Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2052 The terrifying evil eye! (3 updates)

"Let's just wait and see what happens!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "Even though the demon clan is arrogant, there are still checks and balances between them and the three major sword houses, so they should not dare to act recklessly."


Chu Chaonan gave a wry smile. If he had followed his temper, the so-called gentleman who did not stand behind a dangerous wall, he would have run away long ago.

The next moment, behind the old man in black robe, another burly blond man walked out.

This person is Young Master Jin Jiao.

The young master of the golden dragon, with an extremely arrogant look on his face, glanced around and shouted loudly: "Which one is Hai Qinglan!"

Hai Qinglan frowned slightly, and the next moment, he soared into the sky and confronted the young master of the golden dragon in the air.

"I, Hai Qinglan!"

Hai Qinglan stood with his hands behind his back, and a cold air swept across all directions. The expression of the young master Jinjiao changed slightly, and he was about to be forced back by Hai Qinglan's momentum.

In the final analysis, he is only a genius of the younger generation of the Monster Clan, and there is still a big gap between him and a strong human race like Hai Qinglan.

The next moment, a black mist swept in and turned into a solid wall, forcibly blocking out Hai Qinglan's breath.


Hearing Hai Qinglan groan, he had already suffered a secret loss in the confrontation of momentum.

"Hai Qinglan, stay safe!"

The old man in black robe raised his head slightly, revealing a deep and evil eye under his broad cloak.

This person actually only has one eye!

"Evil Eye, it turns out to be you!"

Hai Qinglan seemed to know this old man, his expression changed slightly, and then showed a trace of dejection.

Hundreds of years ago, this evil eye was already the top powerhouse that shocked the Western Sword Region.

In front of such powerful men, it seems that his strength is not enough.

"Now that you recognize me, why don't you obediently hand over the fragments of the map?"

The squinting eyes smiled coldly, and said in a tone that could not be criticized: "You'd better not give an answer that makes the young master dissatisfied."


The young master Jin Jiao looked up to the sky and laughed, "The inheritance of the ancestral dragon given by heaven should belong to me. You humans only need to cooperate obediently, and maybe you can continue to survive. Otherwise, all the ants blocking the road will be destroyed." To die!"

"Map fragment? What map fragment?"

Then, the elders of the three major sword houses also flew up and landed next to Hai Qinglan.

If it is related to the secret map in the bloody ancient road, this thing cannot fall into the hands of the demon clan.

Hai Qinglan's face was ashen, he clenched his fists tightly, stared at the young master of the golden dragon, and said bitterly: "Wishful thinking!"

"Oh? Really?"

Young Master Jin Jiao sneered, and then he heard "swish, swish, swish", and figures descended from a distance and landed on the top of the mounds surrounding the Blood Road Station.

There are hundreds of powerful monsters from the demon clan with powerful auras, all of them are at the demon emperor level, and there are even more than a dozen elementary demon saints. Coupled with the evil eye of the supreme superior, such a lineup can even directly attack three demons. It is the base camp of one of the Dajian Mansion.

Although it cannot be captured, it is definitely enough to cause a considerable impact on the three major sword mansions.

It seemed that this time the demon clan not only came prepared, but also determined to capture the secret hidden in the bloody ancient road.

Suddenly, the humans gathered in the Blood Road Station began to panic.

Now it is no longer a question of whether you can get a share of the bloody ancient road, but a question of whether you can save a small life.

Not to mention the more than ten powerful demon saints, the evil eye of that superior is enough to make people despair!

Hai Qinglan's eyes were full of solemnity!

Zhuge Qingtian, the elders of Longjian Tianfu and Tianchuan Jianfu all took a deep breath.

Do the demon clan really want to go on a killing spree here?

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance!"

The young master Jin Jiao raised three fingers and said loudly: "I will give you three breaths to think about it and hand over the fragments of the map. Our two clans will live in peace. Otherwise, this bloody road station will no longer exist today."

Hai Qinglan clenched her fists and stared at Young Master Jin Jiao. Finally, she sighed softly and gritted her teeth and said, "I can give you the fragments of the map, but since I also took out some fragments, I should also be able to explore that secret place." Hidden qualifications! Human warriors should have a fair chance to compete with you monsters!"

Hai Qinglan had worked hard for decades for that secret treasure. It was impossible for him to give up easily.

However, he is not stupid. In order to tie other strong human beings into the same warship, he made the request that everyone can compete for the secret.

"Hahaha, fair play?"

The young master Jin Jiao seemed to have heard some big joke, and burst into laughter instantly, "Old man, you are so naive! Hand over the fragments, and then get out of the bloody ancient road. Who dares to fool around?" Entering the bloody ancient road, don’t blame us monsters, kill every one you see!”

"It's too much!"

Hai Qinglan said bitterly: "In this case, you can never get the fragments!"

"I had expected that you old guy wouldn't hand over the fragments obediently."

Young Master Jin Jiao showed a bloodthirsty and cruel look in his eyes, and smiled ferociously, "Then, it will be the same if we search it from your body! Elder Evil Eye, do it!"

"Yes, young master!"

The evil eye was covered in billowing black energy, and as the thick black mist spread, the bodies of those warriors who had not had time to activate the Gang Qi protection immediately began to fester and turned into thick water.

For a time, screams came and went.

The human warriors below were all scared to death, and they retreated frantically for fear of being contaminated by the black mist.

"Evil eye!"

Hai Qinglan's anger suddenly surged, his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the evil eye.

Evil Eye's body is a nightmare beast, good at poisonous fog and divine soul attacks. Relatively speaking, close combat is his shortcoming.

However, Hai Qinglan is good at water-based techniques, which can suppress the poisonous mist of the evil eye to a certain extent. If he is to be brought closer, Hai Qinglan still has a chance to cause harm to him.

It's a pity that his plan was seen through by the evil eye early on. A flash of light flashed, and a spiderweb-like cage immediately appeared around Hai Qinglan, wrapping him tightly and preventing him from moving at all.

Under the mental suppression of the evil eye, Hai Qinglan actually felt like a puppet on strings. His soul seemed to have separated from his body and was played by the evil eye.

"Is this a soul skill?"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped wildly. Among the demon clan, there are some races whose soul talent is far beyond that of humans. They don't even need to temper their souls to possess innate abilities that are comparable to or even more powerful than silver soul skills.

The Nightmare Beast clan is undoubtedly the master of this way.

Under the power of the evil eye, Hai Qinglan's old face turned purple, and his will seemed to be about to collapse at any moment.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will become a puppet of the evil eye.

"Take action!"

Zhuge Qingtian roared, naturally he could not just watch Hai Qinglan being manipulated by the demon clan. In this way, the map fragment in Hai Qinglan's hands would naturally fall into the hands of the demon clan.

In an instant, several saint-level powerhouses from the One Moon Heavenly Palace all flew out.

Then, the strong men of Tianchuan Jianfu did not hesitate much and took action one after another.

Although the Longjian Tianfu side also has evil intentions, they must not just watch the demon clan take away the pieces of Hai Qinglan's body.

As a result, their Dragon Sword Heavenly Mansion could only gain nothing in the end.

This is not a scene they want to see.

On the other side, the saints of the demon race also exploded with demon essence and soared into the sky.

For a time, the saints from both sides took action one after another, and a chaotic battle was inevitable.

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