Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2066 The puppet is frightened! (2 updates)

"Damn it! Why hasn't the door been opened yet?"

Young Master Jin Jiao suddenly became furious and kicked the golden door. However, he was knocked out by a counter-shock force. Hearing a scream of "Ah", Young Master Jin Jiao slammed into a stone wall. Among them, he looked extremely embarrassed.

"Deserve it!"

"Hahaha, it's your own fault!"

Everyone burst out laughing, obviously very happy to see this arrogant young master of the golden dragon being defeated.

Ling Feng looked at the words that appeared on the golden door and found that they were words from ancient times. He quickly turned to Yu Junyao and asked, "Do you recognize these words?"

"That's natural!"

There was a trace of pride on Yu Junyao's face. Among the people present, she was the only one who could recognize these words.

"The meaning of these two lines is that two human warriors, one male and one female, one on the left and one on the right, must be sent to push the door at the same time, plus the power of the disc, to open the door."

At this time, the young master Jin Jiao had broken free from the wall. When he heard Yu Junyao's words, he gritted his teeth with hatred, "Damn it, since you know these words, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"Why should I tell you?"

Yu Junyao made a sound, her eyes full of contempt.

Young Master Jin Jiao's face suddenly darkened, and he was about to attack, but Ling Feng said: "Young Master Jin Jiao, you have also heard that only the human race can open the door. If you still want to make trouble unreasonably, then you might as well be here. Let’s decide the outcome first! If you want to fight, I’ll be with you anytime!”

Young Master Jin Jiao weighed the pros and cons and finally gritted his teeth. They had just entered the Blood Road Secret Realm and encountered so many obstacles. They didn't know how many dangers would be waiting for them later.

If we fight to the death now, both sides will suffer in the end and no one will benefit.

After all, Ling Feng's strength was obvious to all. Although he asked himself that he would not lose to Ling Feng, he did not dare to say that he would definitely defeat Ling Feng, let alone defeat Ling Feng easily.

"Okay, this young master is not an unreasonable person!"

The Young Master Jin Jiao snorted coldly and said slowly: "Since opening the door requires the power of your human race, let's cooperate for the time being!"

In this way, Young Master Jin Jiao inserted the disk into the groove again, and the human race also sent a man and a woman, two strong sword emperors, to push the door hard on both sides of the door.


Finally, the door swung slightly, and a strong and dazzling light shone from behind the door. Everyone was unable to open their eyes in the dazzling light.

Ling Feng was quite sensitive to the power of space, and he clearly noticed that the time and space around them seemed to have changed again.

In short, the moment the door opened, they were transported to another place.

a long time.

The light dissipated, and everyone was surprised to find that they were in a very strange warehouse.

Around this warehouse, there are rows of strange humanoid puppets.

Each puppet is only about half a person tall, with a ferocious ghost mask on its head, giving people a creepy feeling in this closed environment.

Those puppets looked very rough in workmanship, but the ghost masks on their faces were extremely terrifying, and even the pairs of dark and deep ghost eyes seemed to be watching them.

"Quack, quack, quack..."


Suddenly, waves of eerie laughter echoed in the warehouse, and the eyes of the puppets seemed to be turning!

For a moment, both the human race and the demon race couldn't help but feel their scalps numb.

These puppets are so weird!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

A minotaur spewed out two streaks of white mist from its nostrils, and his figure suddenly grew taller. He swiped the giant ax in his hand and slashed at the row of puppets in front of him.

"Don't mess around!"

Ling Feng yelled, but it was already too late!

The tauren's giant ax had directly split several puppets into two pieces. Not only that, he also waved the giant ax proudly and sneered: "They're just scraps of copper and iron. They can be solved with just one axe." "

However, the next moment, the drooped heads of those dumb puppets suddenly raised their heads!

The lips were clearly painted on, but they showed a strange and deep smile!

A pair of eyes seemed to be full of life at this moment, staring straight at them.

This scene is horrifying!

The minotaur's attack just now had obviously completely activated these puppets.

"Brainless guy!"

Ling Feng cursed in his heart. He was really not afraid of opponents who were like gods, but teammates who were like pigs.

These puppets are obviously a trap, but there are still people who foolishly jump in!

The next moment, accompanied by the sound of Jie Jie laughter from an unknown source, these puppets all flew over with a sly smile!

For a moment, all the puppets in the entire warehouse came to life!


A series of scalp-numbing screams rang out, and the first person to suffer was the Minotaur Monster Clan!

In the blink of an eye, the originally huge and burly tauren turned into pus all over the ground!

Ling Feng looked solemn and did not dare to be careless. Several puppets rushed toward him in front of him, some grabbing his hands, some grabbing his legs, as if they wanted to hug him tightly.

The misery of the tauren was vivid in his mind, and he naturally did not dare to let these puppets get close. He quickly used the Sword Step to move around, dodge, and at the same time slapped the chest of a puppet in front of him with his palm, trying to shatter it.

However, the moment his palm touched the puppet, his arm immediately withdrew like lightning.

Ling Feng's heart trembled, that weird feeling made his scalp numb!

I saw that the chest of the puppet he had patted started to squirm!

It seems that there is some kind of living thing hidden in the puppet's body!

The next moment, the yin and yang fish floated in Ling Feng's eyes, and his infinite vision opened, allowing him to fully grasp the surrounding situation.

In this environment, there is no room for carelessness.

At the same time, other demon clans and human clans also encountered varying degrees of attacks from those puppets.

A human sword emperor blasted the puppet in front of him to pieces with one sword.

However, before the strong Sword Emperor could breathe a sigh of relief, a scene appeared that made his pupils shrink!

After the puppet shattered, an extremely smelly black liquid splashed out!

The liquid suddenly erupted and splashed extremely fast.

The strong Sword Emperor had no time to react before he was covered in the overwhelming smelly black liquid.

Several warriors beside him were also splashed.

"not good!"

The strong Sword Emperor screamed in surprise, and the next moment, he felt a sharp pain that made his whole body seem to be stuck in the mud, unable to extricate himself.

ah! ——

A burst of screams rang out. Not only the strong Sword Emperor, but even the warriors who were contaminated with some venom suddenly turned black and let out heart-rending screams, as if they were undergoing some extremely cruel punishment.

Ling Feng subconsciously looked back and his pupils suddenly shrank!

In just the blink of an eye, the emperor-level strongman whose whole body was stained by black liquid, just like the original tauren, had festered and turned into pus on the ground.

After a while, not even the bones were visible!

Ling Feng swept over it with his soul, making his scalp numb!

In those black liquids, there are tiny worms that are difficult to see with the naked eye!

A group of people condensed into one body and lived in the black liquid.

The quantity is in the hundreds of millions!

That black liquid is not actually venom, but these weird worms that are quickly gnawing at the bodies of those powerful Sword Emperors!

No! They even eat their souls together!

In the blink of an eye, the Emperor Realm expert had no bones left!

The few warriors next to them who were contaminated by the black liquid let out heart-piercing screams and rolled on the ground, unable to survive or die.


At this moment, a cold light flashed through, and it was Ling Feng who struck like lightning.

Ling Feng drew his sword like lightning, and without any explanation, directly cut off the parts of the warriors that were contaminated by the black liquid.

After all, it is better to cut off hands and feet and become disabled than to lose one's life.

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