Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2045 Ancient magic circle! (2 updates)

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party, following the blood-killing insect's instructions, found a relatively secret place.

Although the Blood Ancient Road is mostly a desert landscape, occasionally there will be some terrain similar to hills and swamps.

In front of him is a stone forest made of huge rocks. There seems to be a group of vampires living in the stone forest.

After experiencing the violence of the Bloody Moon, these vampires all fell into a state of weakness. They were all like bats, hanging upside down on the boulder and sleeping soundly.


Chu Chaonan took a rough inventory and immediately showed a hint of ecstasy, "With so many vampires, it seems that I can pick up a few blood exquisite ones for free! Haha!"

These vampires are all sleeping, and destroying them is just a piece of cake.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, and with a wave of destruction in all directions, he directly struck out with Lihuo Liaotian.

The domineering swallowing flames burst into flames, and in a short while, those vampires were burned into piles of charcoal.

In the next moment, the entire stone forest suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the violent sword energy shot wildly, crushing all the huge rocks into powder.

After the dust settled, a huge pit appeared in the center of the stone forest, and this pit was exactly what the blood-killing worm called the entrance to the treasure house.

Chu Chaonan excitedly searched for the corpses of those vampires. After a while, he retrieved three exquisite blood coins. They were all of good quality. They were worthy of being a vampire settlement deep in the ancient bloody road. If they encountered these vampires at night, they would probably It must be obtained through a hard battle.

"I harvested three exquisite blood coins in total, haha, the harvest is not bad!"

Chu Chaonan smiled and handed Ling Feng Xue Linglong.

Ling Feng only took two of them and left one for Chu Chaonan. He looked at the dark cave and said in a deep voice: "Blood-killing worm, do you know what is in the treasure house?"

"Most of them are human things and are of no use to me."

The blood-killing insect said cautiously: "Don't worry, sir, there is no danger below the cave!"

"Hmph, if anything happens, you will be the first to be buried with me!"

Ling Feng opened his infinite vision and was the first to jump into the hole. Immediately afterwards, Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao followed closely and jumped down together.

Because it had been buried underground for many years, the light in the cave was very dim, and the air was very strange and pungent.

Along the way, he did not encounter any danger, but Ling Feng still did not dare to be careless. If he was tricked by a small blood-killing insect, it would be really embarrassing.

Not long after walking, Ling Feng, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. Yu Junyao slowed down a beat and almost bumped into Ling Feng's back. She frowned and couldn't help but cursed: "Hey, you stinky boy." , why did you stop suddenly!"

But the next moment, Yu Junyao immediately realized that there was no road ahead.

In front of this deep and long tunnel, there was a thick stone wall blocking the way.

On the stone wall, there is a pattern of an ancient strange beast carved, which looks lifelike and fierce.

Obviously, this is a dragon-breaking stone. If you want to pass through, you must open this dragon-breaking stone.

Ling Feng used the dragon elephant's divine power and punched the stone wall in front of him. A faint light flickered, completely neutralizing Ling Feng's strength.

The entire cave shook, but the dragon-breaking stone was not damaged at all.

"What's going on?"

Ling Feng glared at the blood-killing insect and shouted, "I hope you can give a reasonable explanation."

"Treasure...treasure house, it must have some protective measures." The blood-killing insect forced out a smile, "Sir, you only need to open this stone wall, and you can get in."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said coldly: "In your heyday, could you break this dragon-breaking stone?"

"I have never tried this." The blood-killing insect said weakly: "Only when the bloody moon appears, I have the strength to instantly kill the king of the blood clan. I am not usually strong. But when the bloody moon comes, I will I went out hunting, so I didn’t try it..."

Ling Feng suddenly had the urge to crush the bug to death.

Judging from the previous attempts, this Dragon-Breaking Stone is extremely hard and would probably be difficult to destroy with brute force.

Moreover, the entire tunnel is not very stable. If brute force is used to destroy it, the tunnel may collapse before the Dragon Breaking Stone is opened.

Could it be that you really want to enter Baoshan but come back empty-handed?

At this time, it was the woman Yu Junyao who suddenly stared at the pattern on the rock wall and exclaimed, "Hey, this seems to be some kind of ancient magic circle! I really want to see it in an ancient book. The stone can be moved. As long as it is moved to the correct position, the Dragon Breaking Stone can be opened! "

Ling Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. Yu Junyao was indeed a direct descendant of the God Clan. She was indeed well-informed!

"Haha, then this time I'm completely dependent on you!"

Ling Feng said with a smile, feeling for the first time that this woman was of some use.

"Hmph! Get out of the way, don't block this lady!"

Yu Junyao glared at Ling Feng angrily, puffed up her chest like a proud white swan, and showed an expression of "You know how great I am," and then started to play with the floating blocks on the stone wall.

At the same time, Ling Feng and the others did not know that above the cave, a team was flying from a distance and was approaching quickly.

"Quick, quick, quick! After the bloody moon has passed, it will be the time when the vampires are at their weakest. To capture the vampires at this time, be sure to catch them all!"

There was a loud noise, and a group of warriors, each holding a large net rope in his hand, were flying towards the stone forest.

However, the stone forest in the impression disappeared strangely, and the surrounding area of ​​several hundred feet turned into a piece of scorched earth.

And in the center of the scorched earth, there was a huge bottomless pit.

"I'll wipe it, what's going on?"

One of the leading warriors suddenly widened his eyes. What strange thing happened here?

"Boss, those vampires were all burned to death, and all their belongings were plundered!"

"What? Damn it, who did it?"

The rugged man at the head couldn't help but start cursing. Those vampires in the slave market are all the best goods and can be sold for high prices.

Besides, vampire settlements usually have treasures like Xue Linglong, but now it’s better, both people and money are gone!

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and something seemed to be awakening deep in the earth.


The leader glanced at the dark hole, snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go down and have a look!"

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