Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2042 Blood Killing Insect! (2 updates)

Ling Feng and the two could see clearly.

It was an insect that looked about the size of an adult. It looked a bit like a praying mantis. It had a pair of wings on its back and was covered with hard bone spurs, especially a pair of sharp knife-shaped claws. Flashing with strange blood.

Just now, this monster easily broke through the blood king's defense with these sharp claws and penetrated into his body.

"This... what kind of monster is this?"

Chu Chaonan's voice was almost trembling. The danger level of the bloody ancient road under the bloody moon was exaggeratedly higher than usual.

"After all, it's a monster that can't be defeated!"

Ling Feng felt bitter in his heart and continued to run wildly with Chu Chaonan.

Although they didn't know how powerful that strange insect was, they were certain that it was definitely not something they could contend with.

If they waited for this strange insect to finish eating, they might not even have a chance to escape.

A terrifying energy ripple spread, and Ling Feng subconsciously looked back. The wings behind the strange insect were vibrating violently, and wisps of blood merged into his body. Its originally closed eyes, It actually gradually opened.

On the extremely ferocious face of the strange insect, there were actually three rows of eyes, a total of six huge eyeballs, almost covering the entire cheek.

The more it absorbs the energy and blood of the blood king, the more powerful it becomes, and the surrounding bloody curtain becomes wider.

The next moment, the strange insect rushed into the sky like a blood-red figure.

"It's over!"

Chu Chaonan felt that he could no longer breathe, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. The moment he was locked in the spirit of the strange insect, Chu Chaonan felt as if he had been thrown into a huge pool of blood.

There was thick blood everywhere, and there were white skeletons floating in the blood pool.

He seemed to be imprisoned by this pool of blood, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was impossible to escape.

"cheer up!"

An explosion rang in his ears, and Chu Chaonan's energy was slightly lifted, but it was Ling Feng who woke him up at the critical moment.

"Brother Chu, you must never give up until the last moment!"

Under the cover of the bloody curtain, Ling Feng's speed became slower and slower, but the speed at which the insect flew was almost extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye a few times, Ling Feng felt that the figure of the insect was already very close at hand!


The sound of ferocious laughter, from far to near, is already approaching!

"Are you going to die here like this?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists tightly, strong unwillingness enveloped his whole body.

"No, I must not die!"

Chu Chaonan almost collapsed on Ling Feng's shoulders. He had completely lost the courage to fight.

However, Ling Feng still mobilized all his strength to resist the pressure of the strange insect.

On his forehead, a bright red blood line was looming.

Now, it is a life and death moment, even if you pay the price of falling into a great realm, you must do this.

Otherwise, lives will be lost and everything will be meaningless!

"Petrified Eyes!"

"The universe is in chaos!"

"Asura kills the world!"

"Shocking disaster!"

"Abyss Staring!"

"Mysterious Curse Shadow Devour!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Ling Feng unleashed all his trump cards crazily without any cost.

The Eye of Petrification instantly petrified the body of the strange insect, but the petrified state lasted less than a breath!

The strange insect's wings shook violently, and it approached at a faster speed. A bloodthirsty smile appeared on its ferocious face, and its blade-shaped claws slashed hard at Ling Feng's huge body.

The shadow of death loomed over my heart, and the taste of despair was crushing.

"Touch of the Void!"

At the critical moment, purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the void tore open. Thick tentacles of the void appeared in an instant on the back of the insect, tightly entwining the insect's body.

The three pairs of huge eyeballs of that strange insect showed a hint of surprise at the same time.

Ling Feng didn't know that this kind of insect, called the blood-killing insect, was actually a low-level combat lifeform raised by the high-level demons.

Blood-killing insects have a very low status among the demon clan, and are generally just cannon fodder.

However, this humble life also has a particularly powerful talent, that is, its vitality is very strong, and it can sleep for tens of thousands of years and wake up again.

And this blood-killing insect is one of the "lucky ones" who survived on the ancient battlefield. It has been dormant in the bloody ancient road for an unknown period of time. With the help of the power of the bloody moon, it has evolved again and again. It has reached this level now.

However, deep in its soul, the fear of the higher demons is still imprinted.

The moment Ling Feng displayed the Eye of the Void, he exuded an aura unique to the advanced demons. That's why the blood-killing insect showed a surprised look.

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