Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2067 I am the only poor person! (3 more)

"Everyone, please be careful not to destroy those puppets!"

Seeing this strange scene, someone immediately reminded loudly that it was not the case of seeking death, but the unlucky ones who were affected by innocent people nearby.

"Fire, burn these puppets with fire!"

"Use ice! Ice them!"


After all, the people present were all experienced masters. After the initial panic, they quickly calmed down and formulated countermeasures.

Finally, with the cooperation of everyone, the puppets were finally seen burned and frozen, and they passed this test.

After cleaning up the mess, human warriors finally broke out.

"Fuck, you monsters, don't you have any brains?"

"Forget it if you are looking for death, you almost killed everyone!"

Just now, if the tauren hadn't acted recklessly, he wouldn't have killed so many people.

Whether they are humans or monsters, the losses are considerable, and many people have even become disabled in order to save their lives.

"Hmph, the culprit is dead, what else do you want? Do you want to take action?"

The young master of the golden dragon was also itching with hatred. The tauren clan was notorious for being brave and foolhardy. If possible, he would have wanted to catch that stupid cow and whip the corpse.

It's a pity that that guy's body has long been gone.

Suppressed by Young Master Jin Jiao's momentum, everyone could only grit their teeth and swallow their anger.

However, those warriors whose lives were saved by Ling Feng stepped forward to thank Ling Feng.

If Ling Feng hadn't made a prompt decision, they would have probably died.

Ling Feng just nodded slightly towards them. They were both from the human race and he was a doctor. Naturally, he would not stand idly by at this time.

Not long after, a bright light was projected from the front, and there was a muffled "rumbling" sound, and a door suddenly opened in front.

Everyone was happy and rushed out of the warehouse.

No one wants to stay in this hellish place anymore!

When everyone walked out of the warehouse, the space behind them immediately disappeared. An upward staircase appeared in front of them. Under the stairs, there was a stone pier. There was a cluster of flaming statues on the stone pier, which seemed to be just for decoration. Just a stone statue.

However, its material looks very good and exudes an incredibly sharp aura.

This kind of sharpness is far inferior to the several immortal weapons Ling Feng has on hand!


One of the demon geniuses ran up in one stride and circled the stone pier several times. His expression changed drastically and he said, "Young Master, this seems to be the Nine Domains Star Steel!"

Young Master Jin Jiao's pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a hint of ecstasy.

For a moment, everyone looked at the stone statue with an extremely burning look in their eyes.

In his mind, the excited roar of the bitch came, "Boy Lingfeng, this Nine Realm Star Steel is a good thing. It is the legendary material for forging the best immortal weapons! Just take a few scraps from it. , melted into a handful of mortal iron, it can be compared to ordinary immortal weapons, and a complete immortal armor can be forged from such a large piece!"

"It's so precious!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but glance sideways at Yu Junyao. Even this direct descendant of the Jiuli God Clan had a hint of shock in his eyes.

Obviously, she has never seen such a large piece of Nine Domains Star Steel!

The young master of the golden dragon suddenly shrank his pupils, his breathing became rapid, and his eyes were extremely hot.


Yu Junyao curled her lips slightly and couldn't help but cursed, "Oh, you bumpkin!"

Young Master Jinjiao's expression froze, and his inner arrogance was obviously stung.

"That's right, isn't it the Nine Domains Star Steel!"

A disciple of Longjian Tianfu also snorted and said with a strange tone: "The demon tribe is the demon tribe. They live in the ravines all day long. It is understandable that they have never seen the world!"

"Haha, here's the young master of the demon clan!"

Many human warriors also showed contempt on their faces.

In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that when they look at the Nine Realm Stars, his eyes also reveal greed and passion, but they forcefully look away and pretend to be indifferent.

After hearing the sarcastic and mocking words of the human race, the young master Jin Jiao looked slightly embarrassed and restrained his expression.

The other demon geniuses also restrained their expressions unnaturally.

