Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2054 The undefeated naughty boy! (2 updates)

"Oh? It's interesting!"

Lord Mu Shen stood with his hands behind his back, refusing to dodge until the thick beam was almost in front of him, and a terrifying aura suddenly erupted from his body.


In an instant, the clothes on Lord Mu Shen were violently shattered, and his rickety body suddenly inflated like a balloon.

The withered and thin body was instantly filled with extremely strong and exaggerated muscles, and the abdomen directly showed twelve-pack abs!


In the crowd, there was a flash of light in Ling Feng's eyes. Mu Shenjun's hand had a hint of the "Six Elements of Destiny" in it, but it was completely different from what Chu Chaonan had displayed.

Sure enough, ginger is still spicy!

High in the sky, the Shepherd God grinned, raised his hand slightly, and made a downward slashing gesture.


The mental ray that Xie Yan used with all his strength was cut into two pieces like a cucumber.

Then, Lord Mu Shen stretched out his hand to grab it, and then threw it with his backhand. The mental ray was actually regarded as a spear by him and was projected back fiercely.


Two blasts of wind sounded, and the violent wind swept away. Xie's eyelids twitched wildly, and he quickly dodged back, but before his body had time to react, his left and right shoulders were directly pierced, and blood spurted out.


A scream like a slaughtering pig rang out, and the two spiritual spears not only pierced his body, but also penetrated the origin of his soul!

The whole audience was stunned!

Every warrior, be it human or demon, all had their eyes widened.

The Evil Eye, which had just swept the entire field, overwhelming everyone with its invincible appearance, was actually being manipulated by this little old man who looked nondescript!

This old man is too strong!

No! It's so strong that it's incredible!

After a brief silence, the human camp suddenly burst into cheers.

No matter who this old man is, one thing is certain, he is human!

Well, this is undoubtedly good news for all human beings present.

"As expected of the undefeated naughty Shepherd God!"

Zhuge Qingtian flew up and bowed to Lord Shepherd from a distance, "Brother Mu, we meet again after a hundred years!"

However, Mu Shenjun didn't even look at Zhuge Qingtian. He flashed and flew directly in front of Hai Qinglan. He slapped Hai Qinglan's face several times and cursed in his mouth. : "Let me tell you, Lao Hai, are you going to burp? If you just burp like this, I will take good care of your wife Elizabeth for you!"

The warriors around were all stunned. It turned out that this old man knew Hai Lao, and it seemed that their friendship was not simple!

It smells a little green!

"Cough cough cough..."

Accompanied by a violent cough, Hai Qinglan finally woke up. It was unknown whether she was awakened by the Shepherd God or was awakened by him.

As soon as Hai Qinglan woke up, she immediately grabbed Mu Shenjun's lapel and gritted her teeth and said, "You old bastard, don't try to trick Elizabeth!"


Mu Shenjun threw Hai Qinglan away casually and said with disdain: "That white-faced woman, can I like her? If I like her, would it be your turn back then? But you, old guy, after so many years , still so useless!”

Hai Qinglan's old face turned red from holding back. Looking around the world, apart from the powerful men at the top, how many other opponents are there?

It's just that I was unlucky today, and I happened to meet a powerful person who was too superior.

However, in front of Lord Mu Shen, how many people dare to say that they are not "waste"?


Hai Qinglan's teeth were itching with hatred, but after hesitating and hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't even hold in his fart.

"Okay, okay, I'm not angry with you anymore. If I make you mad to death, the white-faced woman will be a widow!"

Lord Mu Shen chuckled, and the next moment, his face suddenly darkened, and he said coldly: "Little bastard, how long are you going to hide, I'll give you three breaths to get out, or I will destroy your limbs!"

"Come out! Come out!"

When Chu Chaonan heard this, he was so frightened that he jumped out of the crowd and flew in front of Lord Mu Shen like a gust of wind. He said with a dark face: "Old man, there are so many people here, you can't give me any face." !”

"You little brat, your breasts haven't even stopped yet, so you should imitate others and save face!"

Mu Shenjun kicked Chu Chaonan directly on the butt and said with a sneer: "One day you can beat me. I talk to you about face every day! If you can't beat me, there is no need to talk!"

"If I could beat you, I would still give you face!"

Chu Chaonan was so angry that he thought that if he could beat this old man, he would torture him to death every day.

How could Master Mu Shen fail to see Chu Chaonan's little thoughts? He chuckled and said: "If you can beat me, then I will have to teach you about respecting the teacher. If you hit the master, you will be struck by lightning." of!"

Chu Chaonan murmured in his heart, it seems like you, an old man, have never respected a teacher!

It stands to reason that you have practiced in the Duyue Palace for several years, and in the end you dug up the ancestral graves of the nine major families. You really respect your master!

Lord Mu Shen snorted, changed the topic, and said: "I heard that you were defeated on the Rookie Swordsman List. How did I explain to you in the first place?"


Chu Chaonan's eyes rolled wildly, and he suddenly had an idea, and said with a smile: "You asked me to defeat the younger generation of the nine major families, but I didn't lose a single match, and the person I lost was not a member of the nine major families!"

"Humph, you are still being unreasonable!"

Mu Shenjun kicked Chu Chaonan on the butt again.

"Oh no, old man, are you still being unreasonable?"

Chu Chaonan protested loudly, but was beaten mercilessly by Lord Shepherd.

The two masters and apprentices were just talking to themselves in the air, completely ignoring the other people present. However, the others didn't even dare to fart, and could only stare at the two masters and apprentices. pinch.

"Is this the master that Brother Chu calls..."

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry for a while. No wonder Chu Chaonan was so in awe of that master. In terms of strength, he was indeed ridiculously strong, but in terms of his acting style, he was indeed deviant enough.

After a long while, Master Mu Shen ended his lecture to his disciple, snorted softly, and said coldly: "I'll take care of you when I get back!"

Chu Chaonan shrank his neck, he was probably doomed this time!

Master Mu Shen held the map fragment in his hand, pursed his lips, and threw it back to Hai Qinglan with a look of lack of interest.

Mu Shenjun didn't seem to be interested in any secret treasures at all. He just said lightly: "Lao Hai, I have returned the things to you. I will not interfere with the rest!"

After saying that, Lord Mu Shen actually picked up Chu Chaonan's neck, jumped up, and flew directly to a small hill. He sat down lazily and said with a smile: "Hit, beat, beat, you guys continue to beat, I'm still waiting. Watching a show!”

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