Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2057 True despair! (2 updates)

On the hills in the distance.

The Shepherd God sat on a boulder, crossed his legs, looked impatient on his face, and cursed in his mouth: "This junior from Longjian Tianfu is going back more and more. There were still some capable people more than a hundred years ago." The masters who saw it are just rubbish now!”

"Yes, yes, yes, compared to you old man, there are a few people in the world who are not useless!"

Chu Chaonan curled his lips, looked at Ling Feng, and secretly added in his heart, "That guy's talent is probably no worse than the old man's!"

On the stage.

The violent bear folded his arms and stood proudly. He glanced at the human warriors and said with a disdainful smile: "Even if you humans are given a chance, you are still so vulnerable. Next one!"

Whoosh! ——

The figure flashed, and the human genius who represented Tianchuan Jianfu, Ye Tiannan, flew and landed firmly on the ring.

The movement is elegant, and there are faint fluctuations of the wind.

"Another one who doesn't know how to live or die!"

The bear looked disdainful: "Let's take action, I'll kill you with one move!"

Ye Tiannan's face was stern, his eyes were filled with coldness, as cold as icebergs, and his voice was also filled with chills, "You are a little too self-righteous!"

The violent bear laughed loudly, "It seems that you really don't understand the situation! Then, let my iron fist help you wake up!"


Ye Tiannan's face was stern, and he suddenly drew out the long sword in his hand, swung the sword edge, and said coldly: "I hope your strength can match your arrogance!"


The violent bear sneered and took the initiative!

"Djinn Hammer!"

The violent bear roared, hammering the ground with both fists, and the earth cracked open inch by inch. For a moment, the billowing magma reappeared and turned into a huge fire dragon, sweeping around him.

The raging flames rose up and swept across with the force of burning stars!

"Absolute zero!"

Ye Tiannan's expression was cold and unchanged, and the long sword in his hand swept across. Under the explosion of the sword field, the heaven and earth were frozen, and everything was frozen.


The giant magma dragon around the violent bear was condensed into ice in an instant, and fell heavily to the ground, turning into ice slag.

The tip of his eyebrows was raised slightly, Bao Xiong's face showed a solemn look.

However, before he could react, he himself was frozen into ice!

This time, the human race held their breath and concentrated, not being as careless as the first time.

After all, since the violent bear can use the weird clone technique to avoid Wen Renzhan's shadow blade, he can naturally use the clone technique to resolve the ice crisis.

Ye Tiannan shook his head lightly and smiled coldly, "That's all!"


The sword was slashed out, and the next moment, a figure suddenly flew out heavily in the void, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from its mouth.

It's the violent bear!

The violent bear stared at Ye Tiannan in astonishment, his eyes full of disbelief, "How is it possible that you can actually capture my figure!"

Ye Tiannan stood with his hands behind his hands, a look of contempt on his face, "Your bulky body, no matter how careful you are, can't be hidden from the wind's perception!"

Ye Tiannan's eyes narrowed, and the next moment, the robe behind him automatically moved without wind. On the entire arena, the wind howled, and pieces of wind, frost, and cold blades swept across the entire arena.


The fresh blood splashed loudly, and the violent bear screamed wildly. He panicked and jumped off the ring.

If he didn't escape, his body would probably be cut into pieces by the wind blades all over the sky.

The whole audience fell into skittishness again.

After a long while, the human race burst into loud shouts!


The human race finally won a game!

At this moment, all races feel a sense of pride and elation!

The elders of Tianchuan Jianfu all had a look of pride on their faces.

There is no doubt that Ye Tiannan has greatly gained face for Tianchuan Jianfu!

Even if it was Hai Qinglan, she couldn't help but nod in appreciation: "This guy is pretty good."

In his heart, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he had not yet won the final victory, he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

"Are the ice wind rules integrated? I never thought that the attribute rules could be played like this!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he learned something more from Ye Tiannan.

However, although this kind of power is powerful, the conditions for ordinary people to master it are too stringent.

First of all, although most warriors do not only possess the power of one attribute, they also have one attribute as the main one and other attributes as supplements.

Secondly, warriors in the Western Sword Region have always focused on changes in swordsmanship, and few would delve into the use of attribute power.

This Ye Tiannan can be regarded as an anomaly.

And Ling Feng is an oddity among oddities.

He is a body of chaos. If two different attributes are fused together, or three or even more attributes...

Ling Feng suddenly sketched a grand blueprint in his mind. There has always been such a huge treasure house in his body, but he didn't know how to use it.

What a sin!

the other side.

The expressions on the faces of those strong demon clan men changed slightly, and their contemptuous expressions became slightly restrained.

Young Master Jin Jiao's eyes turned slightly cold, and he said calmly: "Lang Mie, you go, if you lose, you don't have to come back!"

Lang Mie's pair of triangular eyes turned coldly, he glanced at the defeated Bao Xiong with disdain, and sneered: "Don't worry, young master, how can a waste like Bao Xiong Tong be compared with me? I will make those humans understand what it means." despair!"

Whoosh! ——

With a flash of figure, Lang Mie flew across the arena and looked directly at Ye Tiannan.

"Human, what you defeated was just a stupid bear, and I will be a shadow that will never go away in your life."

Lang Mie stood with his hands behind his hands, looking down at Ye Tiannan in a condescending manner.

Ye Tiannan took a deep breath, without being arrogant or impetuous, and just said calmly: "Let's take action!"

Deep in Lang Mie's eyes, a hint of sarcasm flashed: "Innocent human being, let me show you what true strength is!"

"Sweep across the wasteland!"

Behind Lang Mie, the thick wolf tail suddenly swelled up against the storm. In the blink of an eye, it actually reached a terrifying length of dozens of feet. With a vigorous swing, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shattered into pieces.


The next moment, the wolf's tail swept across, sweeping across the air without giving Ye Tiannan any time to react!

The void trembles and the earth shakes!

This sweep actually seemed to have the power to sweep through all the wastelands and sweep across the four seas.

Opposite him, Ye Tiannan's indifferent expression suddenly became solemn.

"Absolute wind pressure!"

"Absolute zero!"

Facing Lang Mie, Ye Tiannan suddenly displayed his dual domains. In an instant, the entire arena space was filled with biting wind and frost blades. Under the pressure of the wind, it became more and more sharp and biting.

The huge wolf tail swept forward and was immediately frozen by the frost. Countless wind blades kept hitting the wolf tail, cutting it wildly.



Almost as soon as it condensed, the purple ice suddenly shattered!

The huge wolf tail only stopped for a moment before shattering the ice and sweeping over Ye Tiannan!

Ye Tiannan's expression changed drastically. He was caught off guard and was hit hard in the chest by the wolf's tail!


A scream, along with a cloud of blood, was thrown into the sky. Oh my God, he was swept out of the ring by Lang Mie Yiwei, and was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

one move!

It was just a move, and the genius who had just represented the human race and was so proud was defeated miserably.

The boiling blood and expectant eyes of the human race quickly cooled down and fell into ice again.


If the violent bear just now made the human race feel a huge pressure, but now, the crushing power of the wolf destroyer makes people despair.

Complete despair!

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