Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2037 Bloodthirsty Night! (3 updates)

"Bloody Moon..."

Ling Feng looked up at the bloody full moon in the sky and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, feeling an inexplicable uneasy feeling in his body.

A power hidden deep in the blood seems to be awakening.

"It is rumored that the demon clan will fall into a violent rage on a full moon night, and their strength will increase several times. This bloody moon is probably also a special day!"

Chu Chaonan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid something will happen tonight!"

Ling Feng nodded, agreeing with Chu Chaonan's conjecture.

Yu Junyao, on the other hand, looked at the blood moon in the sky with a hint of obsession, as if she was dreaming, and murmured to herself: "What a beautiful blood moon!"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. This blood moon seemed to have a power to confuse people.

Not only Yujunyao, but also himself seemed to be attracted by the blood moon.

Chu Chaonan, on the other hand, seemed not to be confused by the blood moon at all, which made Ling Feng very curious.

It stands to reason that Yu Junyao and his own spiritual consciousness should be stronger than Chu Chaonan. Could it be said that the weaker the spiritual consciousness, the less affected it will be by the power of the blood moon?

At the same time, everywhere on the bloody ancient road.

"The Bloody Moon appears again! No one is allowed to rest tonight and are on full alert!"

In the outer area, a hunting team of more than ten warriors set up camp under a hill. When they saw the appearance of the blood moon, they all showed a hint of panic.

In the Blood Ancient Road, the time when the blood moon appears is not certain. Sometimes it may be several months, and sometimes it may not even appear once for several years.

However, every appearance of the blood moon inevitably means the night of the death of life.

Because at this time, the vampires will become extremely violent, and their strength will increase even to a terrifying ten times.

This night, the vampires will search for food on every inch of the entire bloody ancient road. Even on the outskirts of the bloody ancient road, it may not be safe.

Now, I'm afraid it's too late to exit the bloody ancient road.

All we have to do is bite the bullet and fight to the death!

"Damn it!"

On the other side, a tall, thin, extremely ugly man looked at the bloody moon in the sky and couldn't help but curse.

Next to him was a middle-aged man wearing an animal skin jacket and a string of bone and tooth necklaces hanging around his neck. A solemn look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Brother, the Bloody Moon is here, shall we withdraw temporarily?" core zone?"

These people are actually the leaders of the Five Blood Wolfs.

The leader, named One-Eyed Wolf, wears a black eyepatch on his left eye and exudes a terrible evil spirit. He is sitting next to the bonfire. The remaining one-eyed one looks at the bloody moon and hears the man wearing The man in the animal skin jacket shook his head and said calmly: "It's too late to retreat now, stand up in formation and prepare for the battle!"

"Damn it, it's all that little bastard named Ling Feng. A few of us have been tracking him all the way for ten days, but we still couldn't catch that kid!"

The thin-skinned wolf was itching his teeth with hatred. For ten days, he couldn't be found, and he even encountered this damn blood moon day.

"Okay, Fourth, there's no point in complaining now."

The second iron-clawed wolf, who had been silent for a long time, flicked his arm, and a sharp steel claw popped out from between his fingers. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "The bloody moon can also stimulate the demon wolf in our bodies. Blood, tonight, it’s not just the vampires who become stronger!”

As he said that, the iron-clawed wolf also raised his eyes, stared at the blood moon in the sky, howled at the moon, and let out bursts of wolf howls.

But it turns out that the power of the blood moon can not only stimulate the potential of vampires, but humans with special blood in their bodies will also be stimulated by the blood moon, and their strength will skyrocket.

"What a beautiful moon!"

Yujunyao looked at the blood moon in the sky, almost unable to extricate herself. A circle of purple flames appeared around her involuntarily.

This was her original Jiuli Divine Fire, which unexpectedly broke out automatically and uncontrollably.

"Hey, Miss Yu, what are you doing!"

Chu Chaonan was startled, feeling the hot breath emanating from Yu Junyao's body, and quickly took a step back.

But the next moment, Chu Chaonan was horrified to find that Ling Feng behind him had actually grown several inches taller. He was originally about the same size as him, but now he had become a little giant more than two feet tall.

Moreover, this growing trend seems to be far from stopping.


The robe on Ling Feng's body was torn apart by the solid muscles, and his golden hair instantly covered his body.

Ling Feng actually turned into a giant ape!

"Holy crap!"

Cold sweat broke out on Chu Chaonan's forehead, "Ling...Brother Ling, you...are you a demon clan?"

Ling Feng roared at Yue, punched his chest with both fists, and let out a low and hoarse roar, "No, I'm not a monster! What's going on, this is my true form of chaos, and it turned on automatically without any control. "

When Ling Feng activates the blood of chaos in his body, he will unfold the form of his true body.

In addition to monsters, some humans with the power of monster blood can also use this kind of monster true form.

However, there are very few humans who possess the true form of monster beasts in the Eastern Spiritual Realm, and they are even more pitiful in the Western Sword Realm.

Chu Chaonan had never seen this state before, and it was quite normal.

On the other side, after Yu Junyao's body burst into flames, the next moment, a faint light flashed, and her eyes also changed. They did not look like human pupils, but looked like cats!

The next moment, a slender tail grew out from behind her, and her ears turned into white cat ears. In appearance, they looked very similar to the fusion state of Mu Qianxue and her companion spirit beast Ye Yi.

It seems that in addition to Mu Qianxue, Yu Junyao also has his own companion spirit beast, and it seems to be a white cat.

Chu Chaonan felt that his world view was about to collapse. The two companions around him were fine one moment, but the next moment, they turned into monsters?

Ling Feng is okay, and his mind is basically clear, but Yu Junyao seems to be unable to control herself well. The power bursting out of her body has increased more than ten times compared to the normal state. It seems that her companion spirit beast , and it is by no means as simple as an ordinary white cat.

Soon, both Ling Feng and Yu Junyao had completed their transformations. Ling Feng directly transformed into a giant ape more than five feet tall. Yu Junyao's body shape did not change much, but the cat tail and ears It adds a bit of wild charm to her.

However, her eyes showed a kind of bloodthirsty fanaticism. In an instant, she discovered such a giant Ling Feng, and her body turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Ling Feng.

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