Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 2071 Demonic Corpse! (1 update)

Soon, under Ling Feng's arrangement, everyone lined up in order, with the human army in front, the demon army behind, and Wen Renzhan at the back of the team.

Young Master Jin Jiao looked solemn, lowered his voice and said to the demon geniuses around him: "Follow those humans closely to prevent them from playing tricks!"

The human race cannot trust the demon clan, and the demon clan cannot trust the human race either.

If they were not in a dangerous situation, neither clan would dare to fight and lose both sides, and the conflict between the two sides would have already broken out.

Ling Feng also knew the female monk responsible for carrying Yu Junyao, she was Linghu Ying from the Linghu family.

As an outstanding child of the Linghu family, the elders of the Linghu family also took her with them when they came to the Bloody Ancient Road this time.

But at this moment, Linghu Ying's heart was filled with fear. If she could be given a chance to choose, she would not be willing to enter the Blood Road Secret Realm even if she was killed.

Although Linghu Ying looks weak and slender, she is a strong person in the imperial realm after all. It is naturally not difficult to carry a Yujun Yao on her back.

However, Linghuying felt that her legs were shaking slightly at the thought of being the first to carry a "oil bottle" on her back.

Ling Feng saw this, although he was slightly worried, but most of the other female monks were just like Linghu Ying, trembling with fear. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be much better.

With a sigh, Ling Feng said in a deep voice: "Miss Yu, what's going on ahead!"

The fog spread more and more, and everyone had no way out, so they had no choice but to move forward.

And as the fog shrouded, everyone could not see clearly what was ahead, let alone find the passage within the chess game.

If you don't have "eyes", you will definitely get lost in the chess game and never be able to escape.

"Go forward first! Go five squares!"

There was a hint of weakness on Yujunyao's face. She had lost all her strength. She only felt that her body had become extremely heavy. However, the diamond-shaped mark between her eyebrows flickered with purple light, allowing her to clearly see everything in front of her. .

At this time, everyone was at the entrance of the chess game. Black and white chess pieces were scattered all over the place, forming a huge maze.


Ling Feng drew out and wiped out all directions, and used his sword to open a path ahead. The smoke was shrouded in front of his eyes, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Ling Feng could only slow down as much as possible, and every step must be guided by Yu Junyao.

Fortunately, the ground under everyone's feet was a chessboard with squares and squares. Yu Junyao roughly described the length of the chessboard. You only need to follow the direction she directed and walk forward, backward, left, and right as many squares as you want, and basically there will be no mistakes.

As soon as Ling Feng took action, the people behind him immediately followed. Except for Zhuge Wan'er and Yu Junyao, everyone else became "blind" and could only follow one by one, otherwise they would be lost in the world. Within this chess game.

After arriving at the destination, Ling Feng asked again, "What's the next step? Which direction? Distance?"

Yu Junyao looked forward and gritted her teeth: "I'm not sure how to crack this maze, so I can only try it first!"

"Just show me the way!"

Ling Feng's nerves were extremely tense, and all he could do at the moment was to believe in Yu Junyao.

"Then, try three squares to the left first, and then seven squares forward!" Yu Junyao said solemnly: "My field of vision is only about ten squares at most."

Ling Feng lowered his head gently and opened the way forward with his sword, taking every step carefully.

Fortunately, for the time being, there does not seem to be any hidden danger.

However, just when Ling Feng took three steps to the left, his eyes flashed, and he seemed to see a black shadow in the fog, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ling Feng's pupils shrank and he suddenly stopped.

With his own intuition, Ling Feng could feel that something was staring at him in the thick fog!

It was a gaze that was primitive and ferocious, full of hunger and desire.

Like a beast, but a little more weird than a beast.

"Why did you stop?"

Yu Junyao quickly waved to Zhuge Waner behind to signal everyone to stop. Zhuge Waner saw Yu Junyao's signal and also conveyed the message back.

In such a narrow passage, as long as one person is not paying attention, it is likely to cause a collision between the front and rear.

If someone messes up the position again and attacks randomly, it will end in a situation of cannibalism.

"Miss Jade, did you see anything weird in the fog just now?"

In order to avoid causing panic, Ling Feng lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

Yu Junyao made a thump in her heart, raised her eyes and looked around, and shook her head slowly for a while: "No, I didn't see anything. Brat, are you too suspicious?"


Ling Feng frowned. Although his spiritual sense and infinite vision were blocked, he believed in his intuition.

Moreover, it is also mentioned in the stone tablet outside that there is a certain kind of special monster in the chess game of the Demon of Life and Death, and it will give priority to attacking those who have gained vision.

Although Yu Junyao can see through the fog, after all, she has become an ordinary person and what she can see is very limited.

Seeing Ling Feng's expression, which was extremely solemn, Yu Junyao's heart sank, and she said in a deep voice: "What, did you see something?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly: "I'm afraid there are more than just us in the chess game. In short, be careful!"

"Could it be that we encountered the demon corpse in the chess game so soon?"

Yu Junyao seemed to remember something, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

"Demon corpse?" Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Is it the monster in the chess game?"


Yu Junyao nodded slightly, "This Demonic Chess of Life and Death was originally a killing formation used to exterminate demons in ancient times. Demons who die in the chess game will become walking zombies and will wipe out all living creatures that intrude into the chess game. . If I’m not wrong, there may be extremely powerful demon corpses in the chess game, and there may even be ancestral level demon corpses!”

"Ancestral... ancestral realm?"

Ling Feng's eyelids were twitching wildly. If he encountered a demon corpse from the ancestral realm, wouldn't he definitely die?

Chu Chaonan also swallowed hard and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "This ghost chess game is going to force us to a dead end!"

"But don't worry too much."

Yu Junyao said in a deep voice: "Those demon corpses rely on devouring flesh and blood to maintain their own strength. Now this secret realm of the Blood Road has been sealed for countless thousands of years. The demon corpses inside do not have flesh and blood to maintain their own strength. They should not be too strong." ”

Despite this, the uneasiness in Ling Feng's heart still did not dissipate.

It is said that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if those demon corpses are extremely weak, they are still not easy to deal with.

What's more, there are so many creatures here, and after they have devoured enough flesh and blood, they will become even more difficult to deal with.

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