Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2058 A quick victory! (3 updates)


Hai Qinglan sighed softly, glanced at the only remaining Ling Feng, and clenched his fists. Is this final battle still necessary?

Even the most promising Ye Tiannan was instantly killed by the opponent with one move.

This is just a junior who is in the early stage of the destiny realm...

It seems that the overall situation has been decided!


Hai Qinglan sighed softly, shook his head and said: "That's all, there is no need to compete anymore. If we continue to compete, it will only cause serious injuries."

He slowly took out the fragment of the map. According to the agreement, if the human race lost, he could only hand over this fragment to the demon race unconditionally.

"Wait a minute, I haven't made a move yet, how come I'm losing?"

Ling Feng took a step forward, smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't hurt to let me try."

"You..." Hai Qinglan looked at Ling Feng, shook his head and said: "Boy, I am doing this for your own good, there is no way you can be the opponent of that monster!"

"Let him try it."

But Zhuge Qingtian suddenly spoke, interrupting Hai Qinglan's words.

Hai Qinglan glanced at Zhuge Qingtian, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Since he is from your One Moon Palace, you have said so, then let him go. If he is seriously injured, he is also from your One Moon Palace." thing!”

Zhuge Qingtian shook his head and smiled bitterly, patted Ling Feng's shoulder gently, and said in a deep voice: "Little friend Ling Feng, what are your chances of winning?"

"Now that I'm up there, I have no intention of losing."

Ling Feng smiled casually, his figure flashed, and the next moment, he landed firmly on the ring.

Compared with Lang Mie's tall and burly body, Ling Feng looked really thin, thin and slender, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.

"Haha, Brother Ling is finally going to take action!"

On the distant hill, Chu Chaonan, who had been looking forward to Ling Feng's appearance, almost jumped with excitement.


The Shepherd God rubbed his sleepy eyes and said without interest: "Is this the little guy who defeated you?"

"Well, I went to Yueling City on this trip. Although I met many masters, he was the only one who convinced me!" Chu Chaonan's eyes flashed with excitement.

"It's worthless!"

Mu Shenjun rolled his eyes at Chu Chaonan angrily, "You lost at someone else's hands and you don't want to win back. Are you still convinced? You're the one who has disgraced me!"

Chu Chaonan smiled bitterly and said: "You think I don't want to win back! This guy's strength is improving every minute. I guess if you lose to him once, you will basically have no hope in this life!" "

"Aren't you guys usually so crazy that you say you are invincible among your peers? Are you admitting defeat this time?"

Lord Mu Shen showed a hint of surprise. Based on his understanding of Chu Chaonan, he was not someone who would give up easily.

He is so convinced of Ling Feng, this young man is probably not simple.

For a moment, Mu Shenjun sat up suddenly, opened his eyes wide, and looked carefully at Ling Feng on the stage.

He wanted to see what was so special about this kid.

On the stage.


Lang Mie frowned. Whether it was Wen Renzhan or Ye Tiannan, they were all semi-saint level experts no matter what.

It's good for the kid who ran away this time. He was just in the early stage of the imperial realm and he actually came to die?

Human race, are you ready to break the pot?

The Young Master Jin Jiao snorted and said impatiently: "Wolf Mie, fight quickly!"

Lang Mie grinned, "I'll do the work, don't worry!"

The next moment, Lang Mie's cold eyes were fixed on Ling Feng, and he sneered: "It seems that your human race really doesn't have any capable masters, and even a gangster like you has been released!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I don't dare to be a master, but I can barely handle you!"


Lang Mie sneered, and his aura suddenly surged, "Boy, I think you want to die!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and with a flash of light, a dark red long sword was suddenly unsheathed.

Then, a terrifying flame wrapped around the sword.

Astonishingly, it was the fourth level swallowing flame.

"Oh? So, is this what you rely on?"

Lang Mie sneered, his eyes full of disdain, "In the face of absolute power, your flames can only scream!"

The next moment, the Wolf Mie let out a low roar, and the wolf's tail behind him surged again.

"Sweep across the wasteland!"

Obviously, he was going to use the same trick to easily crush Ling Feng.

However, a red flame sword flashed in the void.

“Li Huo—Lighting up the sky!”

A clear roar shook the nine heavens, and blazing flames exploded in an instant.


Suddenly, Lang Mie let out a shrill scream!

The huge wolf tail was instantly crushed by the sword energy. Under the burning flames, there was even a smell of barbecue.


Then, there was another loud noise, and countless dejected human beings didn't even have time to see what happened, when they saw Lang Mie's body falling heavily onto the ring. His whole body was deeply embedded in the ground, his eyes and ears His mouth and nose were all bleeding.

Lang Mie, who had just crushed Ye Tiannan instantly, was actually killed in reverse!


Ling Feng stomped Lang Mie on the ground, destroying all directions, and pressed it against his throat, with a faint smile on his face: "Well, does this count as a quick victory?"

Lang Mie was horrified beyond words, his face twisted and painful.

Not only was his wolf tail smashed into pieces, but also all the bones in his body were broken by the blow just now.

How could this human kid in front of me be so strong!

With just one move, he was completely hit!

With such strength, is he really just a junior sword emperor in the early stage of destiny realm?

In the audience, whether they were humans or monsters, they all looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and none of them could believe their own eyes.

What happened just now?

But soon, those dejected human warriors were all excited.

"Hahaha, win!"

"Great, hahahaha, aren't you monsters very crazy? Be more crazy!"

No matter how Ling Feng won, the result was that he won!

Moreover, he killed his opponent instantly!

Hai Qinglan had an extremely shocked look on his face, "This...this...this..."

After hesitating for a long time, he finally showed a hint of ecstasy, "This is really great!"

"Haha, this kid always brings different surprises every time he appears!"

Zhuge Qingtian stroked his long beard with a smile on his face. No wonder Xuanyuan Longteng was so optimistic about Ling Feng. Now it seems that Xuanyuan Longteng is indeed a good judge of people.

On the hill in the distance, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the Shepherd God. He turned around and glared at Chu Chaonan fiercely, "You brat, did you teach that boy that the truth of all things is like a sword?"


Chu Chaonan scratched the back of his head and said, "Old man, don't be so stingy! Besides, you didn't stop me from teaching others!"

Seeing Chu Chaonan's shameless look, Mu Shenjun was immediately furious. Mu Shenjun kicked Chu Chaonan and cursed: "You bastard, teach me as long as you teach me. The key person is I've only been practicing for a few days, but I'm already so much better than you. If people know this, doesn't it mean that my disciple's abilities are not as good as yours?"

"Hahaha!" Chu Chaonan climbed up and laughed loudly: "Old man, you are really not as good as me at this point!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Lord Mu Shen snorted coldly, glanced away, and then looked at Ling Feng on the ring. He blinked and suddenly said with a smile: "Since you have learned my swordsmanship, you are my disciple! Hehehe, this apprentice, I accept deal!"

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