Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2065 Too upright! (1 update)


The little boy's eyes flashed with excitement. He thanked him, lowered his head, and bit into the demon pill with a "click" sound.

The fairy beast and demon elixir was hard to be hurt by swords, and even if it was chopped by a magic weapon, it would leave no trace. However, it was actually swallowed by this little boy, one bite at a time.

Ling Feng suddenly felt a numb scalp.

The bite force of this little guy is really amazing!

After a while, the huge demon pill was completely eaten by the little boy, and a dark red gem actually fell out from the inside of the demon pill.

"Big brother, this is a gift for you."

After the little boy finished eating the demon pill, he picked up the dark red gem and handed it into Ling Feng's hand.

Ling Feng was confused for a while, could there be something similar to a crystal core inside the Immortal Beast Demon Pill?

After eating the fairy beast and demon pill, the little boy jumped up excitedly, then kicked the stone door open and said with a smile: "Brother, you can go up!"

Ling Feng glanced around and saw that behind the stone door, there was a long staircase that seemed to lead to the second level of space.

Ling Feng put the dark red gem away and glanced at the little boy, only to find that the little guy had disappeared.

"What a weird place."

Ling Feng frowned and without thinking much, went straight up the stairs with a hint of doubt.

After being teleported again, when Ling Feng opened his eyes, he had arrived at another level of space, which seemed to be a grand hall.

In the main hall, dozens of human warriors gathered together, and the demon clan also gathered together.

The two groups of people each occupied a corner, seeming to be waiting for something.

Ling Feng's appearance attracted the attention of both parties.

Chu Chaonan walked up quickly and said with some confusion: "Brother Ling, this is not your style. Why are you coming up so slowly?"

"Encountered some situations."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and asked, "What happened after you entered the secret realm?"

"It's just an ordinary passage, and at the end there's a door."

Chu Chaonan answered truthfully: "I met a strange child in front of the door. I had to pay a demon pill to pass through that door."

"Demon pill?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he asked again: "Did you give it to him?"

"Of course." Chu Chaonan shrugged, "There was a golden light in front of the door and I couldn't force it through, so I threw him a fourth-level demon pill."

"Four...fourth level?"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, is the fourth level also okay?

Yu Junyao next to him exclaimed: "You actually passed with only the fourth-level demon elixir? Oh my God, I actually used the fifth-level demon elixir. What a big loss!"

Ling Feng's expression changed again. Yu Junyao's words were undoubtedly a bit heartbreaking.

Your fifth-level demon elixir will suffer a huge loss, but I will directly use the fairy beast demon elixir!

Fairy beast!

Didn’t I lose my crotch!

Many human warriors around also mentioned that the demon elixirs they used were mostly fourth- and fifth-order demon elixirs. What's more, they could even pass the second-level demon elixirs.

Ling Feng felt his heart bleeding.

Are you too upright?

Fortunately, the little boy gave him a dark red gem. Although he doesn't know its use yet, it may have an unexpected effect.

However, what made Ling Feng feel a little more balanced was that except for himself, no one else seemed to notice the existence of the Immortal Beast Demon Pill.

Of course, maybe I discovered it but didn't say it.

After all, wealth should not be exposed, this is the survival rule in the martial arts world.

"Brother Ling, why does your face look wrong?"

Chu Chaonan glanced at Ling Feng and couldn't help but greet him.


Ling Feng squeezed out a smile and did not tell the story of directly giving the Immortal Demon Pill to the gatekeeper boy. As for the dark red gem, although he definitely trusted Chu Chaonan and the others, in this large public, There is no need to say more.

In the demon clan camp.

The young master Jin Jiao glared at Ling Feng coldly and said coldly: "Boy, I thought you were dead down there!"

Behind him, there was a genius from the Black Tiger Clan, covered in blood and seemingly seriously injured.

Ling Feng turned his eyes and discovered that there was a golden door directly in front of the hall. In front of the door, there was still a pool of blood that had not dried up.

It seems that it was left by the demon clan of the Black Tiger clan.

Yu Junyao smiled and said with some schadenfreude: "They deserve it! I was so anxious that I tried to open the door, but I was almost shocked to death."

The young master Jin Jiao snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "Since you are here, let's open this door together with this young master!"

Ling Feng shrugged and ignored Young Master Jin Jiao's nonsense. He simply asked Chu Chaonan and others, "What's the situation here now?"

"What else could happen? Everyone is blocked by this door."

Chu Chaonan shrugged. Fortunately, none of the saint-level experts seemed to be here. The human race also had a numerical advantage, so there was no conflict between the two races for the time being.

Of course, for now, the Blood Road Secret Realm is far from being unveiled, so starting a fight now is undoubtedly the stupidest choice.

Seeing that Ling Feng ignored him at all, the young master Jin Jiao's eyes surged with anger, but he quickly calmed down.

"You arrogant boy, there will be times when you regret it!"

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted coldly and already put Ling Feng on his must-kill list.

Ling Feng stood in front of the golden door, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

This Blood Road Secret Realm is filled with incredible power. Such a door can actually keep out so many geniuses from the human race and demon race.

After observing carefully for a moment, Ling Feng found a circular groove in the center of the door. His eyelids twitched and he turned to look at the young master of the golden dragon.

"Then young master, do you still have the jade plate in your hand?"

Young Master Jin Jiao's eyes lit up, his eyes fell on the golden gate, and he burst into laughter, "Humph, it turns out that the jade plate is the key to the door!"

The next moment, the young master Jin Jiao walked out proudly, grinning and said: "Since the jade plate is in my hands and the door is open, naturally only we monsters can go in. Where did you humans come from? Go back." Go away! Anyone who dares to fish in troubled waters will be killed without mercy!"

In an instant, more than a dozen demon geniuses immediately flew in front of the golden gate, as if they would kill anyone who dared to mess up.

"Fuck! You monsters are so shameless!"

"It's obviously the way to open the door discovered by our human race!"

There were scoldings among the human race, but the young master of the golden dragon turned a deaf ear. He took out the jade plate from his arms and gently placed it in the groove.


The void trembled, and a bright golden light burst out from the golden door.

However, the scene of the door opening that everyone imagined did not appear. As the golden light gradually dissipated, two rows of large characters appeared instead.

Astonishingly, these are words from ancient times!

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

It’s just that they don’t know this kind of writing at all!

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