Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2064 Fairy Beast Demon Pill! (3 updates)

"The door to the secret realm has been opened!"

The next moment, the evil-fighting elder flew back to Young Master Jin Jiao and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. Crushing such a large space in an instant was obviously not a small load for him.

"well done!"

Young Master Jin Jiao nodded, and without looking back, he led a group of powerful demon clan men directly into the secret realm.

On the human side, a group of human warriors were also rushing towards the door of the secret realm, fearing that if they fell one step behind, they would miss a huge opportunity.

"Let's go in too!"

Yu Junyao and Chu Chaonan were obviously eager to give it a try.

Ling Feng nodded and used his body skills to fly towards the bloody light curtain.

After stepping into the light curtain, his eyes went dark at first. After a while, he felt a down-to-earth feeling. Ling Feng opened his eyes and saw that he appeared in a closed secret room.

Beside him, Chu Chaonan and Yu Junyao had disappeared.

"Is it randomly teleported?"

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. No one had ever seen the so-called Blood Road Secret Realm before, and everything inside was unfamiliar.

Therefore, be sure to proceed cautiously.

After looking around, I saw that the four walls of the secret room were all made of strange materials.

The patterns were numerous and dazzling. Ling Feng looked a few more times and felt a little dizzy.

"Could it be a maze?"

Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. The art of formation happened to be what he was least good at!

What Ling Feng didn't know was that he was not the unluckiest guy.

"Well, this is it?"

Among the demon clan, those strong demon saints who were the first to enter the Blood Road Secret Realm originally thought they would enter a secret realm after passing through the bloody light curtain.

However, after a familiar void teleportation, the environment in front of them made them dumbfounded.

Here, it is clearly still a bloody ancient road.

They seemed to have simply crossed the light curtain!

"what's the situation?"

Those powerful demon saints looked at each other, and then they found other people passing through the light curtain.

The human saint level also passed directly through the light curtain and returned to the outside world!

Moreover, they are all saint-level powerhouses.

But none of those emperor-level warriors came out.

"It turns out that only warriors below the Saint level can enter the secret realm to gain opportunities?"

Everyone finally realized that in this secret realm, as long as the strength reaches the holy level, it will be automatically transported out.

"Oh my god, you are kidding me!"

Among the crowd, the most depressed person was Hai Qinglan.

After spending decades waiting for the secret realm to open, he is not even qualified to inherit?

This is really a waste of effort!

Within the secret realm of Blood Road.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and did not act rashly.

He seemed to be in an illusory formation. If he took a wrong step, he would probably fall into some kind of confusion.

Once you fall into it, you will most likely be trapped there for the rest of your life.

But fortunately, although Ling Feng is not good at the magic circle, he is better because of his extremely powerful spiritual sense.

His consciousness dispersed, and Ling Feng quietly explored the surrounding formations.

Suddenly, with the power of divine consciousness, he discovered that there were several hidden compartments hidden in the wall.

In the hidden grid, there are valuable natural and earthly treasures.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng closed his eyes slightly. When he opened his eyes again, the yin and yang fish were floating in his eyes, and he had clearly activated the Eye of the Emperor.

The Divine Patterns of Heaven are condensed, infinite horizons are opened, and the ability of insight is magnified to the extreme.

The surrounding magic circle changed, and everything was exposed in Ling Feng's eyes.

After peeking through the magic circle, Ling Feng's actions naturally became much easier and he began to search for the treasures in the hidden grids.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes were fixed on the ground in the center, where there was a slightly strange hidden grid.

Under the secret compartment, there is a huge treasure box buried.

Ling Feng opened the treasure box and saw a huge demon pill that was several times larger than a human head!


Ling Feng couldn't help but swallowed hard. The power of the demon element emanating from the demon pill was far beyond the demon saint level.

"Could it be a demon ancestor-level demon elixir, or even an immortal beast demon elixir?"

Ling Feng gently pulled it, trying to move the treasure box, but found that the demon pill was extremely heavy. With his own strength, he could not lift it at once.

"If it is really an immortal beast and demon elixir, its value is simply immeasurable!"

Ling Feng was secretly surprised. He had just entered the Blood Road Secret Realm. Is it so exciting to give away immortal beasts and demon pills for free?

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng gritted his teeth and moved the Immortal Beast Demon Pill. There was nothing else more valuable in this secret room. However, even if he only had this Demon Pill, he was no longer worthy of it. It’s a waste of time.

After putting the demon pill away, Ling Feng walked out of the secret room. There was a long and narrow alleyway in front of him, but there still seemed to be no one around.

Go all the way forward and reach the end of the alley. There is a very ordinary stone door in front of you.

Just when Ling Feng was about to push the stone door open, a shadow appeared in front of Ling Feng's eyes very suddenly.

It was a very cute-looking boy, with long yellow hair. He seemed to be only seven or eight years old, and he was very cute.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and the power of his spiritual consciousness swept over him, and he found that the boy was only a shadow, not a real entity.

It seemed like it was just a wisp of spiritual thought.

The boy looked at Ling Feng with a smile, and said with an innocent and cute smile: "Do you need me to open the door for you?"


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Perhaps this was the special mechanism left behind by the great power who created this secret realm.

"Please open the door."

Ling Feng nodded and said lightly.

"It's my plesure!"

The boy pushed the door open with great difficulty, his small body lying on the stone door, looking like he was struggling.

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Kid, I'll do it!"

With that said, Ling Feng was about to push the door open, but found that there seemed to be a golden light in front of him, making him unable to get even half a step closer to the stone door.

Could it be that only this child can push open the stone door?

However, judging from his posture, it is estimated that the stone gate will not move at all until dawn.

"Uh-huh!" Ling Feng coughed dryly and said slowly: "Excuse me, what can I do to help you?"


The little boy rolled his eyes, took a look at Ling Feng, and said with a smile: "Actually, I'm a little hungry. I smell something delicious on big brother!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and asked with a wry smile: "Then what do you want to eat?"

"As long as it's a demon pill." The little boy narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Demon pill?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, my dear, could it be that the fairy beast and demon pill that I just obtained is the key to opening the door?

But, is it really worth it to give the immortal beast and demon elixir directly to the gatekeeper?

That's the immortal beast demon pill!

The little boy smiled shyly, nodded shyly and said, "Well, I'm so hungry..."

Ling Feng swallowed, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, took out the Immortal Beast Demon Pill, took a deep breath and said, "Take it and eat it!"

"Hehe, thank you, big brother!"

The little boy actually reached out and took the demon pill. The extremely heavy demon pill was almost bigger than his whole body, but in his hand, it was like an egg, and he picked it up easily.

This strength is really different from the weak look when he pushed the door open just now!

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