Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2051 The super powerful man! (2 updates)

"Damn it, got nothing again!"

"What kind of exotic treasure has been discovered? It's a lie. So many of us have been looking for it for so many days, let alone the treasure. We haven't even found a single hair of the treasure!"

"It's not like you didn't see the divine dragon's appearance that night. The terrifying power of the dragon can be sensed from tens of thousands of miles away. How can this be false?"

Outside the Blood Road Inn, people come and go from the Blood Ancient Road every day. Unfortunately, most of the warriors who come with the intention of hunting for treasures go and return empty-handed. After a few days, although people were a little disappointed, they thought of the divine dragon appearance that night and were unwilling to give up easily.

At this time, another group of warriors returned empty-handed from the bloody ancient road. Several of their companions suffered varying degrees of injuries.

In the bloody ancient road, in addition to the vampires, there are also some ferocious beasts, which are also difficult to provoke.

The Bloody Ancient Road is a place full of blood and killing. Every time you enter it, you must be mentally prepared for serious injury or even death.

At this moment, an unusually tall figure suddenly landed in front of several people.

The warriors took a closer look and were immediately startled.

It was clearly a monster with a tiger head and a human body, standing two meters away, with muscles all over his body and a frightening fierce light in his eyes.

"Demon...Demon Emperor!"

For a moment, the warriors were all frightened out of their wits. Although there were many dangers on the Bloody Ancient Road, there were no other demon clans other than the blood clan.

Not to mention, such a terrifying and powerful man with the strength of a demon emperor.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency suddenly appeared in the human territory. I'm afraid it's a bit against the rules."

The leader of the warriors bravely said to the tiger-headed man: "According to the agreement between the three major sword houses and the demon clan, this is the territory of the human race. Strong men above the demon emperor are not allowed to cross the boundary, otherwise it will be regarded as provoking the contract between the two clans. could you..."

"I just crossed the line, so what?"

The tiger-headed man laughed ferociously, and with a slap of his huge palm, he smashed the leader's head into pieces. His brains burst open and flowed red and white all over the ground.

The few remaining warriors were even more frightened out of their wits. Oh my God, with the strength of this tiger-headed man, it would be effortless to kill them all.


The tiger-headed man sneered and did not continue to take action. He just said coldly: "I am not here to kill people today. You guys, go and send a message to that old guy Hai Qinglan and hand over the things. Otherwise, in Under the leadership of the great Young Master Jinjiao, we will definitely learn from the Blood Road Station! Before dusk, Young Master Jinjiao will come to the door in person. If you don't hand over, you will bear the consequences!"

After saying that, the tiger-headed man jumped forward and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Those warriors were still in shock. It wasn't until the tiger-headed man flew away that they collapsed on the ground in fear and couldn't get up for a long time.

" me!"

A slightly obese man, whose calves were trembling badly, couldn't help crying when he looked at the corpse on the ground.

"Okay, time is running out, go back and inform Ebi!"

There is also a relatively rational warrior who realizes the seriousness of the matter. If the delay continues and fails to notify Ebi, the matter will probably become more serious.

The setting sun drains blood and sets towards the west.

At dusk, today's Blood Road Station is no longer as bustling and noisy as usual, but instead has a solemn feeling, as if facing a powerful enemy.

The news of the sudden appearance of the demon clan spread quickly, although there were also optimists who thought that with the powerful men of the three major sword houses gathered at the Blood Road Station, those demon clan would not cause much trouble.

However, there are also pessimistic warriors who feel that the demon clan may be coming with a menacing force this time and are prepared.

If a fight breaks out, who would be willing to become cannon fodder?

On the third floor of the Blood Road Inn, Ling Feng also opened the window and looked into the distance.

"Unexpectedly, even the demon tribe was attracted?"

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly. Speaking of which, the initiator of all this was that he summoned the Great Wilderness Dragon.


At this moment, a dense black spot suddenly appeared at the end of Ling Feng's gaze.

Those black spots gradually enlarged. They were the powerful men of the demon clan, coming menacingly.

And looking at the posture, I'm afraid there are at least a hundred of them!

It seemed that they were indeed prepared.

On the top floor of the Blood Road Station, Hai Qinglan and the elders of the three major sword mansions all stood with their hands behind their hands, with more or less solemn expressions on their faces.

Although the three major sword houses may not be of the same mind, when facing the demon clan, they naturally put aside their past grudges and work together.

Zhuge Qingtian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I guessed that this time the dragon appeared in the world, the strange phenomena shook all directions, and the demon clan could not remain calm. Sure enough, they finally came!"

"These demon clans are so arrogant that they openly violated the contract between the two clans!"

An elder from the Tianchuan Sword Mansion had an evil look on his face, and a golden heavy sword in his hand started to buzz and tremble, "Come on, come on, my sword blade has not been stained with the blood of the demon clan for many years!"

On the other side, in the Longjian Tianfu camp, a gloomy-looking elder gave Hai Qinglan a stern look, and said with a smile: "Old Hai, the demon clan asked you to hand over what they want. Something, I would like to know, what is it?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

Hai Qinglan gave the elder of Longjian Tianfu a cold look, but did not give him any face at all.

"Okay, now that the enemy is approaching, are you still thinking about internal strife?"

Zhuge Qingtian frowned and said in a deep voice: "Although we seem to have an advantage in terms of numbers, the other party seems to have sent powerful men at the supreme level. This battle may not go well!"

"Is it too high-level?"

An elder from the Three Great Sword Mansion showed an extremely solemn expression.

A supreme master is a powerful person above the fourth level of the Nine Transformation Realm.

At the Saint level, the difference in every small level improvement is almost immeasurable.

Not to mention, there is a watershed between the fourth level of the Nine Transformations Realm and the third level of the Nine Transformations Realm. Even if they have an absolute numerical advantage, they probably don't have much chance of winning.

However, strong men of their level would naturally have some scruples when taking action.

After all, although the demon clan is strong, the three major sword houses are not vegetarians.

If the demon clan really dares to massacre the senior elders of the three major sword mansions, it will inevitably trigger a war between the two clans.

The demon clan still needs to carefully weigh the consequences of this.

Soon, those monsters were flying nearby. Among them was an old man covered in a black cloak, exuding a thick black mist. This man was the powerful monster Zhuge Qingtian said was the supreme leader.

"What a strong aura!"

Ling Feng felt a thump in his heart. The old man shrouded in black mist gave him a feeling of extreme danger.

This person's strength is probably far beyond Xuanyuan Longteng's level.

In comparison, it may not be inferior to the complete form of the blood-slaying insect encountered during the Bloody Moon.

"The situation is not good!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. Although there were many saint-level experts on the human side, none of them reached the level of the black-robed old man.

Chu Chaonan also swallowed hard, and said with a solemn expression: "Brother Ling, what are you going to do now? There are strong men of this level showing up, and we may not be able to get any benefits!"

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