Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2044 Value! (1 update)

"Spare your life?"

Ling Feng sneered and fixed his cold gaze on the blood-killing insect.

At this moment, the blood-slaying worm, in front of Ling Feng's huge body, is no different from an ant. The blood-slaying worm that has lost its power is just fish meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Brother Ling, take advantage of its illness to kill it, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Chu Chaonan recalled the scene where he was almost collapsed by the terrifying aura of the blood-killing insect. He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart. He stretched out his hand and pinched the blood-killing insect. With just a slight exertion, the blood-killing insect was crushed. Bloodworms naturally die without leaving their bodies intact.

"Wait a minute."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "You asked me to spare you, so tell me, what is your value that makes me spare you?"

Anyway, this blood-killing insect has been completely disabled by the power of the Great Wilderness Dragon's blow, and cannot pose any threat to itself at all.

Since this guy has lived in this bloody ancient road for such a long time, he should know some of the secrets on the bloody ancient road!

These are what Ling Feng wants to know.

"I have value, of course I have value!"

The blood-killing insect quickly shouted, "Sir, I know there is a treasure house nearby. I will take you there! I just ask you to let me live!"

"treasure house?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, looked at the blood-killing insect, and said slowly: "I will believe you for once. If you dare to play tricks, you will bear the consequences!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Chu Chaonan's life was in the hands of Chu Chaonan. He was under the eaves and had to bow his head.

Originally, when the Blood Moon appeared, he was the overlord on this bloody ancient road. Who would have thought that he would encounter an evil star like Ling Feng and be able to summon the "Dragon"!

Now, except for this body, it has no strength at all. It will take many thousands of years to return to its original state.

And there must be a prerequisite for this.

That is, live until then.

Ling Feng looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Brother Chu, let's rest here for a while and wait until the bloody moon passes!"

"That's fine."

Chu Chaonan saw something was wrong with Ling Feng's face, nodded, took out a transparent bottle, threw the blood-killing worm directly into the bottle, snorted coldly: "I'll spare your life, if you have half Just a lie and I will torture you to death!"

As time passed, the sky gradually became brighter, and the blood moon hanging high in the sky finally gradually dispersed.

Ling Feng felt relaxed all over. The restless power in his body finally fell asleep again, and his huge body gradually shrank, returning to the appearance of a normal person.

The dark golden hair disappeared, and the hideous wound on Ling Feng's left shoulder looked even more shocking.

Although the wound has begun to heal with Ling Feng's amazing recovery ability, there is still black poisonous blood flowing out of the wound. The poisonous blood drips on the ground and even makes a "sizzling" burning sound, which shows the intensity of the poison. .

Cold sweat broke out on Ling Feng's forehead. He took out a row of golden needles and sealed the acupuncture points at the wound. If the toxin was not dealt with as soon as possible, it would have some impact on the body.

At this time, the blood-killing insect locked in the bottle shouted repeatedly: "Sir, sir! I can help you suck out these toxins!"

"Hmph, no need!"

Ling Feng glared at the blood-killing insect. Although Ling Feng didn't know what the guy had in mind, he definitely had no good intentions.

Besides, even without this blood-killing insect, he still has many ways to deal with these toxins.

The next moment, Ling Feng directly took out a palm-sized silkworm, which was the treasure of poison cure, the Zhu Jing Ice Silkworm.

Putting the Zhu Jing Bing Silkworm on the wound, the Zhu Jing Bing Silkworm smelled the toxin and immediately began to absorb the toxin frantically. After a while, the wound on Ling Feng's shoulder finally returned to its normal color, and the Zhu Jing Bing Silkworm The silkworm also seemed to be in a state of lethargy.

It seems that the poison of this blood-killing insect is really overbearing.

When the blood-slaying insect saw that Ling Feng actually had a treasure that could dissolve its toxin, he felt secretly resentful in his heart.

If he could absorb these toxins, he would be able to regain some strength.

Unfortunately, this wishful thinking failed to take off in the end.

After treating the wound, Ling Feng swallowed some pills to restore Qi and blood, changed into clean clothes, then took the bottle from Chu Chaonan's hand, glared at the blood-killing insect, and said in a cold voice: "Show me the way!"

"Yes Yes!"

The blood-slaying insect dared not even say no, so he had no choice but to lead the way.


Ling Feng seemed to have remembered something. With a thought, a light curtain appeared in the space in front of him. The next moment, Yu Junyao's figure was teleported out of the light curtain.

This woman is quite comfortable. It was so thrilling last night. He and Chu Chaonan both narrowly escaped death, but Yu Junyao slept peacefully in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace.

Yu Junyao seemed to have just woken up. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and saw Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan in front of her. She vaguely remembered some of the changes last night and woke up suddenly.

"Huh? Why did I suddenly use my demon spirit form last night, and I couldn't seem to control myself."

Yu Junyao gritted her silver teeth and saw the embarrassed look on Chu Chaonan's face. She apologized and said, "I didn't cause you any trouble, did I?"

"I didn't expect you, Miss Yu, would say such a thing?"

Ling Feng was slightly surprised, then shook his head and said: "No, I knocked you out in time."

"Ah? Is this the end?" A look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Yu Junyao's face, she pointed at Chu Chaonan and said, "I thought it was me who beat him like this!"

"How much do you want to beat me!"

Chu Chaonan couldn't help but rolled his eyes and cursed in his heart: Violent woman! Diaoman girl! Sure enough, a handsome man like me should still find a sweet, gentle and caring partner!

"Okay, now we can go find the treasure house."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and his eyes fell on the blood-killing insect again. The blood-killing insect shrank its neck in fright, and said quickly: "Go west for about ten miles first!"

"Huh? Where did this bug come from, and it can talk? It's so small, and it looks pretty cute!"

When Yu Junyao saw the blood-killing insect, she suddenly showed a curious expression.


Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan looked at each other. If she had experienced what happened last night, she would never put the word "cute" on this blood-killing insect.

A saint-level vampire king was killed by this blood-killing insect in the blink of an eye?


I love your sister!

"Auntie, this is a monster that can kill even the Saint-level Vampire King instantly!"

When Chu Chaonan thought about what happened last night, he was so frightened that his calves were still a little weak.

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