Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2043 The dragon appears! (3 updates)

"It's actually stuck!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. He knew in his heart that the opportunity was fleeting and he must seize this moment!

"Xiao Bai, come out, sword soul fusion!"

Ling Feng roared, summoned Xiao Bai directly, and merged into Destruction in All Directions. Under the fusion of sword souls, the power of the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique will be greatly increased.

"Destroy the heaven and the earth!"

At the last moment, the giant ape transformed by Ling Feng swung the gigantic Shi Fang Destruction and struck out a powerful blow that shattered the sky and the earth.


The void trembled, the earth fell apart, and within a radius of 10,000 feet, there seemed to be a magnitude 18 earthquake. The power of this sword was almost the strongest power that Ling Feng could send out.


The terrifying sword energy penetrated the body of the strange insect heavily, and dark green blood splashed out.

However, the strange insect did not die immediately. Instead, it seemed to be enraged and let out a roar. Its sharp claws expanded several times, scarlet light wrapped around the edges and pierced Ling Feng fiercely.


Blood splashed, and Ling Feng was unable to dodge. His shoulder was pierced by a bloody rainbow. Violent poison spread near the wound, and half of Ling Feng's body instantly turned black.

"Not dead yet!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, and without caring about anything else, he took out the extremely precious drop of the Great Wilderness Dragon's blood! (PS: One of the inheritances Ling Feng received from Tianlong Sword Master, in addition to the ninety-nine swordsmanship, there is also a drop of the blood of the dragon in the wilderness.)

Although the blood of the domain dragon is precious, if the life is gone, everything will be meaningless.

"Yorick, come out!"

Ling Feng shouted violently, purple light flashed in his eyes, and the void was torn open again, and a void wizard, a translucent figure, emerged in the mid-air.

Ling Feng separated a small half of the blood of the Great Desolate Dragon, threw it directly at Yorick, and roared: "Create a copy of the Great Desolate Dragon for me!"

"Yes, Master!"

Yorick's ability is that as long as he has a drop of blood essence, he can copy any living being, whether it is an ordinary person or even an ancient beast, he can achieve perfect copying.

However, the time the clone remains in stock is related to the richness of the essence and blood.

For example, this small drop of the Great Wilderness Dragon's blood that Ling Feng dispensed could only survive for three breaths.

However, three breaths are enough!


As Yorick displayed his talent for copying, a dragon roar pierced through the Nine Netherworld, shaking the world.

Bang bang bang!

The entire space seemed to be completely exploded, and then, an extremely huge figure suddenly appeared in the sky.


Ancient dragon!

One of the ten ancient ancestral dragons, the Great Wilderness Dragon!

Under the power of the dragon, all things surrender!

In the distance, the vampires who were hunting felt the terrifying power of the dragon, and they were all frightened to death. In an instant, they disappeared without a trace.

Countless human warriors who were running away crazily saw the shadow of the divine dragon in the sky, and they all prostrated on the ground and worshiped endlessly.

"Shenron! That's the dragon!"

"Oh my god, how could there be such a dragon in the bloody ancient road?"

Even those warriors who were far away from the Blood Ancient Road and had hidden themselves in the Blood Road Station couldn't help but look up at the sky.

This divine dragon is so big that you can see its existence just by looking up.

"My dear mother, what kind of dragon is this?"

"Am I dazzled?"

A famous warrior could hardly believe his eyes. Perhaps it was because of the power of the Bloody Moon that dazzled them?

On the third floor of the Blood Road Station, in a quiet room, an old man suddenly opened his eyes.

"The might of the divine dragon? The bloody ancient road is going to be stormy! Damn it, why is it at this critical moment!"

This old man is actually the old man who guards the Blood Road Station.

The old man frowned deeply, sighed softly, and immediately closed his eyes again, murmuring to himself: "It's God's will that God's will! God's will!"

The moment the Great Desolate Territory Dragon appeared, not to mention the warriors near the Bloody Ancient Road, almost the entire Western Sword Territory and the powerful men from all major forces sensed this terrifying aura.

One Moon Palace.

"Shenlong Longwei?"

An old man with white beard and hair suddenly opened his eyes, counted his fingers, and murmured to himself: "Is it the realm of the bloody ancient road? Could it be that there is a strange treasure born on the bloody ancient road?"

"Come here, give me an order to send the saint-level warriors from the clan to investigate the bloody ancient road!"

The old man gave the order, and the strong men hiding in the dark immediately took action.

This person is clearly the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family, the most powerful being in the entire Single Moon Palace.

At the same time, Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu also sent experts to investigate the bloody ancient road.

The appearance of the divine dragon is naturally extraordinary.

Not only the three major sword houses, it can be said that all the powerful forces in the Western Sword Region, large and small, have determined that there is a valuable treasure on the bloody ancient road, and they all set out to get a piece of the pie.

The dragon from the Great Desolate Domain appeared, and the blood-slaying insect instantly became like a frightened bird, its pupils shrinking sharply.

Under the power of the dragon, it panicked to the extreme.

"How dare a mortal dare to summon me?"

The Great Desolate Domain Dragon is worthy of being an ancestral dragon-level existence. Even though the power of this clone is far less than one millionth of the original Great Desolate Domain Dragon, it can still retain its own will and is not controlled by Ling Feng.

"Please help me, Shenlong, to help me kill this thing!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, pointed at the blood-killing insect, and roared loudly.

"Huh? Blood-killing insects?"

The Great Wilderness Dragon's eyes rolled, and his gaze fell on the blood-slaying insect, and a trace of disgust appeared on his forehead, "Such a low-level and dirty species, actually survives to this day? Die!"

With a clear cry, like a decree from the nine heavens, the body of the blood-killing insect was instantly shattered, and the surrounding space of several thousand feet was also collapsed and annihilated. The earth cracked and sunk, like a comet falling and hitting the ground. Above average.

The next moment, the Great Wilderness Dragon disappeared without a trace, but the extremely rich dragon power lingered for a long time!


Ling Feng collapsed heavily on the ground, and the entire right half of his shoulder was completely dark.

Obviously, the sharp claws of the blood-killing insect are still contaminated with terrible poison.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been poisoned and died long ago. Fortunately, Ling Feng's physique is not only invulnerable to all poisons, but it can also resist the damage of poisons to a great extent.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng sealed the meridians near his shoulders. It was difficult to deal with this situation now. He could only wait for the bloody moon to pass and return to normal shape before dealing with the wound.

Chu Chaonan jumped down from Ling Feng's shoulders tremblingly. The scene just now almost refreshed his world view.

"Chu...Brother Chu, I hope Brother Chu will keep everything he saw just a moment secret." Ling Feng's voice was slightly weak.

"Natural, natural!"

Chu Chaonan saw Ling Feng's face turning dark and worried: "Brother Ling, are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I can't die."

Ling Feng exhaled a breath, and suddenly heard a "squeaking" sound. He frowned, and with a thought, he immediately locked onto a breath.

It turns out that the blood-killing insect is not completely dead yet!

However, the blood-killing insect has lost its huge body and turned into a small insect only the size of a thumb, and its aura has become extremely weak.

Sensing Ling Feng's spiritual lock, the blood-killing insect immediately made a "pop" sound, knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Ling Feng, and shouted: "Sir...sir, spare your life!"

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