Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2053: Shocking Appearance! Lord Shepherd! (1 more)

Boom boom boom!

Dozens of saint-level powerhouses fought together, their boundless power erupted, and the world seemed to be shattered.

It is when gods fight that mortals suffer, and those below the saint level are like ants and can only flee in all directions.

After all, there was a powerful man on the side of the demon clan. Soon, the human side was completely suppressed by the demon clan.

Of course, both sides retained their strength and did not show any serious intentions. The human race was wary, and the demon race also did not dare to easily kill the saint-level strongman on the human race side.

After all, every saint-level person is an extremely valuable asset to the sect. If a saint-level expert falls, it will definitely trigger the anger of the entire sect.

Although the demon clan is arrogant, they dare not completely anger the three major sword houses.


Xie Yan knocked back the joint efforts of Zhuge Qingtian and Tie Clan elders with one punch, with a look of disdain on his face, and said coldly: "Human beings, now that things have happened, you should see the situation clearly. The inheritance within the Blood Ancient Road, It belongs to my demon clan!”

Zhuge Qingtian clenched his fists tightly, and there was a burst of energy and blood in his body. The supreme powerhouse was too powerful. With the power of the human saint-level powerhouses present, even if they joined forces, they might not be able to resist the evil eye alone.

What's more, there are as many as a dozen saint-level experts sent by the demon clan.

If the fight continues, the human race will not be able to gain any advantage at all.

"Damn it, if I had known this, I should have invited the Supreme Elder to come out together!"

The elder of Tianchuan Jianfu cursed secretly, but it was a pity that distant water could not quench the near thirst. At present, the human race could only be crushed one-sidedly.

At this time, Hai Qinglan seemed to have reached the limit. He was bleeding from seven orifices, and the pores all over his body were filled with blood, and he was constantly panting.

His willpower has been completely overwhelmed by the evil eye.

"Hahaha, Hai Qinglan, you are indeed a tough guy, but it's a pity that you still have no choice but to succumb to my soul-stirring puppet technique!"

Xieyan looked up to the sky and laughed, twirling his fingers up and down, like manipulating a puppet on strings, constantly pulling Hai Qinglan's soul. Even a tough guy might not be able to withstand the pain that comes from his soul.

Hai Qinglan's screams were in sharp contrast to the evil eye's laughter.

On the human side, everyone looked downcast, while on the contrary, the monster warriors had faces full of contempt and ridicule.

Each of them had a relaxed expression with a hint of teasing, looking at the desperate eyes of the human warriors.

It seems that they especially enjoy the eyes of the human race.

It seems that the opportunity within the bloody ancient road is destined to miss the human race.

"Brother Ling, the situation is not good!"

Chu Chaonan took a deep breath. With the current posture, all the saints in the three major sword houses seemed to have succumbed. The saint-level experts did not dare to stand up. How could they have the capital to challenge the remaining emperor-level ones? .

"Something is wrong!"

Ling Feng also frowned. If the demon clan blocked the entrance to the Bloody Ancient Road, then if he wanted to fish in troubled waters, his chances of sneaking into it would undoubtedly be much smaller.

However, it is not completely impossible.

After all, this is not the first time Ling Feng has done this kind of thing, pretending to be a monster.

With the existence of blood-killing insects, he has already taken the advantage to a large extent. If he just gives up like this, he is afraid that he will not be willing to do so.

"It couldn't be worse!"

Seeing that the saint-level powerhouses of the three major sword houses stopped taking action and seemed to have accepted their fate, there was a trace of disdain on the evil-eyed face.

"Hai Qinglan, take out the fragments of the map!"

As Xie Yan gave the order, Hai Qinglan's trembling body froze suddenly, and he immediately took out what looked like an iron piece from the Naling Ring.

This is related to the map fragment hidden in the bloody ancient road.

"Finally succeeded!"

The evil eye's huge single eye flashed with light, and he stretched out his hand to capture the map fragment.

At this moment, a long rainbow shot out from the sky like a falling star. In an instant, the long rainbow seemed to span endless time and shot straight towards Xie Yan's forehead.

Xie Yan trembled all over, and a sense of crisis arose spontaneously. Na Na was still concerned about the fragment of the map, and quickly turned sideways to avoid the rainbow.


There was a loud noise, and a huge crater hundreds of feet deep was blasted into the ground behind Xie Yan. The earth trembled violently, and the entire Blood Road Station collapsed instantly.

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another figures flew out from the Bloody Road Station, and Ling Feng also mingled among the crowd, extremely curious in his heart.

Where did this holy god come from in order to achieve this extremely powerful blow?

At this time, Chu Chaonan's expression became extremely unnatural, and he seemed to be a little uneasy.

"Let me put it in perspective, it's not the old man here, is it?"

Chu Chaonan muttered something in a low voice, and the next moment, he heard a wild and uninhibited laughter, penetrating through the sky.

The sound came from far to near, as if in just a blink of an eye, a golden light suddenly burst out in the void, the light converged, and an old man who looked a little rickety gradually appeared.

He was a little old man who looked dry and thin, with gray hair, a goatee, and braids. He was dressed in colorful clothes and looked a bit nondescript.

However, in the hand of this little old man, he held a fragment of the map that he had just snatched from the evil eye.

Such a coquettish and kind-hearted way of appearing on the stage immediately made countless eyes in the audience stare at the little old man.

He looks like an old madman, but his strength seems to be incredible!

"This momentum!"

Zhuge Qingtian's eyes flickered. Although he only saw a hunched back, a name flashed in his mind.

Mr. Mu Shen!

The madman who once dug up the ancestral graves of the nine major families and forced the nine clan princes to join forces to besiege him.

Next to Ling Feng, Chu Chaonan was hiding timidly behind Ling Feng, even lowering his head and silently muttering: "Don't find me, don't find me..."

When Ling Feng saw this guy's cowardice, he naturally figured out the identity of the little old man.

This person is Lord Mu Shen!

Before that, Ling Feng had imagined countless times how he and this legendary strong man would meet, and he also imagined that he might be an elder with immortal demeanor.

But at this moment, the illusion was shattered.

The look of this old man...

I really can’t compliment you!

"Hey hey hey, it's such a fun thing to have a group fight, why don't you call me?"

The Shepherd looked at the evil eye with a smile, then raised his finger at him and said with a smile: "Hey, that one-eyed dragon, do you want this thing?"

Xie Yan was so angry that he was shaking all over. He stared at Lord Mu Shen with an angry gaze and yelled, "You old lunatic who came out of nowhere, don't get in the way!"

At the same time, an extremely strange light burst out from the evil eye's huge one eye.

Hai Qinglan just now completely lost the ability to resist under this move, and this ray was more than ten times stronger than the one used to deal with Hai Qinglan.

Obviously, Xie Yan also discovered that Lord Mu Shen was very powerful, so he didn't dare to hold back.

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