Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2046 The God in the Wind! (3 updates)

"It's open! Haha, it's open! This girl is really smart and unparalleled in the world!"

Yu Junyao really had some brushes, and after playing with the exaggeration on the rock wall for a few times, she actually let her open the Dragon Breaking Stone.

As the Broken Dragon Stone slowly rose, the ground began to shake.

Then, the scene in front of me suddenly became clear.

The world after the Broken Dragon Stone is a completely different world.

First, a white-bone skeleton was found, wearing a magic weapon and fairy clothes, with a sword and a spiritual ring beside him.

Ling Feng naturally accepted it unceremoniously.

Then, it’s time to count the harvest.

Yuan Jing!

The first thing that catches the eye is the dazzling array of Yuan Jing!

However, for a warrior like Ling Feng who is not short of money, Yuan Jing is not enough to shock him.

Then, there are some thousand-year-old elixirs and a lot of precious and rare metals in the ring, which are of extraordinary value.

The medicinal materials have basically been dried and have lost their value, but the immortal metals are still extremely valuable.

In particular, some ores that had long been exhausted actually appeared in this ring.

In addition, there are bottles of elixirs, some weapons and armor.

Finally, Ling Feng also found a brocade box, which contained several slightly yellowed secret books.

Unfortunately, they were all written in ancient times, and Ling Feng didn't recognize them at all.

Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao also came up. Chu Chaonan also didn't understand these words. At the critical moment, it was Yu Junyao, a talented woman with extensive knowledge, who played a major role.

""Illustration of the Eight Formations of Qimen"!"

Yu Junyao took out the ancient book from the brocade box, her eyes filled with sparkles, and she exclaimed, "What a good thing!"

"Is there a book about formations?" Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan showed little interest. They obviously had little interest in the formations.

"And this, it's a sword manual, "Feng Ling Sword Technique", a wind-based sword technique."

"This is a body technique, "Wind Control", and the accompanying "Wind Rises Nine Heavens Jue". It seems that the senior who died here was a wind swordsman, and he was also good at formations."

Yu Junyao spoke eloquently. From her narration, Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan also understood that these secret books meant the complete inheritance of swordsmanship from this senior master.

The value of this is self-evident.


Ling Feng handed the long sword to Yu Junyao and asked in a deep voice: "There are words on it, what are they?"

Yu Junyao glanced at it and said lightly: "Feilian Sword?"

"I know!" Chu Chaonan immediately blurted out: "Fei Lian is the God of Wind in myths and legends. No wonder the swordsmanship and body skills practiced by this senior are all from the wind system."

"God of the wind!"

Ling Feng gently touched the Feilian sword, and an astonishing sharpness shot out from the sword.

This sword is unruly and untamable!

"Good guy, I'm so prosperous this time!"

Chu Chaonan was overjoyed, and Ling Feng also showed a hint of joy. He smiled and said to Yu Junyao: "Miss Yu, if you can do more, I will trouble you to take the time to translate these secret books."


Yu Junyao rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, but did not refuse Ling Feng's request. It was just a matter of translating basic ancient books, which was just a piece of cake for her.

If you have the chance, you have to study the writings of ancient times.

In Ling Feng's heart, he secretly regretted that when he was in Tianwei University, there were actually related courses, but it was a pity that he, the king of skipping classes, basically didn't take a few cultural classes.

It can be said that when the book is used, it will be less regretful!

"I'll keep these secrets with you for now."

Ling Feng handed the entire brocade box to Yu Junyao, thought about it, and then put away the corpse on the ground.

After leaving the bloody ancient road, find a good place to bury this senior expert.

In the end, I had gained his inheritance in vain.

"How's it going? How's it going? I've led you to the treasure house, can you let me go now?"

The blood-killing bug shouted loudly through the bottle and kept tapping the bottle, trying to get Ling Feng to let him go.

"Let you go, did I say that? I only said spare your life, but I didn't say let you go! Aren't you still alive now!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, this bloody ancient road is so big, there are still many secrets in the blood-killing worm's belly, just want to exchange for your freedom with just this little thing?

It’s a beautiful thought!

"Let's go."

After casually throwing the blood-killing insect into the Naling Ring, Ling Feng looked around again and found that there was nothing else of much value, so he took Chu Chaonan and the two of them and prepared to leave the cave.

However, they happened to meet a team walking in from the Broken Dragon Stone.

"Unexpectedly, there is a cave under this cave!"

The leader of the rugged man suddenly burst into laughter, his eyes immediately fell on Ling Feng and the other three, he snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "You juniors were able to get to such a treasured place first! Leave the valuables behind, and then, be obedient. Get out! Otherwise, die!"

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