Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2059 Wherever my sword points! (1 update)

At this time, the saint-level powerful men of the demon clan showed extremely horrified expressions.

Are there such monsters among the human race?

Especially the young master Jin Jiao, his expression turned gloomy instantly. He knew very well the strength of Lang Mie, but that human boy named Ling Feng, who was only in the early stage of the Imperial realm, could actually kill Lang Mie with one move?

Xie Yan, who was seriously injured by the Shepherd Lord's move, saw a trace of anger on his face when he saw Lang Mie's defeat at the hands of Ling Feng. He gritted his teeth, stared in the direction of Zhuge Qingtian, and said bitterly: "Okay A single moon palace actually hides such a genius!”

Zhuge Qingtian smiled and said nothing. In fact, when he saw Lang Mie instantly kill Ye Tiannan, he thought Ling Feng didn't have much chance of winning.

However, who would have thought that Ling Feng not only won, but also won so cleanly and beautifully!

Among the human race, the geniuses from Tianchuan Jianfu and Longjian Tianfu all looked horrified.

And Wen Renzhan, who had yelled at Ling Feng before, saying that Ling Feng would win lying down, had also woken up at this moment.

Seeing Ling Feng's back standing proudly on the ring, his eyes were full of jealousy and unwillingness.

It turns out that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. I am just a frog in the well.

Recalling what he had said to Ling Feng before, Wen Renzhan wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"This guy……"

Behind Zhuge Qingtian, Zhuge Wan'er's eyes flickered.

From the first time she met Ling Feng, she secretly hated this guy because Ling Feng took away her "number one".

But later, she gradually understood that Ling Feng's monster and power were at a level far beyond her reach.

However, she kept holding a breath in her heart because she was not convinced by Ling Feng.

Until this moment, Ling Feng represented the human race and the Duyue Celestial Palace, accomplishing things that other semi-saint-level geniuses could not do.

She finally realized that her ridiculous self-esteem was nothing in front of Ling Feng.

Such a strong man, such a genius, even I can only look up behind him.

"This brat! He's getting more and more outrageous!"

Yu Junyao cursed softly. Although in her opinion, Ling Feng could not truly compete with the top geniuses in Zhongyuan Domain, he was indeed qualified to be called a genius.

Perhaps, after three years, he can really reach a level comparable to Ye Weiyang's.

"No no no! How is this possible!"

Yu Junyao quickly shook her head and drove this ridiculous thought out of her mind, "I'm really crazy. He is just an ordinary person. How can he compare with the top geniuses of the Gods?"


On the ring, Ling Feng kicked out, sending the Wolf Mie away like a ball. Holding a long sword, he glanced at the demon clan opposite and said loudly: "Who else is there?"

Young Master Jin Jiao's face stiffened slightly and his eyes narrowed.

If Ling Feng did not deal with it carefully and allowed Ling Feng to defeat the last representative of the demon clan, it would mean that the human race would have the opportunity to compete with them for the opportunity within the Blood Ancient Road.

After all, the human race has the numerical advantage. If they are allowed to sneak in, it will naturally add a lot of variables.

Taking a deep breath, Young Master Jin Jiao showed a solemn expression on his face.

In this final battle, real masters must be sent.

Just as Young Master Jin Jiao was preparing to choose a strong opponent, Ling Feng, who was on the stage, said with a smile: "Can I choose my opponent by myself?"

The people of the demon clan looked at each other, all focusing on Young Master Jin Jiao. Naturally, it was Young Master Jin Jiao who made the final decision.

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted coldly, stared at Ling Feng, and said in a cold voice: "Human, tell me your name!"

"Ling Feng!" Ling Feng said with a faint smile: "I think you demon clan will always remember this name!"

"What a loud tone!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's tone was cold: "Boy, if you are afraid of the last battle, you can surrender obediently to avoid serious injuries! There are no eyes for fists and feet. If you lose an arm or a leg, it won't be fun!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and just smiled lightly: "Why, you demon clan claims to be stronger than the human race, don't you even have the courage to let me choose my opponent?"

"Hmph! A clumsy way to provoke generals!"

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "You can tell me first, who do you want to challenge?"

Ling Feng looked leisurely, pointing the long sword in his hand far away, pointing the sword's edge at the Demon Emperor who was ranked last among the geniuses of the Demon Clan.

"Hmph! I thought you were so confident, but in the end, you just picked the weakest among us!"

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted softly: "It's ridiculous, you really think that this young master is a fool!"

Ling Feng shrugged and said helplessly: "I haven't finished ordering yet!"

As he spoke, he swung his sword again and made a complete circle in the demon camp.

Young Master Jinjiao frowned suddenly, "Boy, what do you mean?"

"Don't you understand?"

Ling Feng used his sword edge to draw a circle in the demon clan's camp again, and said calmly: "You demon clan have never been trustworthy. If I win one, it is inevitable that some people will be dissatisfied and come up with more." Fight one battle after another, it’s endless, it’s better for you all to go together and solve the battle at once, it’s easier!”


Young Master Jin Jiao was so angry that he was shaking all over. He gritted his teeth and said, "When did our demon clan stop keeping our word?"

"Bang!" Ling Feng chuckled, "If you were trustworthy, would you still be standing here?"

"you you!……"

Young Master Jinjiao's face suddenly turned red from suppressing his emotions. Ling Feng's words made him speechless.

"Haha, well said!"

"The monster clan, to put it bluntly, they are not just a bunch of beasts. If they stand up and walk like others, they really treat themselves as human beings!"

"That is, as long as you have some credibility, can you come to the territory of our human race to cause trouble?"

For a moment, all the human warriors began to curse loudly. Ling Feng's words obviously aroused strong resonance among the human warriors present.

The young master Jin Jiao, with a pale face, stared at Ling Feng fiercely and said in a cold voice: "Good boy, do you really want all the demon geniuses to take action together?"


Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back and roared proudly: "Just now, everyone who is pointed at by my sword, please come up!"

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

A gust of breeze blew by, making Ling Feng's robes rustle.

Under the long sky, the setting sun was like blood, coating Ling Feng's not-so-majestic body with a layer of pale golden brilliance.

Such a young man stands with his sword in hand, his majesty soaring to the sky, like an unparalleled god of war!

All the warriors of the race held their breath.

At this moment, Ling Feng is faith!

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