Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2048 Map Fragments! (2 updates)


Ling Feng raised his eyes and looked at the boy, nodded slightly, and said calmly: "I am Ling Feng, what can I do?"

"Oh, that's it. My master invites you to come to the inn to talk!"

The boy said with a smile.

"Your master?" Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, "Who is your master? Do I know him?"

"Master has told me that if you ask me this question, just let me answer it. You will know after you go see me." The boy said slowly.

"Lead the way."

Ling Feng nodded. Judging from the boy's appearance, he didn't seem to have any malicious intent. Moreover, since it was within the Blood Road Inn and the Ebi was in charge, nothing would go wrong.

With the boy clearing the way in front, Ling Feng and the others quickly squeezed into the Blood Road Inn.

Compared to the outside, it seems slightly less crowded inside.

After all, the forces of the three major sword houses have temporarily settled in the Blood Road Inn. In addition to the disciples of the three major sword houses, only those who have reached the holy level are qualified to live in the Blood Road Inn.

The boy took Ling Feng directly to the third floor of the Blood Road Inn. Although it was also an earthen fortress, compared to the lobby below, it was much cleaner and tidier, and the decoration was obviously on a higher level.

In the center of the lobby on the third floor, several old men were sitting. One of them, Ling Feng knew, was Zhuge Qingtian, the elder of the Zhuge family.

Behind Zhuge Qingtian, there was a young girl standing, who was her granddaughter, Zhuge Wan'er.

In addition to the elders of the Zhuge family, there were also elders from several other clans present, all with outstanding descendants from their respective clans. Their purpose was self-evident.

At present, the news that there is a dragon appearing in the Blood Ancient Land has spread almost throughout the entire West Sword Region, and everyone has almost believed that there is a huge opportunity in the Blood Ancient Road.

These old men are more or less selfish. When they came here to investigate, they brought some outstanding family members with them. If they got the opportunity, it would be their good fortune.

"It turns out to be Senior Zhuge!"

Ling Feng stepped forward and saluted Zhuge Qingtian, then cupped his fists and saluted the elders of other clans, and said calmly: "Junior Ling Feng, I have met some of my seniors!"

Zhuge Qingtian stroked his long beard and said with a faint smile: "Little friend Lingfeng, you are really a lucky person! Just when an unprecedented opportunity appeared on the bloody ancient road, you happened to be here!"

"Haha! It's just a coincidence!"

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, and he created the incarnation of the Great Desolate Territory Dragon by himself, which seriously consumed part of the essence and blood of the Great Desolate Territory Dragon!

Now that I think about it, Ling Feng still feels a little sore.

That drop of essence and blood is truly a great blessing.

"Whether it's coincidence or luck, the power of luck in you is indeed far beyond that of ordinary people."

Zhuge Qingtian narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said: "By the way, I haven't introduced you yet, this is the owner of the Blood Road Inn, Hai Qinglan, Hai Lao! More than a hundred years ago, he was also famous throughout the Western Sword Region. figure!"

Ling Feng followed Zhuge Qingtian's gaze and saw an old man sitting on his seat.

This old man has rare long blue hair and looks very majestic. His appearance is slightly different from ordinary people. The bridge of his nose is slightly higher and his eye sockets are more Shenxian. He does not look like a native of the Western Sword Region.

"So you are Ebi."

Ling Feng bowed to Elder Hai and said, "Last time I had a conflict with the Five Blood Wolfs, I still haven't thanked Elder Hai in person."

"Anyone who makes trouble in my Blood Road Station will be shown off, no need to be polite."

The expression on Hai Lao's face was like ice that would never melt for thousands of years. Although it was well hidden, Ling Feng still noticed a hint of displeasure.

"Haha, after so many years, Brother Hai is still as cold as ever!"

Zhuge Qingtian laughed and smiled at Ling Feng, "Boy Ling Feng, did you find anything special during your experience in the Bloody Ancient Road this time?"

As soon as he said this, all eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, obviously very interested in the situation in the bloody ancient road.

"If you want to talk about something special, the blood moon that suddenly appeared last night should be considered it."

Ling Feng tried his best to stay calm and said in a deep voice: "The blood moon suddenly appeared, and those vampires seemed to go crazy. Their strength increased dramatically. If it weren't for my good luck, I would have been in trouble."

"Is there only blood moon?" Zhuge Qingtian continued to ask.

"Later I heard a dragon roar. The dragon's body was really huge, but it only appeared and disappeared within less than three breaths. I didn't see it clearly."

Ling Feng said lightly.

"Is this so..."

There was a hint of disappointment in Zhuge Qingtian's eyes, and then he said slowly: "That's all, the divine dragon's appearance is just fleeting. Seeing that you seem to be very tired, go down and have a good rest. There happens to be an empty room left. Just stay here first.”

"Uh, is there only one room?" Ling Feng looked back and saw that it was okay for him and Chu Chaonan to share a room, but it was not so convenient since there was Yu Junyao.


Zhuge Qingtian glanced at Yu Junyao, smiled lightly and said, "If this little girl doesn't mind, it shouldn't hurt to squeeze in with the old granddaughter, right?"


Before Yu Junyao spoke, Zhuge Wan'er became unhappy and shook her head at Zhuge Qingtian, but Zhuge Qingtian ignored her.

"Who wants to live with her!"

Yu Junyao was also a arrogant master. Seeing Zhuge Wan'er's displeased look on her boss's face, her bad temper naturally broke out.

"If you don't live with her, do you want to live with us?"

Chu Chaonan rubbed his hands and smiled obscenely, "Well, I can do that!"

The corner of Yu Junyao's mouth twitched slightly. After weighing it, she thought that she was also a young girl. If she lived in the same room with two men, Ling Feng and Chu Chaonan, her reputation would not be good.

In desperation, Yu Junyao had no choice but to live with Zhuge Wan'er.

Anyway, with her ability, she can easily subdue that Zhuge Waner. When the time comes, the little girl will soon understand who is the eldest sister.

"Then, junior, go and rest first."

After solving the housing problem, Ling Feng didn't stay long, said goodbye to Zhuge Qingtian, and went to his room to rest.

Zhuge Wan'er reluctantly took Yu Junyao back to the room. After Ling Feng and others left, Zhuge Qing genius looked at Hai Qinglan again and asked in a deep voice: "Brother Hai, are you outside the bloody ancient road?" I’ve been dormant for many years, and I’m afraid no one knows the situation better than you. Don’t you even know how to open that secret place?”

"If I had known, I would have taken it out and left long ago."

Hai Qinglan's face was ashen. The reason why he was dormant here was not as simple as seclusion.

Within the Bloody Ancient Road, there has been a legend since ancient times that an ancient power buried a secret treasure here. Unfortunately, no one has been able to find the so-called secret treasure for thousands of years.

Gradually, as time went by, people began to give up the search.

Decades ago, Hai Qinglan got an incomplete map fragment and realized that the existence of the secret might be true, so he chose to live in seclusion in this Blood Road Station. In fact, he would enter it every once in a while. Search the bloody ancient road.

Unfortunately, after decades, nothing has been achieved.

Recently, he just had a little clue. As a result, the dragon appeared, and all the masters in the Western Sword Region were alarmed. They all came to the Bloody Ancient Road to get a piece of the pie.

It's strange that Hai Qinglan is so happy.

"That's okay. The appearance of the divine dragon is a sign of opportunity. That secret may really come to light."

Zhuge Qingtian smiled faintly and didn't say any more.

The so-called opportunity, all they can do now is wait for the opportunity.

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