Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2070 The Demon Chess of Life and Death! (3 updates)

"Depend on!"

"You're dead now!"

Everyone suddenly started yelling. Since it was a maze to strangle the demons, and the human race's deep hatred for the demons, wouldn't it mean that there was no way out.

"Don't be impatient!"

Yujun Yaoqing scolded and said slowly: "It still mentions the method of breaking the formation!"


Everyone was overjoyed and asked quickly: "What can we do?"

Yu Junyao frowned slightly and said slowly: "The inside of the Demon Chess of Life and Death is a huge maze, and it is shrouded in a layer of fog. Intruders cannot see clearly what is going on inside, and they cannot pass the maze."

"However, there is a mantra recorded on the stone tablet. As long as you recite the mantra silently, you can see through the fog and see the path within the chessboard clearly!"

"That's great!"

Someone immediately blurted out: "Miss Jade, what is that incantation? Please tell everyone!"

"I'm not done yet!"

Yu Junyao frowned and said slowly: "It's just that once the person who recited the incantation steps into the maze, he will become an ordinary person and will be attacked first by the monsters in the maze."


"Oh my God, this is so stupid!"

Everyone showed a hint of embarrassment, or they would enter the maze and become a "blind man".

Or, recite the incantation and gain vision, but at the cost of losing force.

The purpose of this is obvious. Someone must be the eye, lead others, and work together to have a chance to break through this "Devil Chess of Life and Death."

Who will be the eyes and who will be the guards requires mutual trust.

There is almost no such thing as trust among the demons, so for the demons, this life and death game is equivalent to a game of death.

However, if there are people who trust each other and cooperate with each other to enter the game together, there will be a chance to pass the chess game.

The fog deep inside the chessboard gradually spread, and even began to cover the space outside the chessboard.

"Hurry up and choose who will be the eyes, otherwise the fog will soon cover the stone tablet, and I can't remember such a long incantation!"

Yu Junyao urged urgently. There was no absolute trust among everyone, so no one dared to lose all their power in a place like this.

But if you don't select candidates with "eyes", everyone will be like headless flies, wandering around in the maze, and there will only be one end, and that is death!

"Red Fox, you can be the eyes!"

On the side of the demon clan, the young master Jin Jiao directly appointed the fox demon clan member to serve as the "eye" to guide the way.

On the contrary, the human race has not selected a suitable candidate for a long time.

"Damn it, you actually have to rely on others!"

Wen Renzhan snorted coldly, obviously unwilling to leave his fate to others.

However, he 7 dare not become the "eye". Once he loses his power, he will not be able to control his own life or death.

Soon, the fog gradually spread, and Yu Junyao gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "I'll do it!"

Zhuge Wan'er also clenched her fists and said in a deep voice: "I'll do it too, I'm not very strong, but my sense of direction is pretty good!"


Ling Feng looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Before I fall, I will never put you in danger!"

Ling Feng's strength is the strongest among all the warriors of all races, so naturally he cannot be used as an eye. Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er are considered more suitable candidates.

The other human warriors also said that they would protect the two girls. After all, without their "eyes", they would never be able to get out of the maze.

"Without further ado! As a person of 'Eye', read with me!"

Yu Junyao muttered a series of difficult and difficult spells, and Zhuge Wan'er had to reluctantly follow them. However, the warrior from the fox demon clan was sputtering and stammering, and could not follow them completely.

About thirty breaths later, Yu Junyao finished reciting the spell, and the mist completely enveloped the stone tablet.

Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er both had a flash of purple light in their eyes, and a diamond-shaped mark appeared between their eyebrows. The surrounding fog could no longer block their sight.

As for the others, almost all of them were blind, and all they could see were the figures a few steps away in front of them.

"Ouch! My eyes!"

The genius of the fox clan, because he recited the spell incorrectly, his whole eyes burned. In the end, not only was he unable to see through the fog, but he became truly blind.

In this way, the demon clan lost its last "eye".

For a moment, the demon clan was a little panicked, and the young master Jin Jiao hurriedly came over, staring closely at Yu Junyao, for fear of being out of sight.

"Human race, you have seen the current situation. You and I should put aside other grievances and work together to pass this level!"

Young Master Jin Jiao, with a righteous expression on his face, this guy can be considered to be quite thick-skinned.

"Cooperation is okay, just be obedient!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, but did not immediately break up with these monsters.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng looked at Yu Junyao and said in a deep voice: "How are you? How do you feel?"

"I feel very weak, but I can finally see clearly the condition of the pipe!"

As Yu Junyao said, a person who becomes an "eye" will have all his power temporarily sealed.

The current Yu Junyao is exactly the same as a mortal woman without any vitality.

Zhuge Wan'er on the side also felt weak and even seemed a little unsteady on her feet.

In their current situation, if they were separated from the protection of others, they would be dead.

"It seems you can't act independently."

Ling Feng thought for a while and found two human women in the crowd. They carried Yu Junyao and Zhuge Wan'er on their backs, while others protected them from behind and were responsible for keeping the two Yu Junyao girls safe.

"Okay! I'll arrange the order next."

Ling Feng withdrew his gaze and said expressionlessly: "The passage inside the chess game is very narrow, and no more than three people can walk in parallel. Chu Chaonan and I escorted Yu Junyao to open the way in front, followed by the human race, Miss Zhuge in the middle, and then the demon Clan, as for Wenren Zhan, you are at the back!”

As soon as this arrangement was announced, Wen Renzhan immediately protested: "Ling Feng, you are just avenging a personal vendetta, why should I be at the back?"


Ling Feng glanced at Wen Renzhan coldly and said in a cold voice: "I don't think you are pleasing to the eye!"

Ling Feng had long seen that this Wen Renzhan was narrow-minded and selfish. As long as he is in the human camp, there is no guarantee that he will not do things to harm others in order to protect himself.

Only by leaving him behind the demon clan and separated from others can Ling Feng feel at ease.


Ling Feng's words immediately choked Wen Renzhan, anger surged in his eyes, and he was obviously very unwilling.

Ling Feng's eyes were cold, "If you are not convinced, you can choose to leave the team yourself!"

Wenren Zhan clenched his fists tightly, feeling secretly resentful in his heart and stopped talking.

Leaving the team at this time is truly a dead end.

As for the demon clan, although Young Master Jin Jiao also protested, he wanted to be ranked among the human clan to avoid being dumped by the human clan.

However, Ling Feng still said, "Either obey or get out!"

Even though Young Master Jin Jiao was angry, he did not dare to fight Ling Feng in this situation.

The final result of a fight at this time is that both sides will be injured, and if you are injured here, the consequences will be death.

Young Master Jin Jiao gritted his teeth and swore secretly in his heart: Ling Feng, when you leave this place, you will be crushed to ashes!

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