Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2036 Bloody Moon! (2 updates)

Similarly, on the other side, Yu Junyao's opponent was also cut in half by Ling Feng, and then his head was crushed by Ling Feng.

These blood clans have extremely strong vitality. Only by completely smashing their heads can their vitality be completely cut off. Otherwise, as long as they replenish enough blood, they can slowly recover.

"Damn it!"

The blood clan leader was immediately frightened out of his wits. He thought he had encountered a few lone human sheep, but these "little sheep" suddenly turned into "big bad wolves", and they, the blood clan, were the real prey!

The wings behind him fluttered, and the blood clan leader fled madly.

"Want to run?"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, and the Ten Directions Annihilation in his hand instantly turned red. With a move of Li Huo Liao Tian, ​​he slashed fiercely.

The flames surged, blazing and engulfing the surrounding space of a hundred feet in an instant. The violent sword energy and the blazing fire rolled up violent gusts of wind, and the scorching airflow rushed out, sweeping everything, covering everything within a thousand feet.


Under the terrifying flaming sword energy, the leader of the blood clan died on the spot!

Within a few hundred feet, it had turned into a scorched earth, in a mess.


Chu Chaonan was completely dumbfounded, swallowed hard, and couldn't calm down for a long time: Is this Ling Feng's true strength?

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, was somewhat accustomed to Ling Feng's heaven-defying. She snorted lightly, looked at the scorched earth around her that was still blazing, and cursed in a low voice: "Big - pervert!"

She and Chu Chaonan, each of them dealing with a blood clan, seemed a bit struggling, but Ling Feng was good, and killed more than a dozen blood clans in a few seconds.

She really didn't know how to describe this kind of strength except the word abnormal.

"How are you, are you not injured?"

Ling Feng asked, threw a bottle of pill to Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao, and said lightly: "This is a pill to restore your vitality. Take it and rest on the spot. I think you should be able to spend a peaceful night tonight."

After that, Ling Feng began to search for the bodies of the blood clans around. Each blood clan had a crystal core similar to the demon beast's demon pill on its head. These crystal cores were used to exchange for contribution points.

More than a dozen blood clans, at least tens of millions of contribution points, can't be wasted.

In addition, Ling Feng also found a "Blood Linglong" in the soul ring of the blood clan leader. Compared with the one he looted from the fat wolf before, it was more than one level higher in size and quality.

"It seems that this bloody ancient road is really a good place!"

Ling Feng grinned, left the blood Linglong of the blood clan leader, and gave the other blood Linglong to Chu Chaonan.

"Brother Chu, take this Blood Linglong and practice with it. Try to improve your strength in this Blood Ancient Road!"

As for Yu Junyao, she didn't practice swordsmanship anyway. It was useless to give her a treasure like Blood Linglong. If you find some other treasures, it would be fine to give it to her.


Chu Chaonan hesitated for a moment, but still reached out to take the Blood Linglong. Although his strength was not weak, if he didn't continue to improve, he would probably become a burden to Ling Feng in the future.

The two of them immediately sat cross-legged on the spot and began to refine Blood Linglong.

The pure Qi and blood power and the power of the soul were integrated into his body. Ling Feng felt that his sword domain was also becoming more and more pure and condensed under the nourishment of Blood Linglong.

As Xiao Juanyun said, perhaps, as long as he refined a few more Blood Linglongs of this quality, his sword domain might be able to reach the entry level to the small level within this month.


In a blink of an eye, Ling Feng and the other two had stayed in the Blood Ancient Road for ten days.

With Ling Feng's heaven-defying existence, the group stayed in the Blood Ancient Road all the time. They did not hunt weak vampires in the Blood Ancient Road during the day like other warriors, but retreated to the outskirts of the Blood Ancient Road at night, or even went back to the Blood Road Station to rest.

During these ten days, Ling Feng and his two companions would directly destroy a vampire stronghold every night. On one occasion, they killed more than fifty vampires.

However, with such high efficiency in killing, the amount of Blood Linglong Ling obtained by Ling Feng was not much.

The quality of Blood Linglong on the first day was only worth one.

In this way, fighting with the vampires at night and refining Blood Linglong during the day, Ling Feng felt that his Qi and blood power and spiritual power had been greatly improved, and his sword domain had reached the late stage of the entry level.

Ling Feng began to feel fortunate that he had come out. If he continued to stay in Yueling City for meditation, he might not have such an effect in half a year.

"It's a pity that high-quality blood Linglong is so rare." Ling Feng sighed softly, watching the dusk gradually sink, and couldn't help but sigh. It was almost night again, and I wondered what good harvest I would get tonight. Chu Chaonan came over at some point, and stood side by side with Ling Feng on the mound, and said a little cautiously: "Brother Ling, have you noticed that those blood clans seem to be more and more difficult to deal with in the past few days." "Have you?" Ling Feng touched his nose. It didn't matter if it was strong or not, for him, it was basically a sword sweep. Chu Chaonan rolled his eyes at Ling Feng in annoyance, "You are so perverted, of course you can't feel it! But I always feel that something is wrong." "Yeah."

Ling Feng nodded. As the saying goes, there is no mistake in being careful. Although his Eye of the Emperor seemed to have a restraining effect on those vampires, he would definitely regret it if his companions were injured or killed because of his carelessness. lifelong.

Night falls.

But tonight's moon is shockingly bloody red!

The blood moon was rising slowly, and everyone felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

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