He secretly murmured in his heart: How come the human race actually has a lot of Nine Realm Star Steel? Are we really frogs in a well who have never seen the world?

"It's just nine-region star steel. It can't even be used to pave the floor in my house. I don't like this thing at all!"

Yu Junyao snorted. In fact, although the Jiuli Divine Clan also has the Nine Domain Star Steel, the combined output in ten years may not be as much as this one.

As for the three major sword houses in the West Sword Region, there are very few things like Nine Domains Star Steel. Only a few supreme elders have one or two divine swords made of Nine Domains Star Steel. Weapons.

However, in front of the demon clan, you have to keep this cool no matter what.

"This little piece of Nine Realm Star Steel is just a pity for you monster clan. Seeing that you have never seen the world, I will give it to you!"

"Take it! Take it! I, the human race, are not as petty as your demon race!"

Those human warriors looked at the piece of Nine Realm Star Steel reluctantly, but they looked down on it one by one, which was hypocritical.

In fact, there are dangers everywhere in the Blood Road Secret Realm. Although this piece of Nine Realm Star Steel is good, who knows if it will be a trap.

If the statue is moved at will, some mechanism may be triggered, which would be troublesome.

Therefore, in short, I don't dare to take it, so I might as well take the opportunity to disgust the demon clan.

"Hmph! The mere nine-region star steel, among our demon clan, has more inventory than you humans can imagine! I want whoever wants it, but this young master doesn't like it at all!"

It's about face, even if he feels guilty, Young Master Jin Jiao cannot let the human beings look down upon him.

After saying that, the young master of the golden dragon stepped directly onto the stairs without squinting or looking back.

Although the other demon geniuses felt a little reluctant to give up, Young Master Jin Jiao had spoken and they did not dare to mess around.

The rest of the human race, although they didn't believe it in their hearts, they all wanted to save face. They all pretended not to care and stepped onto the stairs.

However, both groups of people stepped onto the stairs, but Ling Feng remained where he was, with a strange look on his face and a look of shock on his face: "You monster clan, it turns out there are a lot of Nine Realm Star Steels?"

Young Master Jin Jiao snorted coldly and showed an extremely arrogant expression: "That's natural! I, the Jin Jiao Demon Clan, have tens of thousands of foundations and nine-domain star steel, as much as I want!"

Ling Feng's face was full of shock, and he nodded and said: "So you monster clan has such a rich heritage, I admire you, I admire you! And all the senior brothers and sisters from the human race, don't you all lack the Nine Realm Star Steel?"

For a moment, everyone showed unnatural expressions.

What do you think Nine Domains Star Steel is?

The stones on the roadside?

Who doesn’t need this stuff?

This guy is too upright, can't you see that they are all trying to make a fool of themselves!


Na Wen Renzhan snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "It's just nine-region star steel, my Dragon Sword Tianfu, there are more! Yes! Yes!"

Wen Renzhan almost squeezed out the last three words through his teeth.

"So everyone is so rich!"

Ling Feng rubbed his hands slightly and said with a smile: "It seems that I am the only poor person present. I am sorry for everyone and am holding them back!"

After saying that, Ling Feng actually bowed deeply to everyone, and then said with a bright smile: "Since you all don't like it, I will reluctantly put it away. Anyway, you don't need this little thing, but I am really poor. , I’m really poor! Hahaha, thank you all for giving me this piece of Nine Realm Star Steel, thank you!”

After saying that, Ling Feng was not polite and directly threw the stone sculpture, including the stone pier below, into the Naling Ring.

For a moment, the entire audience was petrified!

Regardless of whether they are monsters or humans, the expressions on their faces have become extremely exciting.

That is a kind of thing that eats mosquitoes, eats ants, eats cockroaches...

No, that’s an even uglier look than eating dozens of bed bugs!

Damn, this is so shameless!

Is this what it means to be shameless and invincible?

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