junyao carries some magic weapons to counteract soul attacks, so it is relatively easy to deal with his vampires.

However, despite this, the super-fast speed and weird movement skills of the vampires still made Yu Junyao a little confused. She was unable to protect herself. It would be difficult to escape in a short time.

Ling Feng saw that Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao were not in danger for the moment, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were all wiped out in all directions, fighting with those vampires.

"Hmph, boy, do you still have the mind to care about others?"

This scene fell into the eyes of the vampire leader. He snorted coldly, flapped his wings behind his back, and joined the ranks besieging Ling Feng.

More than ten vampires launched spiritual attacks at the same time. The bloody light in their eyes continued to shoot towards Ling Feng. At the same time, their sharp claws that could break gold and jade continued to attack Ling Feng's vitals.

Ling Feng used the power of the Holy Spirit to protect his body. The yin and yang fish floated in his eyes, and the chaos of the world broke out. Under the force field of reverse chaos, those vampires suddenly became confused, and the world turned upside down. Although the origin of the souls of these vampires were far beyond ordinary people, one day Time and speed also slowed down.

"Destroy the heaven and the earth!"

At the moment when those vampires were trapped by the field of reverse chaos, Ling Feng swung the long sword in his hand, and the Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique erupted. A violent sword energy that could destroy the world and crush everything swept away with Ling Feng as the center. Come.

Bang bang bang!

In just an instant, the vampires who besieged Ling Feng turned into a cloud of blood mist and were crushed to pieces without even having time to scream.

Only the leader of the vampire clan, whose strength was one level higher than that of the other vampires, quickly got rid of the reversal force field, used his previous abilities again in the lightning and flint room, and finally escaped disaster.

Ling Feng strangled more than ten vampires in an instant, and the vampire leader finally panicked.

"This human race is too strong, retreat quickly!"

The blood clan leader yelled at the vampires who were attacking Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao, and prepared to retreat.

Staying here any longer will lead to death.

"Get out of my way!"

The eyelids of the vampire who was attacking Chu Chaonan suddenly jumped, and Chu Chaonan was knocked back with a palm. Just as he was about to run away, a sharp sword energy penetrated directly from his neck.

But it was Ling Feng who dealt with his opponent, turned around and used his sword to eliminate all the remaining fish that slipped through the net.

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