Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2049 Life! Impermanence! (3 updates)

the other side.

The five bloody wolves, at this moment, except for the fat wolf who died in Ling Feng's hands at the beginning, have experienced the bloody moon last night, and their numbers have been reduced again.

The fourth skinned wolf and the third iron-clawed wolf both died unfortunately. The eldest one-eyed wolf and the second forest wolf also suffered serious injuries.

At the last moment, if it weren't for the Great Wilderness Dragon summoned by Ling Feng to scare away the Vampires, their lives would have been at stake.

After luckily escaping back to their hometown, the two remaining wolves hated Ling Feng even more.

In the final analysis of all this, it was because Ling Feng killed the local fat wolf that they went deep into the bloody ancient road and encountered the bloody moon, which was why they suffered such heavy losses.

Regarding this logic, if Ling Feng knew about it, he would probably be helpless.

"Brother, this revenge must be avenged!"

The wolves in the forest gnashed their teeth with hatred. The five bloody wolves, not to mention how deep their friendship was, but after all, they had been acting together for so many years, and they felt a bit like brothers.

"I, the one-eyed wolf, will not be a human unless I take revenge for this!"

The one-eyed wolf slapped the table, directly smashing the bluestone tabletop into water. When the violent power was released, several cracks opened on the ground and spread like a spider web.

"In addition, the appearance of the divine dragon that appeared last night is said to be a sign that great opportunities will appear in the ancient bloody road. Can we also get a share of the pie?"

The eyes of the wolf in the forest flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "We have been on this bloody ancient road for so many years, and no one is more familiar with this place than us. Once a treasure appears somewhere, we will definitely be able to take the lead!"

"Humph, this is definitely an opportunity given to us by God!"

The one-eyed wolf sneered and said sullenly: "We must take this amazing opportunity, and Ling Feng's life as well!"


Before he finished speaking, at this moment, the ground shook violently, and then, several figures flew in from outside the cave, "Boom! Boom!" several times, and they were heavily mounted on the rock wall, which was the blood path. The minions under the command of the Five Wolves.


Those minions kept vomiting blood, and one of them, who was still breathing half a breath, shouted in panic: "Be... the boss, demon... demon clan!"

"Damn it, you're so brave. The evil beast of the demon clan dares to bully my five bloody wolves!"

The one-eyed wolf's lungs were about to burst with anger. He picked up the giant sword hanging on the wall and rushed out of the cave angrily. He roared loudly: "What kind of evil beast dares to touch the head of Tai Sui!"

He suddenly looked up and saw that outside the cave, on the mounds on both sides, there were more than a dozen figures standing, all with human bodies and animal heads, including wolves, tigers, snakes and birds, all of the same color. It has a powerful aura and should not be underestimated.

Some of the monsters were still eating the corpses of soldiers in the village.

When he saw so many monsters, the one-eyed wolf was scared to death.

Darling, why are there so many!


The next moment, a strong wind blew in his face, and then the one-eyed wolf's eyes were blurred and he was kicked to the ground.


A golden light flashed, and a blond man appeared in front of him.

From the appearance, this blond man is almost the same as a human being, but the rich power of Qi and blood exuding from his body is far beyond what humans can match.

The blond man stepped on the one-eyed wolf's face and looked around with a hint of satisfaction.

"Well, it's a nice place. Now it belongs to me, young master!"

The blond man kicked the one-eyed wolf away and turned his back on the guest without any courtesy.

"You! This is the boundary of humans, and you monsters dare to cross the boundary!"

The one-eyed wolf was kicked until he vomited blood and could only curse bitterly.

"Hmph, within the bloody ancient road, the dharma of the ancestral dragon is highlighted, proving that the opportunities within the blood road should belong to our demon clan!"

A wolf-headed man snorted coldly, staring at the one-eyed wolf with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

"You possess the energy and blood power of a group of wolf demons. It seems that you have hunted the king beast of the wolf demon clan and robbed its blood power! Damn human, die!"

Killing intent surged in the eyes of the wolf-headed man, and he tore his claws down. The one-eyed wolf was killed on the spot before he could even fight back.

The one-eyed wolf's eyes were full of unwillingness.

A moment ago, he was still dreaming of monopolizing the opportunities in the Blood Road. Now, his life is at stake!

Life! Impermanence!

The remaining wolves in the forest were trembling with fear. The boss was finished, and so were the five bloody wolves.

When this person gets unlucky, his teeth will be choked even if he drinks cold water.

What a disaster!

"Young Master, there is one left, what should I do with it?"

The wolf-headed man killed a one-eyed wolf and looked at the wolf in the forest with evil intentions.

"Keep it for now, I'll get some information."

When the blond man saw the wolf in the forest frightened, there was a trace of satisfaction on his face.

Weak ants like humans should have this expression when facing the demon clan.

But it turns out that this blond man is the young master of the Golden Monster Clan. The Golden Monster Clan has the blood of the Golden Holy Dragon Clan in his body. The appearance of the Great Wilderness Dragon on the Bloody Ancient Road this time naturally alarmed the Monster Clan. .

The Dragon Clan, in a sense, can also be regarded as the Monster Clan.

The Great Wilderness Dragon is one of the ten ancient ancestral dragons. If it is really the inheritance of the ancestral dragon, then for the demon clan, this opportunity can definitely make them reborn.

Even the evolution into a true divine dragon clan is not yet known.

After the demon clan arrived at the Bloody Ancient Road, they also discovered that there were so many masters in the Blood Road Station at the moment. With their current manpower, they were not enough to defeat those strong human beings. Therefore, they had to find a place to rest for the time being and wait for the clan. The support of the strong within.

Speaking of which, the five bloody wolves were also unlucky. Their lair was discovered by these demon clans, and then what happened before happened.

"Young master is wise."

The wolf-headed man smiled and flattered, and then said: "Under the leadership of the young master, we will definitely obtain the ancestral dragon inheritance, and you, the young master, are the only chosen son who is qualified to receive the inheritance!"


Young Master Jin Jiao sneered, obviously very satisfied with the wolf-headed man's flattery, and said with a faint smile: "If this young master gets the inheritance, you should be the first to eliminate the wolf!"

"Thank you so much, Young Master, Lang Mie!"

The wolf-headed man nodded and bowed to Young Master Jin Jiao, looking like a servile servant.

It turns out that this wolf-headed man is named Lang Mie.

Well, it’s a wolf killer!

Young Master Jin Jiao smiled with satisfaction, sat down on the main seat, and then took out two fragments of the map from his sleeve robe, and said lightly: "I, the Golden Monster Jiao clan, have spent thousands of years of hard work. , I collected two of the fragments. These fragments seem to be related to the secrets in the Bloody Ancient Road, and the remaining one seems to be in the hands of Hai Qinglan! "

"This time, as long as I seize the remaining fragments from Hai Qinglan, the ancestral dragon inheritance will definitely belong to me! Hahahaha!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the cave, which did not stop for a long time.

(PS: I’m asking for a vote at the beginning of the month. Logically speaking, a young boy like me should celebrate Children’s Day and politely stop updating, but I actually updated it. For this reason, I should vote~)

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