Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2060 Young Master with Kidney Deficiency! (2 updates)

"Boy, can you say it again?"

Young Master Jin Jiao's face became more and more gloomy. This human boy was simply arrogant to the point of no end.

"I'll say it again!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, his spirit soaring to the sky, and said loudly: "Wherever my sword points, come out!"

Wherever my sword points, come out!

As pointed by the sword, come out!

Get out of the queue!

The sonorous sound shook the sky, and under the sky, the lingering sound echoed like rolling thunder, exploding in the minds of countless people!

How high-spirited and proud this is!

After a while, everyone was in an uproar and the whole place was boiling.

Ling Feng actually challenged the thirteen demon emperor geniuses by himself!

The human race was shocked and puzzled for a moment, not knowing whether to cheer or to persuade Ling Feng not to act out of emotion.

On the other hand, the demon clan is all filled with indignation and rage!

"Human boy! Don't insult us and other demons!!"

"Ignorant humans just defeated a wolf. Do they really think they are invincible?"

"Young Master, I kindly ask you to go out to fight and rub off his majesty!"

The demon clan crowd immediately burst into roars, obviously completely angered by Ling Feng's shameless words!

Young Master Jinjiao looked ugly and said gloomily: "Boy! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said helplessly: "I noticed that your ears don't work very well? I've also studied medicine for a few years. People with kidney deficiency are prone to deafness. You don't have kidney deficiency, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A burst of laughter suddenly broke out among the crowd.

This Ling Feng's poisonous tongue ability is really top-notch!

"I just saw that that guy was acting weird, it turned out he was suffering from kidney deficiency!"

"Wow haha, it turns out he is a young master with kidney deficiency!"

"Young master with kidney deficiency, the old Chinese medicine doctor is here. I won't kill pigs 20% of the time. If you have a conscience, choose me!"

"Eight hundred years of good quality, tasteless rehmannia pills! Time-honored brand, trustworthy!"

A large number of professional old Chinese doctors suddenly appeared in the crowd, and they all made sarcastic remarks, making the young master Jinjiao furious.

"Fuck you! Shut up!"

Young Master Jin Jiao was finally furious at Ling Feng. He was trembling all over and roared angrily: "Boy, you are seeking death. Will I still not help you?"

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng raised his fingers towards the young master Jin Jiao, "I'm waiting here!"

"This is too much!"

Young Master Jin Jiao looked gloomy and said in a cold voice: "All the demon geniuses, come to me! Whoever can unscrew his head and hand it to me, Young Master, will be rewarded heavily!!!"

Whoosh whoosh——

The black crowd of demon geniuses all flew onto the ring in anger.

Semi-saint level, three!

Top ten demon emperors!

Thirteen demon geniuses surrounded Ling Feng.

With such a powerful lineup, even some ordinary saint-level experts are at risk of falling.

"If you want to anger us, human boy, I have to congratulate you, you have successfully done it!"

"I'll take your head!"

"Boy, suffer death!"

All demon geniuses are filled with rage.

They have never seen such an arrogant human being. Not for the reward of Young Master Jin Jiao, but simply for the dignity of the demon clan. Today, they will never let this human boy walk down the ring alive.

On the distant hills.

The Shepherd God stared at Ling Feng's figure with strong interest in his eyes, and he laughed strangely, "This kid is to my liking! Hahaha, interesting, quite interesting! This arrogance is one hundredth as good as mine. "

Indeed, although Ling Feng's move was arrogant, it was still inferior to the feat of Mu Shenjun who directly dug up people's ancestral graves and forced out all the supreme elders of the nine major families in the One Moon Palace.

"Arrogance is enough!"

Chu Chaonan on the side couldn't laugh or cry: "But Brother Ling, this is too much, isn't it? Thirteen demon geniuses, can he handle it?"

"It's better if he can't handle it. I took action at a critical moment to save his life. This kid owes me his life. Why don't you obediently accept me as your teacher?"

Lord Mu Shen laughed strangely.

"Damn!" Chu Chaonan raised his middle finger to Mu Shenjun, "Old man, you are so shameless!"

"Face, what is face?"

Lord Mu Shen was not angry at all. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Our group is very particular about being shameless!"


Chu Chaonan was speechless for a while. With such a shameless master, he had no choice but to accept his fate.

On the stage.

Boom boom boom!

Thirteen demon geniuses surrounded Ling Feng, fighting on their own.

Claws, heavy hammers, great swords, giant axes, all kinds of weapons emerge in endlessly.

The realm of demon souls, the realm of demon blood, and the true form of demon beasts are all bursting out with colorful attacks that are dazzling and dazzling.

However, the terrifying power contained in it makes the scalps of most human warriors numb!

With so many powerful Demon Emperors taking action together, the power is really terrifying!

Ling Feng held the ten directions with his right hand and destroyed them all, standing quietly among the surroundings.

"Wind dominates the world!"

"Li Huo Liao Tian!"

The next moment, a dark golden long sword suddenly slipped out of Ling Feng's left hand. It was the fairy sword obtained from the underground treasure house on the bloody ancient road, the Feilian Sword!

The next moment, a thousand-foot-long sword energy swept across the sky!

Purple flames fill the sky, lighting up the starry sky, making it brilliant!

The whole world was plunged into deep purple.

The scorching heat, the raging flames, burned the heavens!

At the same time, a violent wind swept wildly, sweeping away the blazing flames.

The wind lends power to the fire, and the fire aids the power of the wind!

After watching Ye Tiannan use the power of ice and wind to fuse, Ling Feng also suddenly had a whim and thought of the fusion of wind and fire.

The effect is indeed very obvious.

And the sword move he had just performed, Feng Ling Tian Xia, was exactly the killing move in the "Feng Ling Sword Art". It was combined with the Heaven-Slaying Sword Art's Lihuo Liaotian, plus the domineering fourth-level flame swallowing.

At such a close range, the strong men of the demon clan had no way to avoid it!


Several screams echoed through the flames at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the sounds of painful howlings also came one after another!

Everyone looked intently and saw that a total of thirteen demon clans were in the flames, in agony.

"This...isn't this, Fengling Sword Technique? Fengling Tianxia, ​​that is the secret killing move of Fengling Sword Technique! My dear, I can't even use the first sword style, but he actually..."

Chu Chaonan once again showed a look of horror. It had only been a few days. Not only had Ling Feng mastered the Feng Ling Sword Art, but he could also display such strength?

Chu Chaonan had never been like this moment before, feeling that he was a complete and utter jerk!

Also shocked was Yu Junyao.

After all, it was she who translated the sword manual of Feng Ling Sword Art and gave it to Ling Feng.

At most, Ling Feng only practiced for one day.

In just one day, he has mastered Fengling Sword Technique to such an extent. What kind of monster is this guy?

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