Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2063 Boarding the pirate ship! (2 updates)

"Little guy, do you think my skills are okay?"

Lord Mu Shen stared at Ling Feng and asked with a smile.

"Senior has unparalleled magical powers, and I admire you from the bottom of my heart!"

Ling Feng recalled the tyrannical strength of Lord Mu Shen, who instantly killed the evil eye with one move. The strength of Lord Mu Shen could definitely be said to be the strongest person he had ever encountered since he came to the West Sword Region.

"Then what do you think of the bastard who taught you that everything is really like a sword?" Lord Mu Shen pointed at Chu Chaonan and continued to ask.

Ling Feng said with a sincere face: "Everything is really like a sword, mysterious and unpredictable. The person who created this sword art can definitely be called a master of swordsmanship!"

"Have vision!"

Lord Mu Shen gave Ling Feng a thumbs up and said with a smile: "In that case, if I want to accept you as my disciple, you won't refuse, right?"

"Huh? Accepting a disciple?"

Ling Feng couldn't help being stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "Senior, this junior already has a master."

Strictly speaking, I have three masters in total.

The first Duanmu Qingshan introduced him to martial arts and helped him embark on the path of swordsmanship. It can be said that he was his guide on the road to martial arts.

The second Yan Cangtian, Ling Feng's relationship with him was that of a teacher and a friend. At certain times, Ling Feng even felt the warmth of a loving father in Yan Cangtian.

The third one was Mr. Gui from Donglingxian Pond. Although Ling Feng did not become a disciple from beginning to end, in Ling Feng's heart, he regarded him as half a master.

As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a father, Ling Feng is not a pedantic person. He may not have only one master in his life, but he will not just become a master casually when he meets a strong one.

At least, it must be someone you truly approve of.

"Master is not a biological father. Of course there is only one biological father, but the more masters, the better!"

Lord Mu Shen chuckled and said, "Look, if you become my disciple, there are many benefits!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This junior has no intention of becoming a disciple for the time being. How about we wait until we come out of the Bloody Ancient Road to talk about this matter?"

For powerful people like Mu Shenjun, Ling Feng had no choice but to adopt a slow-down strategy.

"You are really funny, if it had been anyone else, you would have hugged my lap and cried, thank you so much!"

The more Ling Feng disagreed, the more interested Mu Shenjun became, "Boy, you should think about it carefully. What I don't lack most is patience! Hehe!"

After saying that, the figure of the Shepherd God flashed and disappeared into the night sky.

After a while, Chu Chaonan rushed up, stared at Ling Feng and said, "Brother Ling, you didn't agree, did you?"

"Not yet." Ling Feng shook his head, "But it seems that Senior Mu doesn't intend to give up easily."

"Then what the old man wants to do, it's natural that he won't give up." Chu Chaonan grinned and said: "Sooner or later you will still become my junior brother, but you must be promised too easily, you have to make the most of it. Let’s talk about the benefits, otherwise, when I become his disciple, I won’t be able to bear the greetings from him!”

"So cruel, then I'd better not become a disciple." Ling Feng said with a bitter smile.

"That won't work. You can't become a disciple easily, and you can't not become a disciple." Chu Chaonan said with a serious face: "You must be more stubborn than that old man. If you really stick to him, he will drive you crazy! Besides, you can't be stubborn!" In fact, the old man is quite nice, and he is quite reasonable when he is not taking action! "

"Then when will he not take action?"

"It depends on your mood. Anyway, old men are usually like this. If they can do it, they will never compete with you."


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth couldn't help but twitch a few times. It seemed that he had boarded a pirate ship this time!

Early the next morning.

Those demon clans were quite trustworthy. Early in the morning, the young master Jin Jiao appeared outside the bloody ancient road with a group of powerful demon clansmen.

The saint-level experts on both sides each took out the fragments in their hands. Finally, under the gaze of everyone, the three fragments were put together to form a complete round jade plate.

In an instant, there was a burst of light, and a colorful light curtain was projected from the jade plate. Within the light curtain, a map was displayed. There was a light spot in the northwest direction of the map, which was the specific location of the Blood Road Secret Realm.

After about ten breaths, the light curtain disappeared, but everyone had completely remembered the appearance of the map in their minds.

"Sure enough, it's almost the swamp that the Blood Killer said!"

A bright light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes. The blood-slaying insect sensed the fluctuation of space-time power near the swamp. It was indeed the entrance to the secret realm.

However, the key to opening the secret realm is probably the jade plate formed by the three fragments.

"My demon tribe holds two fragments, so the jade plate should be handed over to our tribe for safekeeping!"

One of the demon saints snatched the jade plate with his palm and handed it directly into the hands of Young Master Jin Jiao. Hai Qinglan and other human saints' expressions changed, and they were obviously not willing to do so.

"We, the demon clan, keep our word and promise that you humans can enter the Blood Road Secret Realm. Naturally, we will not go back on our word!"

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted and said coldly: "Okay, without further ado, let's find the entrance to the secret realm according to the map. After opening the secret realm, it will be inherited by chance, and those who are destined can get it! Within the secret realm, life and death are determined by their destiny, fear of death Yes, it’s best not to go in!”

There was a burst of curses among the human warriors.

"Who the hell is afraid of you, a young master with kidney deficiency!"

"Haha, that's right!"

The young master Jin Jiao's face darkened, and he glared fiercely in Ling Feng's direction.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get through this problem of kidney deficiency!

Ling Feng directly ignored the cannibalistic gaze of Young Master Jin Jiao. He was vaguely looking forward to it, wondering what kind of huge opportunities would be waiting for him in the secret realm of the Blood Road.

Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao appeared beside Ling Feng, one on the left and one on the right. Obviously, they were not willing to miss such an opportunity.

"Brother Chu, will Senior Mu go to the secret realm?"

Ling Feng asked casually.

"Who knows about that old man?" Chu Chaonan shrugged, "You must not guess what the old man does!"

About half a day later, a large number of warriors from the human race, demon race, and the mighty warriors finally arrived in front of a huge swamp.

Such a large force and a large number of people appeared on the bloody ancient road at the same time, which really frightened the other creatures on the ancient road.

Especially those vampires whose strength was greatly reduced as soon as daylight came, they shrank in fear, fearing that they would be overwhelmed by this mighty army.

However, the humans seemed to have no interest in the vampires this time, which actually attracted the attention of some vampires.

"This is it!"

A powerful Demon Saint swept his eyes, pointed at the huge swamp in front, and said lightly: "It is the fluctuation of the power of the void. Although it is very weak, it does exist!"

"The evil-fighting clan is the most sensitive to the power of space. Elder, the evil-fighting clan will leave the rest to you!"

Young Master Jin Jiao handed the jade plate in his hand to the demon saint of the evil-warming tribe.

The evil-dispelling elder nodded slightly, and a pair of long antlers suddenly appeared on his forehead. The antlers gradually condensed into a magic ball containing the power of space. The next moment, the space magic ball shot out with a "whoosh" sound, directly in the swamp ahead. , exploded with a bang.

The void seemed to collapse, and the next moment, the evil-warming elder's eyes flashed, and his figure flew out, pressing the jade plate directly into the void.


The earth trembled, and deep in the swamp, a bloody light door suddenly rose.

Everyone was stunned. If there wasn't a strong person who was proficient in the power of space here, even if they knew the map and got the jade plate, it would be really difficult to open the door to this secret realm.

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