Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2055 The key to victory or defeat! (3 updates)

"Old madman!"

Hai Qinglan cursed lowly. He knew Mu Shenjun's personality very well. Since he said he would not take action again, he would naturally not interfere in the affairs between the two clans.

Fortunately, Lord Mu Shen made a strong move and directly destroyed the strongest evil eye of the demon clan. At the same time, he returned the map fragments to Hai Qinglan. It can be said that the two sides are back to the starting point.

Seeing that the evil eye's spirit has been severely damaged and is dying, it is probably useless. If he doesn't rest for a hundred and eighty years, he may not be able to return to his peak state.

Young Master Jin Jiao secretly resented that the situation had become clear and all three fragments would be in his hands. Now, the demon clan no longer has much advantage!

Taking a deep breath, Young Master Jin Jiao said with a gloomy face: "Humans! If we continue to fight like this, it will inevitably damage the harmony! To open the secret in the Bloody Ancient Land, you need to collect three map fragments. This The young master already has two of them in his hands, I can give you a chance to compete fairly for the inheritance in the Blood Ancient Road!"

"Tsk, these monsters are really ridiculous. When the situation was one-sided just now, they weren't afraid of hurting harmony. Now that the evil eye is gone, are they afraid of hurting harmony?"

Yu Junyao couldn't help but curse in a low voice, with disdain in her eyes.

"In the final analysis, the big fist is the last word."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. If Lord Mu Shen hadn't suddenly come out to fight, there would be no "harmony" at all today.

Hai Qinglan took a deep breath and looked back at Zhuge Qingtian and others. When he saw them nodding slightly towards him, he said in a deep voice: "Okay, tell me, how do you want to compete?"

Young Master Jin Jiao stood with his hands behind his back and laughed loudly: "Since all the saint-level seniors have taken action just now, then the saint-level experts will no longer take action, and each side will send three saint-level and below. Junior, fight on behalf of the two clans!”

The Young Master Jin Jiao pointed to the open space below and said in a deep voice: "The three warriors from both sides will take action in turn. In the end, all three warriors from the other side need to be defeated to be considered the winner! If you humans win, you can naturally enter The Bloody Ancient Road is a fair competition with our demon race. However, if you lose, I’m sorry, you must hand over the fragments in your hands, and humans are not allowed to set foot on the Bloody Ancient Road within a month!”

(PS: This rule is not a win-win-win-out-of-three-rounds, but rather, either side only needs to defeat three of the other side to win. It can defeat three by one, refer to the King of Fighters model.)


For a moment, the human warriors fell into hesitation.

After all, if they lose this battle, they will have no chance to compete for the inheritance in the Blood Ancient Road.

But after all, the demon clan has mastered more fragments, and in terms of absolute strength, the demon clan is still slightly better than the human race.

If the talks break down and a fight finally breaks out, the human race will not get any benefits.

As for Mu Shenjun, looking at his carefree appearance, it was obvious that he was not prepared to intervene at all, but simply wanted to watch the fun.

The senior elders of the three major sword houses have more or less heard of the "Invincible Naughty Boy" Mu Shenjun.

If he hadn't acted deviantly, he wouldn't have been called a naughty boy.

There is never any reason for what he does, it's all based on personal preference.

Hai Qinglan's expression was solemn. He was not at ease if he had to leave his chances of entering the Blood Ancient Road to other unrelated juniors completely.

And those demon tribes are obviously accurate. The younger generation of the human race is definitely not as good as their demon tribe.


The young master Jin Jiao snorted, glanced at the human warriors present, and said solemnly: "This is the last concession of our demon clan. If not, then we will have to fight to the end!"

In fact, if he wasn't afraid of the Shepherd God, he wouldn't even want to give this opportunity to the human race!

He is determined to win the Ancestral Dragon inheritance.

The human warriors looked at each other. For a moment, no one dared to make this decision easily.

"Otherwise, let's give it a try!"

After a long time, it was Zhuge Qingtian who broke the silence.

Zhuge Qingtian glanced at Ling Feng intentionally or unintentionally. Perhaps the young master of the demon clan had absolute self-confidence and thought he was invincible at the saint level.

However, Ling Feng is a variable.

With Ling Feng here, maybe we can turn the tide!

"Then let's give it a try!"

The elder headed by Tianchuan Sword Mansion also nodded and said solemnly: "Let each of our three major sword manors send one of their best genius disciples to represent the human race!"

"That's all it can do."

There was no objection from Longjian Tianfu. Fortunately, this time the three major sword houses brought many elite disciples here, in order to obtain the inheritance within the Blood Ancient Road.

Soon, the Tianchuan Jianfu side sent a burly man, and the Longjian Tianfu side also found a suitable candidate.

On the Duyue Palace side, Zhuge Qingtian personally invited Ling Feng up.

Ling Feng did not refuse Zhuge Qingtian's request.

After all, if the human side can win, he can also enter the bloody ancient road openly and without a lot of trouble.

"Little friend Ling Feng, the key to victory or defeat probably lies with you alone!"

Zhuge Qingtian lowered his voice and spoke in Ling Feng's ear.

Based on Ling Feng's performance in Yueling City, coupled with his terrifying progress speed, perhaps he must have made great progress compared to when he left Yueling City.

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "I'll do my best!"

Hai Qinglan took a deep breath when he saw the three warriors selected by the three major sword houses. Although he had some doubts whether these younger generations could deal with the demon clan, at this point, he could only make a desperate move.

"Hmph, just me alone is enough this time!"

The one selected by Longjian Tianfu was a thin two-handed swordsman with two long swords slung behind his back. His eyes were cold and he was full of extraordinary aura. He looked very powerful.

The two-handed swordsman glanced at the burly man from Tianchuan Sword Mansion and Ling Feng, and finally his eyes fell on Ling Feng, showing a hint of disdain without concealing it.

"Is there anyone left in the Du Yue Tian Palace? They actually sent out such a weakling with talent in the early stage of the Heavenly Destiny Realm. This battle is not a child's play. I suggest replacing him!"

The two-handed swordsman of Longjian Tianfu obviously regarded Ling Feng as a weakling.

Indeed, Ling Feng was not outstanding in terms of his cultivation level or the aura on his body.

"Just mind yourself!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly and glared at the two-handed swordsman coldly. A fierce sword intent erupted. The two-handed swordsman's eyelids jumped slightly. He obviously recognized Ling Feng's sword intent, which was an extremely rare killing sword intent. .

"Hmph, it turned out to be a killing sword intent, but it's a pity that it fell on you, it was really wasted!"

The two-handed swordsman wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by the elder of Longjian Tianfu.

"Okay, Wen Ren Zhan, don't cause any complications!"

The elder of Longjian Tianfu shouted in a low voice to stop the Wenren Zhan, and said in a deep voice: "Prepare for war with all your strength!"

Wen Renzhan nodded slightly and said slowly: "Hmph, kid, you are lucky today. I will be the first to lead the attack. I can easily penetrate three with just one, and you can follow and win!"

Ling Feng secretly laughed in his heart. Let's wait and see who will win when the time comes!

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